Mango bugs/complaints thread

Well my only problem with mango is that WLM contacts don't show as online even when they are and it keeps telling me the person is offline and i should try sms and or fb but if I try to send a message anyways it does go through and they can even reply to me just fine. It's pretty weird.

Anyone have a fix?
Not sure whether this is a Mango-specific bug or not, but it is a definite (epically bad) bug with Verizon Trophy.

The Trophy is a world phone, and travels OUT of the US with no problem. However, upon return TO the US, the only way to restore US data service is a full hard reset. See related thread in the Trophy forum (I do not know how to link to it here -- my apologies!). I am running RTM Mango, with no sign of update yet from Verizon, and no success with the infamous 'force' method. Several others who posted in the other thread had identical problem: no data at all, no 3G, no nothing upon return to US, until hard reset. Support could not explain and could not find a solution.

Have other Windows phone models (non-Trophy) had this problem? If so, perhaps a Microsoft bug... if not, perhaps a VZW-specific bug. Either way, a world phone that cannot make international transition in both directions is a pretty big failure as a world phone.
Is there firmware update for some of this problems or still nothing? MS is taking steady approach with other updates, and fixing only major problems like keyboard problem or LG problem. The rest is inconclusive. Have somebody notices battery problems with their LGE900, problem with battery life and wrong battery indication?
there have been reports on several devices. Have you tried running the battery all the way down and recharging. Sometimes that resolves the issue and recalibrates the battery so it shows proper charge level. Check you background agents programs and close them that should help the battery level stay higher and if you are using the light (white) background switch to the dark (black) it uses less power. Not sure about the firmware update Havent gotten it yet for my focus! Good luckl
Lately when I am typing out a text in non landscape mode. Sometimes the keyboard will keep dropping off on me.

Sent from my mwp6985 using Board Express
Lately when I am typing out a text in non landscape mode. Sometimes the keyboard will keep dropping off on me.

Sent from my mwp6985 using Board Express

Non-landscape = Portrait

I believe that is an issue they are looking into, but it is completely hardware related.
I believe thats its been traced to background agents. If you turn off the background ability in one or more of the programs shown in settings application background the issue will resolve itself I think MS is working on a permanent fix hopefully it will be taken care of in Tango 1 or 2.
- Subscribed/Imported Calendars (in the live calendar) don't show up properly!
- GMail delete button only archives (if I want to archive something, I'll move it to the archive folder; if I hit the trash can button, I want it in the trash!)
- Office only syncs notes and no word/excel files
- Sucks more data than iOS and Android combined.
- Bing Maps in Switzerland has neither public transport nor any local scout results (just integrate the damn Nokia maps instead of making a 3rd party app)
- LG Optimus 7 cannot connect to one WiFi network I know; password is 100% correct and network is visible, but it tells me the password is incorrect.

- Cannot change the region of a Zune Account (got a Swiss credit card and an American Zune Account; can't buy anything and can't switch)
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Mango does not support EAP-TLS wireless authentication. This is a huge miss and very enterprise-unfriendly.
"Hate that there is not a separate volume for media and Ringer volume".

I agree.

I also do not like how I cant use voice applications while my ear buds are plugged in.. In fact my earbuds only pic up sound from media.. I dont think I can use them just while talking on the phone..

Having to remember to turn up the volume all the way up before I go to bed so I can hear the alarm clock sucks.. Cause then on the train ride when I pop on earbuds and press play.. WHAAMM music is loud.. Its a small complaint but I am suprised there is no individual volume controls. They need to add that.
One new thing that seemed to crop up. My letters are not capitalizing when they should, or like they used to.
It'd be nice if battery saver lowered screen brightness.

Also, wish the keyboard light would stay on when the keyboard is slid out.
Dialing extensions.
I have many work contacts saved to my phone. On the Blackberry if you saved a contact with an extension - using x161 for example - the phone would pause and dial the extension as well. My Windows phone won't do this. Does anybody know of a fix or app for this?
Deleting call history.
I would like to be able to delete a particular call in my History, but not necessarily all the calls from that number. Blackberry would allow for that option.
Deleting call history.
I would like to be able to delete a particular call in my History, but not necessarily all the calls from that number. Blackberry would allow for that option.

Are yours grouped together??? I have a new entry for every time I make or receive a call. I press, hold and the option to delete that one particular call pops up.
- Subscribed/Imported Calendars (in the live calendar) don't
- LG Optimus 7 cannot connect to one WiFi network I know; password is 100% correct and network is visible, but it tells me the password is incorrect.

I have had this issue, but after couple of tries, i have successively connect my phone to WiFi. Be sure that there are big letters in the password. That might be a problem :)
Are yours grouped together??? I have a new entry for every time I make or receive a call. I press, hold and the option to delete that one particular call pops up.

Awesome. Thanks for the tip. Now if I can only figure out how to dial extensions from my contact list?
It is absolutely ridiculous that the HTC Arrive's manual says it'll split up texts bigger than 160 characters and yet it still does not do that.
It is absolutely ridiculous that the HTC Arrive's manual says it'll split up texts bigger than 160 characters and yet it still does not do that.

You have Mango or NoDo? Maybe is the version you are using, because default version (before NoDo) that comes on some HTC phones has original separation text...

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