Mango for 1.4??

Congratulation you can?t relies i was answering another post....

you guys ever read? or do you only ask question and hope people find the answers for you..

update to roll out early to mid November.

Random tangents aren't necessary. If you want to ramble and banter nonsensically, feel free to send private messages to whomever you're speaking with.

And thanks for providing that date without any reference. Real helpful.
I agree, and in pissed too
I am seriously pissed at Samsung and Microsoft. I bought my Focus after the issues surrounding updates had already been brought to Microsoft's attention, but I never saw or heard anything about the issue until I had purchased my phone and went to update it. No notice was given when I bought the phone about issues, they just kept rolling them out, and I (and plenty of other people) have had to sit around and wait forever on MS and Samsung and AT&T while everyone else gets the NoDo and Mango updates...

Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express
You can't use an "S" on the end of "carrier" AND "suck" in this sentence.

It should be "your carrier sucks..." or "your carriers suck."

I understand it's a pretty weird grammar rule, i lived overseas, so i understand how hard that can be for non-english speakers, but FYI.
Way to be an a hole.. That's proper English... No?

Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express
Whilst listening this week's episode of the 'TWiT' Windows Weekly Podcast, Paul Thurrott revealed some information as to what it is about the 1.4 that makes it different in comparison to the other revisions.

What he said was "I can't tell you who told me this .. just suffice to say it was someone at Microsoft. One of the big questions about Windows Phone and Updates involves this Samsung Focus 1.4 version firmware, and as all these updates come out that's the one version of the Samsung Focus that never gets updated, and everybody wonders why. What I was told -and I was actualyl kinda fascinated by this- the differences between a 1.4 focus and the other revisions of the product, is almost infintesimly small, in fact it boils down to a single certificate inside the device that somehow manages to screw everything up. so it's not actually a dramatically different device from a hardware perspective, it's literally a cert inside that is screwing things up somehow. I don't know if it's ever gonna be fixed beyond 7.5 if they can get those updates out faster or whatever [...] it's apparently not a huge deal but it is causing big problems."

They go on to discuss this a little more- but that's the main segment of interest. If you want to have a listen, on the audio version of the podcast it's at about 19.09.

Their (novel) suggestion for getting around the issue is basically to complain to the operator, and see if you can get yourself a replacement Focus of a different revision.

Windows Weekly | TWiT.TV
It may just be a certificate issue. But, and they might work on that after the majority gets the updates, which is fine. But, the thing is, 1.4's not in the US have had the update for a while now actually.

What I suspect that it really is, is that the minor fix they had to do, they got it done in a short period of time. But, it then was ready when Apple was releasing the updates for the iPhone, and ATT wanted that to go as smooth as can be so they are not releasing the Focus update until the majority of people get their Apple update, to not clog their servers and such.

Because they have essentially said the update has been done for a while now, and that it is in "testing" phase.
i have done a whole lot of research on this and i read alot of places people with 1.4 are on mango already. BUT those which are unlocked from factory like people who bought from dell. so even though we have unlocked att still there are some restrictions of them still remaining on our phone, if probably if removed we will be able to get to mango?
i have done a whole lot of research on this and i read alot of places people with 1.4 are on mango already. BUT those which are unlocked from factory like people who bought from dell. so even though we have unlocked att still there are some restrictions of them still remaining on our phone, if probably if removed we will be able to get to mango?

even i read the same , i even read someone suggesting to DEBRAND the phone so that it receives update. My phone is AT&T unlocked , im using in india. anyone know anything about debranding ??
I've been researching "De-branding" for a couple of days but my paramount concern is that the update that comes down after the procedure could be the RC2 version of Mango, instead. My phone is already unlocked but still has AT&T branding that I'd love nothing more than to remove. I want to know if a developer build of Mango gets pushed or not? As long as it is a fully functional OS then I'd guess it is fine.

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i did try debranding, i also moved till the stage where i got a notification that there is a mangk update! But then the damn thing would get stuck in the restarting ur device step which is step six. Then i realized the connect to pc thing (which you can go to by switching on the phone and holding the camera button) was messed up. I had to flash back to 7004 and update back to 7392. So ultumately it was a failure! :-( Maybe someone can tip me on this?
Tired of waiting. I'm about ready to go into an AT&T store and demand a 1.3 in exchange for my wife's phone.

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