it really is an amazing update, and it's not even the official, fully baked version of the mango update ...
i'm not a ******, i've had webOS, android, iOS and blackberry (and loved,liked,liked and hated - respectively) ... i'm open to any OS ... i am just extremely happy and excited for wp7 ...
i get really tired of reading and hearing people say that there are only 2 major players in the smartphone market ... well MAYBE i can see that if you're saying RIGHT THIS INSTANT ... but if people would just get their heads out of their butts ... (saw a study where 34% of iphone users thought they already had 4G access ... uggh, case in point) ... DON'T just take the salesperson's word for it, try them all ...
having had all 4 of the major players (in the US anyway), i've realized something ... it's all about WHATS BUILT IN ... and wp7 is BUILDING IT IN with mango ... no need for the crap apps that do the little things like facebook chatting or windows live IMing ... no need for the shop-savvys or YARFs of the world that just clutter up the grid of app lists ...
people are just so brainwashed by Jobs or get sucked into the suckiness of Google+ and think that the integration with all that is all that's out there ... come on MS, take a page from Nokia who's about to drop millions on advertising ...
sorry for the rant ... just really love where this wp7 stuff is going and don't want to see what is happening to my other "favorite" webOS