Method for the transfer of music from home PC to Lumia without USB cable


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Jul 2, 2012
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My main media PC sits in my basement and does not have a monitor attached (just a small build in LCD touchscreen) and I download a number of podcasts daily which I then transfer to my phone so I can listen to them while I'm driving. I just bought a lumia 820 3 weeks ago. I'm coming from a BB torch 9800. I am seriously disappointed in the lack of the ability to transfer MP3's etc.. to my new phone via my home WiFi. This is something I've been doing with my BB for a couple years and I didn't realize these new phones weren't going to use Zune which has transfer via WiFi same as BB.

OK, So I know this method isn't wonderful or fast but at least I don't need to sit at my PC and plug in constantly.

Since I still have my old BB I transfer the files to my BB first which is done on Wifi so it only takes a couple minutes. Then I transfer them to my Lumia via bluetooth. Not very elegant but it's working.BT is slow but I can at least do it while I'm shaving or having my morning coffee and no need to plug in. I did try a direct BT transfer from my PC but the BT signal is too weak to reach my second floor in the house, At least with the cheap USB BT dongle I used. If I find a better one I'll give that another try.

If anyone has a better way to acheive the same thing I'm all ears.


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Jun 26, 2011
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My suggestion would be to get your files to sync-up with your MS Account cloud storage. There is also the option of using a remote PC access app. Not sure if you can transfer files via those apps.


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Jul 2, 2012
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My suggestion would be to get your files to sync-up with your MS Account cloud storage. There is also the option of using a remote PC access app. Not sure if you can transfer files via those apps.

Thanks, I'd like to avoid the cloud if possible just so I don't eat up my internet bandwidth transferring the same file 3 times. So far I'm not overly impressed with Skydrive and I'm not sure I'll keep using it. I'v elooked a some of the free VNC and RDP apps but haven't found one that would do a file transfer yet.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Do you have PCs not in your basement? You could map a network drive (or use NFS or whatever) to share the files on the media server, and then sync them to your phone via a cable from the other PC.


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Nov 22, 2012
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Zune was perfect for what you're talking about and would have done this all automatically but I'm given to understand it only works for WP7 now. Teamviewer is a decent RDP type application that does file transfers but I'm going to second mapping the network drive. That way you can add the remote podcast folders to a podcast library on your pc and not notice any difference.


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Dec 27, 2013
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You may wirelessly transfer/copy music files to your Windows Phone via a web browser using the updated version of Music Drop by Codeceptive Studios. The first version was great but the new one is even better! And what's best about this app: it's fast, efficient and most of all free ;-)

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