MetroTube vs SuperTube vs Others?

I've seen apps that I've had being pulled from the Marketplace and they even disappear from your download history.

Don't think i've had any purchased ones so can't vouch for them remaining, I don't think they do though because I remember a couple of XBox live game titles being pulled after their license had expired and I'm sure users who had purchased them could no longer download them.

That sucks... A lot of users will be forced to pay for another app if they have to start fresh on their current or new device.

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The statement by the MetroTube devs says:

"YouTube?s current API does not have any documented methods for obtaining high quality video content. We have been using a workaround to obtain this content and it has recently come to our attention that this may not be sustainable in the long term, hence our decision to stop distributing the apps."

Does anyone know if SuperTube does something different to stream HD/HQ videos, or if they also use a similar workaround? Could this move be a precursor to SuperTube's demise, as well?

Not good if we get left with that lame browser skin masquerading as an app.
Hmmm. Thanks for the info, gang. I guess now I gotta decide if I'll have my titan long enough to justify one dollar. Haha.

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I was upset when I saw the announcement. I just downloaded and purchased the software yesterday for the first time.
I was considering buying Metrotube.... ehhh.

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I get the impression that Lazyworm just doesn't want to tread in the grey area of the legalities. The developers behind SuperTube and EasyTube have absolutely no problem doing that - they are in fact extreme, as demonstrated by the ability to download the videos.

I much prefer Metrotube as it stands since I don't have enough storage space to keep many offline videos (making it a non-feature) and because of the superior layout.

I've been given some sneak peeks at an upcoming update to SuperTube, and it's an improvement. I'm going to try and give them some direction in terms of interface, though I fear I will end up advising them to rip Metrotube :/
I get the impression that Lazyworm just doesn't want to tread in the grey area of the legalities. The developers behind SuperTube and EasyTube have absolutely no problem doing that - they are in fact extreme, as demonstrated by the ability to download the videos.

I've been given some sneak peeks at an upcoming update to SuperTube, and it's an improvement. I'm going to try and give them some direction in terms of interface, though I fear I will end up advising them to rip Metrotube :/

Oh that is absolutely the case, and I hate them (Lazyworm) for that. If they grew a pair they'd just keep patching it. Stuff like that only becomes a problem when you get served. I can see how they wouldn't want to build a following and then disappoint their fan base, but honestly, I don't think most people would hate them for that if at that point it's blatantly Google's fault for not adding more specificity in their Terms of Service or opening up the API.

As for SuperTube, who cares. It's Lazyworm's loss for not keeping their app going.
Which do you use and why? Which one do you prefer (especially if you have both/multiple)?
By far, I prefer MetroTube. Aside from being able to pin ANYTHING from within the app, down to individual YouTube videos (I have some songs pinned to play for my baby son) it's so much better designed, and works better as well, in my opinion.

However, rumor has it that MetroTube isn't going to be supported any more, so I've downloaded SuperTube in case MetroTube stops working. The other (dubious) advantage of SuperTube is that it allows users to upload videos from their phone.

I'd say, go with MetroTube. It's just excellent.

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