I got a replacement device, and I signed in with my Microsoft account. Everything works fine, I can download apps, etc. But it says Attention required, and it gave me an error code. I thought it was the devices fault, so I asked for another replacement phone, but this had the same issue. It doesn't do this on the Lumia I want replaced. Why?
Btw, it synced for a bit, then gave me the error code. Not all my text messages are backed up.
Here is the screenshot of the error code. https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=DDF1DD9F8525461E!1185&authkey=!AHOtXwfgaiYC91g&v=3
Please help! Thanks.
Btw, it synced for a bit, then gave me the error code. Not all my text messages are backed up.
Here is the screenshot of the error code. https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=DDF1DD9F8525461E!1185&authkey=!AHOtXwfgaiYC91g&v=3
Please help! Thanks.