Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is an unplayable mess after a disastrous and disgraceful launch on Xbox and PC

Unfortunately the only thing that is tarnished is your credibility because it's clear that you have no idea what's going on, and in fact a lesson why people should never trust a reporter point of view. they think they know everything when in fact knows nothing. The sad part is Microsoft and Asobo went out their way to develop a simulator for everyone from real sims to casual fly from behind airplane gamers and because of that there is millions of people waiting to get their hands on and experience the greatest undertaking in flight stimulation with the new generation simulator and because of that servers did get overwhelmed on launch day which was expected base on the hype ..wait a few days and then comeback and try it out. You talking about don't recommend buying the game is just overblown and outright wrong it's not like it's a bad game, no its just a bad day one launch with hiccup which no company is immune from server overload.
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Unfortunately the only thing that is tarnished is your credibility because it's clear that you have no idea what's going on, and in fact a lesson why people should never trust a reporter point of view. they think they know everything when in fact knows nothing. The sad part is Microsoft and Asobo went out their way to develop a simulator for everyone from real sims to casual fly from behind airplane gamers and because of that there is millions of people waiting to get their hands on and experience the greatest undertaking in flight stimulation with the new generation simulator and because of that servers did get overwhelmed on launch day which was expected base on the hype ..wait a few days and then comeback and try it out. You talking about don't recommend buying the game is just overblown and outright wrong it's not like it's a bad game, no its just a bad day one launch with hiccup which no company is immune from server overload.

I suppose on the Internet people are routinely rude, but this looks like a troll response that didn't even read the article. The author already acknowledged everything you said and explained that he expected these are launch issues, not permanent problems. Having said that, launch issues are still issues, and issues that suggest a premature launch (else, there would not have been launch issues).

If MS failed to have sufficient server capacity for a huge wave of traffic, at a minimum, that reflects insufficient capacity for the launch. Without technical analysis, it may be tough to distinguish between that (insufficient server capacity) and improperly optimized or buggy code, but any review must acknowledge and describe problems the reviewer encountered.

In your criticism of this review, what do you think the author should have done differently while still providing an objective review?
In my humble opionion your headline was spot on for the experience I had yesterday. 24 hours has changed my experience a lot however ! This evening I have had an absolutely stunning experience on my Xbox Series x. Graphics and performance on a high level- although a few bugs here and there- but appears less and less frequently throughout the evening. Looks to me like a truly phenomenal simulator - when all the launch day issues have been solved!
Sensationalist, clickbait headlines aside (which BTW Windows Central has shown not to be above morally, which is sad to see), those are day one launch woes for one of the biggest games on Earth. And it's working as intended now.

I understand how press works, and how clicks are earned, I get it all. But honestly this site should do better than selling crap, hate, and ridiculous takes for the sake of engagement. How can you be proud of writing things like this? Which amount to basically lies and grossly underestimating your readership's intelligence ar best, and opinion manipulation towards hate at worst.
Personally I'd say I'm having a fantastic time with the game. I played a day late and missed the launch problems. Smooth sailing from the start for me. Started on my Series S and I did not believe when my console said it had installed just under 30 gigs for it. Game looked great but not amazing. More than butter smooth experience though. I then jumped to my Legono Legion go to try out on PC. Still only 30 gigs and on PC there's the modes to switch between. I was told ultra is more GPU heavy and takes the most bandwidth. I'm lucky enough to have no cap and pay for fiber and a 6E wifi router, so I had to try it out. Despite my fears how the Lenovo Legion Go would handle it, it played great. Not butter smooth, but it looked gorgeous and was more than playable (in the future probably definitely a lower setting 😂).

Really curious to try it on cloud gaming and see if it being fully in the cloud massively changes things. Anyway, I'm lovin it. Really I don't know why Xbox does use this tech for gaming more. Like a imagine a whole world or universe built into the cloud. But not even that far, what if they just like you do like flight sim for other games and download part of the game and then stream the rest of it. Like it'd be so amazing if I could download the necessary bits to make the game playable and then all the high end 4k textures I stream. Would sure save space and it'd be a better experience than just playing a game entirely in the cloud.

On the game's stunted launch, so I did see the post after with Asobo studios apology and the reason why. That they stress tested for just 200k people is insane to me and a little hilarious as they and possibly Xbox were really expecting this game to stay niche. Despite the 30 million plus Game Pass subs (not all ultimate or PC though) and all the newly interested gamers since it came to xbox. Really this was the first same day PC, Cloud, and Console release and the entry that looked the most like a game, on top of being a massive success in its niche, so underestimating popularity was a mistake on the studios fault and Xbox's for not verifying it was really for launch in case it got popular. But at the same time, I will say there's no point beating a dead horse. I really hope a day one Lauch issue doesn't become this game's legacy. It's not even still a problem anymore
Unfortunately the only thing that is tarnished is your credibility because it's clear that you have no idea what's going on, and in fact a lesson why people should never trust a reporter point of view. they think they know everything when in fact knows nothing. The sad part is Microsoft and Asobo went out their way to develop a simulator for everyone from real sims to casual fly from behind airplane gamers and because of that there is millions of people waiting to get their hands on and experience the greatest undertaking in flight stimulation with the new generation simulator and because of that servers did get overwhelmed on launch day which was expected base on the hype ..wait a few days and then comeback and try it out. You talking about don't recommend buying the game is just overblown and outright wrong it's not like it's a bad game, no its just a bad day one launch with hiccup which no company is immune from server overload.

>Microsoft and Asobo went out their way to develop a simulator for everyone from real sims to casual fly from behind airplane gamers

This is why the game is held to a higher standard than a specific simulator released exclusively for a niche audience, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is a day-one Game Pass title with marketing. It's asking new gamers to play, and those curious onlookers should be able to gauge how the game runs before buying a copy/signing up for Game Pass subs.

>servers did get overwhelmed on launch day which was expected base on the hype ..wait a few days and then comeback and try it out

"Chalking the experience up to server overloading that often happens with big game launches" comes directly from my review.

>You talking about don't recommend buying the game is just overblown and outright wrong it's not like it's a bad game, no its just a bad day one launch with hiccup which no company is immune from server overload.

My conclusion covers all of this. In fact, the majority of my review is focused on the launch experience, that's why I didn't award the game with a score so not to mislead people. I don't know what else to tell you.

Sensationalist, clickbait headlines aside (which BTW Windows Central has shown not to be above morally, which is sad to see), those are day one launch woes for one of the biggest games on Earth. And it's working as intended now.

I understand how press works, and how clicks are earned, I get it all. But honestly this site should do better than selling crap, hate, and ridiculous takes for the sake of engagement. How can you be proud of writing things like this? Which amount to basically lies and grossly underestimating your readership's intelligence ar best, and opinion manipulation towards hate at worst.

>basically lies and grossly underestimating your readership's intelligence ar best

There's literally nothing sensationalist about my headline, the game didn't work for the majority of players for the first 24 hours and issues persist today. Again, I didn't give the game a low score because I don't feel that's fair, I just reported on the state of the game to inform potential buyers.

None of my article contains any lies, that's why I included so many screenshots. It doesn't come from a place of hate, it's from disappointment. I love this series and was sad to see the latest game launch in this state, but repeatedly say that I'm going to revisit the game when it's patched up and update this review.

Happy to discuss this with anyone else, but you have to be serious. Don't read the headline and make assumptions, read the whole article and we'll chat about it.

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