Microsoft Funny Translator


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Dec 31, 2015
:wink: See how MS Translator translated this French email into English:

Suite à la levée de l'arrêté préfectoral, les lignes du réseau Les Mouettes reprennent progressivement leur fonctionnement normal. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

Following the lifting of the order of the prefect, the lines of the network the seagulls gradually resume their normal functioning. We thank you for your understanding.

Note: Les Mouettes is registered name of a transportation company in France.
Funny. I dropped this into Bing Translate and all I got was a 3 dot ellipsis. It had no idea with to do. It did notice it was French but that is as far as it went. Same with Google Translate. Me thinks the language translate game has some work to do yet.
My Google Translator on Firefox did it as:

Following the lifting of the prefectural decree, the lines of the Les Mouettes network are gradually resuming their normal functioning. Thank you for your understanding.
Suite à la levée de l'arrêté préfectoral, les lignes du réseau Les Mouettes reprennent progressivement leur fonctionnement normal. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

MS Stupid Translator:grincry::
Following the lifting of the order of the prefect, the lines of the network the seagulls gradually resume their normal functioning. We thank you for your understanding.
Not sure if for French language but Google is deploying neural network algorithms to translator. Should make it much better. Wonder how MS will react. Hopefully by extending Skype realtime translation to more languages.
Nous vous informons qu'en raison des intempéries et de la fermeture exceptionnelle du Lycée de la Mer de Bourcefranc le Chapus mardi 7 et mercredi 8 février 2017 suite aux dégâts occasionnés, une organisation particulière des lignes de transport a été mise en place : Les lignes 401 (sens retour), 406, 408, 409 (sens retour), 412, 415, 415-1 et 421 seront suspendues mardi 07 et mercredi 08 février 2017. La ligne d'internes 481 sera réalisée le mercredi 8 février au départ de "Saintes - Gare SNCF" à l'horaire habituel. ⇒ Information voyageurs comprenant les lignes suspendues le 07/02 et 08/02

MS Funny Translator:
We inform you that due to bad weather and exceptional high school of the CC Bourcefranc sea closed Tuesday 7 and Wednesday, February 8, 2017 as a result of the damage, a special organization of the transmission lines has been implemented: lines 401 (way back), 406, 408, 409 (way back), 412, 415, 415-1 and 421 will be suspended Tuesday 07 and Wednesday 08 February 2017. The internal 481 line will be conducted Wednesday, February 8 at the start of "Holy - train station" to the usual schedule. ⇒ Passenger Information including the suspended lines 07/02 and 08/02 :winktongue:

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