Not sure what you want me to do with that. I'd point out that my "political" comment (I'd say it's really more fiscal than political, but fair enough) was a response to other comments in an effort to bring us together over a hopeful common goal -- reducing the debt in this case. I did not initiate, but, to your point, I also didn't ignore them, which I could have.
Regardless, did I say something with which you disagree? If so, challenge me on the facts. If I'm wrong, always happy to be corrected and learn something new. I don't think something is ever "BS," as you put it, merely for agreeing with one side, the other side, or both sides. Unless the point is in reference to a statistical analysis on opinions of others, something is either right (paying interest on debt takes money away from other options) or wrong (the Earth's atmosphere has more oxygen than nitrogen) or just a valid opinion (I prefer Xbox to PS and Windows to Mac OS) on its own merits, independent of what others think.
Nothing wrong with different opinions, but the required interest payments taking money away from other programs when carrying a high debt is not a matter of opinion. Now, you might hold other matters to be a higher priority, which is an absolutely fair opinion to have. No objection if that's yours. But at the same time, I'd hope we could agree that all else being equal, reducing the deficit and then the national debt would be a good thing.