Microsoft Kill Viet Nam Developer

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New member
Nov 29, 2015
Hello friends,
Recently, I have received reports from some friends from Vietnam. They are the developer's platform Wp, and me too. As far as I know, recently, a series of Vietnam Developer applications are automatically updated, although the developers do not do any updates at all operations. After examining the latest Microsoft applications are automatically updated are hidden from the store, can not search that can only be accessed via deep links. When we contact supporter, they responded that our application is still normal and suggested we share the link on social networks and websites. How do you think if an application can not be found on the store? It's like a discarded furniture.
This problem occurs with many programmers Vietnam and even I was the victim of microsoft. My application with over 1,000 downloads a day and over 30k review, before granting sneaky microsoft update my application, I can easily search your application, because my app in the top keyword . After being hidden from the store, I did not receive any application downloaded from 4 consecutive days my application downloads and revenues have my word seriously reduced. Applications respectively in accounts microsoft hidden from the store. And now all my applications are hidden and can not be found. Many, many, many of my friends have encountered a similar situation, they became furious because of the way the microsoft. Microsoft did not provide the resolution and rational explanation for us. I think Microsoft is deliberately killing Vietnam developer community. Windows Phone is the first operating system in its infancy and needs a team of programmers, but how do we microsoft extremely disappointed. You're killing loyalists, who have love with this operating system.
Either internally by Microsoft have a department we hate programmers Vietnam. There is a distinction between the developer and the developer Vietnam world! We feel deprived of labor, stripped of what we deserve from what we have the constitution.
If our application has violated the law, then please send us an email before you kill our application. Please stop action surreptitiously hide our app!
Replace worn Vietnam Windows Phone community is furious I would like to send this letter to Microsoft center!


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
Apologies you're not speaking directly to Microsoft here at Windows Central.
This is an enthusiast website that reports all things Microsoft/Windows/Windows Mobile.
Mobile Nations has no official affiliation with Microsoft so to speak.

You will need to contact Microsoft directly.

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