Microsoft Lumia 650 Camera bad quality after refinishing


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Jul 27, 2017
Hello all,

Since i bought the Microsoft Lumia 650 (which should have a 8 MP camera), but i keep getting picture where the quality is not that great.

As soon as i take the picture it is ok, but then suddenly when opening the picture i get this message on top saying "Bijna klaar..." (which means "Almost Done...") and once this is done, the picture is adapted the quality is horrible. It seems that the Camera App doesn't use the original photo but it already does some "finishing touches" for you, but its making it bad.

I tried with HDR on, off, manual mode, ... but it just always does that.

Can this be fixed, or is there something i can do to make the pictures better?

Thanks alot for your response.

Hello BethlehemSteel,

I tried with both, but nothing seems to help. He keeps "refinishing" this picture to make it look bad.

How about posting the problematic photos here. We might get a clear perspective.

... !
I bought a 650 back about 8 months ago; I was very unpleasantly surprised by the very poor camera quality. I was using an ATIV SE, which has an amazing camera, and an 830, which also has an amazing camera. Since then, I've moved up to a 950 XL, which has the best camera on the market; I keep my 650 as a back up; so I update it every once in a while. I'll take a pic or two, and still see very weak, unfocused, undetailed pics. The camera struggles terribly with focus; it fights itself. I wouldn't expect too much from the shooter on this device...

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