Microsoft owes us that have stuck with them since Windows Phone 7 and even beyond!!!

Even I had been a windows phone from the very start, keeping trust in Microsoft that will provide some fascinating features in redstone 2 update.. but when they proved me wrong I took a move to Android just 1 week ago infact Iam writing this post from Android and really Android is really really awesome.. instead of being a loyal customer to Microsoft now o would rather prefer to be part of a Android loyal customer.. Microsoft you ditched us never ever will turn up to u again..
Like most of you on this site I have become frustrated with MS. I have been a part of their ecosystem since Windows Mobile 5.0 on the HTC Dash. Just when I was about to jump to Android, MS rolled out WP7. I stuck with them. Then after the WP7 upgrades (7.5 & 7.8) all through to 8 & 8.1, which meant more new hardware. I stuck with them. Then there was another shift to WM10. I stuck with them. MS was in a good place. The Surface brand, Windows 10, Xbox and Hololens had made MS an exciting and cool company once again! During this time I would convince anyone who would listen to get a Windows product (especially phone), but now that is not the case. And it has been that way for at least almost two years.

I am in it pretty deep! Everything is Windows - SP4 that is less than a year old, but freezes randomly, DV8P still chugging along, Lenovo Idea PC Stick (RIP), Band 2 - nuff said, Lumia 925 w/ 8.1, Lumia 640 w/ WM10 IP, and Idol 4S IP. Lately, I have been looking at my options meaning which Android hardware am I going with. I am still fighting Apple although everyone in my family has an iPhone.

It seems, at times, the writers on this site struggle with content compared to a couple of years ago. So many similar articles about best PCs or the surface phone keeps popping up. I cannot recall being super excited about an article in a while. Not 100% writers fault, MS just has not been exciting lately.

Jumping off my soap box now and getting back to the subject at hand. There are many of us who have been in this deep for as long/longer than I have. If there is a Surface Mobile device somewhere on the horizon, then MS should do what Samsung did for the Note 7 owners - hand out heavy discounts to those who stuck with them since WP7 and prior! Is that too much to ask?

YES! I have been with Windows Mobile since day one (hell, I had a PocketPC back in the day - just add a phone to that and that is what we have today-ish yet they say Steve Jobs invented it.) Had a Band 1 and I still wear my Band 2 (had to purchase a second one from EBay seeing that the first one eventually died) and hated to hear they dropped it (sold/gave to Casio if memory servers? - Band 3 would be great!) My 950 still is working but one corner is cracked on the frame. So I know it will not last another 2 years. I would love to see the Surface Phone (or Nokia Morph) within 2018. Also, for those of us who have stuck with MS through this rollercoaster ride, should get something for it. Aside from people mocking us with "You don't have that app?" A discount or something seems logical.

It really comes down to all of the developers out there. Start writing things in UWP and you are set. With Xamerin in there as well you can write just the UI differences for each platform and have it on iOS, Android, Windows 10, Surface, Windows Phone. It's a no-brainer to me (but maybe because I am a .Net dev and a MS fan.)

Freaking release something or at least say what and when please.
Like most of you on this site I have become frustrated with MS. I have been a part of their ecosystem since Windows Mobile 5.0 on the HTC Dash. Just when I was about to jump to Android, MS rolled out WP7. I stuck with them. Then after the WP7 upgrades (7.5 & 7.8) all through to 8 & 8.1, which meant more new hardware. I stuck with them. Then there was another shift to WM10. I stuck with them. MS was in a good place. The Surface brand, Windows 10, Xbox and Hololens had made MS an exciting and cool company once again! During this time I would convince anyone who would listen to get a Windows product (especially phone), but now that is not the case. And it has been that way for at least almost two years.

I am in it pretty deep! Everything is Windows - SP4 that is less than a year old, but freezes randomly, DV8P still chugging along, Lenovo Idea PC Stick (RIP), Band 2 - nuff said, Lumia 925 w/ 8.1, Lumia 640 w/ WM10 IP, and Idol 4S IP. Lately, I have been looking at my options meaning which Android hardware am I going with. I am still fighting Apple although everyone in my family has an iPhone.

It seems, at times, the writers on this site struggle with content compared to a couple of years ago. So many similar articles about best PCs or the surface phone keeps popping up. I cannot recall being super excited about an article in a while. Not 100% writers fault, MS just has not been exciting lately.

Jumping off my soap box now and getting back to the subject at hand. There are many of us who have been in this deep for as long/longer than I have. If there is a Surface Mobile device somewhere on the horizon, then MS should do what Samsung did for the Note 7 owners - hand out heavy discounts to those who stuck with them since WP7 and prior! Is that too much to ask?
Good one but MS will never care about the Win Phone fans...
Like most of you on this site I have become frustrated with MS. I have been a part of their ecosystem since Windows Mobile 5.0 on the HTC Dash. Just when I was about to jump to Android, MS rolled out WP7. I stuck with them. Then after the WP7 upgrades (7.5 & 7.8) all through to 8 & 8.1, which meant more new hardware. I stuck with them. Then there was another shift to WM10. I stuck with them. MS was in a good place. The Surface brand, Windows 10, Xbox and Hololens had made MS an exciting and cool company once again! During this time I would convince anyone who would listen to get a Windows product (especially phone), but now that is not the case. And it has been that way for at least almost two years.

I am in it pretty deep! Everything is Windows - SP4 that is less than a year old, but freezes randomly, DV8P still chugging along, Lenovo Idea PC Stick (RIP), Band 2 - nuff said, Lumia 925 w/ 8.1, Lumia 640 w/ WM10 IP, and Idol 4S IP. Lately, I have been looking at my options meaning which Android hardware am I going with. I am still fighting Apple although everyone in my family has an iPhone.

It seems, at times, the writers on this site struggle with content compared to a couple of years ago. So many similar articles about best PCs or the surface phone keeps popping up. I cannot recall being super excited about an article in a while. Not 100% writers fault, MS just has not been exciting lately.

Jumping off my soap box now and getting back to the subject at hand. There are many of us who have been in this deep for as long/longer than I have. If there is a Surface Mobile device somewhere on the horizon, then MS should do what Samsung did for the Note 7 owners - hand out heavy discounts to those who stuck with them since WP7 and prior! Is that too much to ask?

My experience is pretty similar. I don't know that they "owe" people anything more than a solid, honest, detailed explanation as to what's really going on and what's REALLY coming. They have seen all of the rumors that everyone has seen... give a **** about your users and address it. All of it.
Die-hard Windows/Windows Phone/Surface/Xbox user here,

Yesterday was the day. I retired my Lumia 950 XL (1.5 years old), and picked up a Samsung Galaxy S8+.

I'm knee-deep in Microsoft's ecosystem: My small company is also a Microsoft Partner, and we develop software for Azure and Windows. But everything, from Office Mobile, to OneDrive, to Cortana is available on the Android platform. I've had the new phone for a day and I'm already back up to speed.

I miss the live tiles: More useful than a grid of icons, and widgets can be a bit clunky. But, at the end of the day, I can get just as much done, and have ALL THE APPS. Banking, Amazon Alexa, Roomba, Strava, RidewithGPS... And the phone hardware is beautiful.

I figure a phone's half-life is about two years, so we'll see where we're at in 2019. My wife still has a Lumia 950... but my 950 XL is going on eBay. Any takers?

And no, Microsoft doesn't owe me anything. Consumer choice. Too bad they lost in mobile.
The 710 was a great phone at the time, I bought mine refurbished from T-Mobile and it still works. not thrilled that it didn't update to 7.8 but I knew that WP8 was coming and I would upgrade my phone eventually. Not upset because I always upgrade/buy about 1 to1 1/2 years after a phone/software is released and wait till almost all the bugs are worked out, so a very good experience/usage. iam used to the reboots and and 1% windows phone users experience now.
Been around since Windows Mobile 5.5, and I don't feel like Microsoft owes me. I chose the ecosystem as it was what worked best for me. I have an iPhone for work, and hate it with a passion. I also have a few Android devices lying around, but not the biggest fan of the OS.

Now, what would I like? I would like to know exactly how long my 950 will be supported. I would like to know sooner rather than later as to what the official future of the OS will be. Am I owed these answers? Nope.
No one or company owes anyone anything. There's always going to be competing tech and software, which no one knows who will become more dominant or will die out. I think in cases like say the note 7 where harm could've been caused or something was majorly defective then maybe some kind of compensation is needed.
Well said nielbey, I to would like a definite statement from MS about their plans for mobile going forward, not revealing anything proprietary or specific but just a reassurance that the 1% windows 10 mobile base will have a device/pocket pc going forward. iam not going to apple or android period and will use my 950XL , L650 till they break.
Same here ashram, hope for a year or more on my 950XL and Idol 4s. still waiting for the surface pocket pc. :-)
I honestly think they do owe us. I spent countless hours telling friends and family to go MS. After buying 4+ different Windows handsets, I can't believe I'm being forced off into Google or Apple. I don't really have any good reasons for it but I really do feel betrayed.
Right, real0395 just think of all the angry Betamax video owners and how they felt. the world is littered with past tech owners who where left behind because new tech came out/changed and we are owed nothing.
RHoudek2 you are not forced off yet, win10 mobile is still updated/supported and working fine one my 3 phones. granted I don't use a lot of apps but I never did, so I'm still good for now. would I recommend it to friends/family no not presently but they never came aboard anyway when I did. :-/
they owe me a foldable lumia 950, thats all

just make the damn thing and run woa on it, people will find something to do with it
They owe everyone for destroying Nokia. I like W10M but, I still can't get over all the crap, inconsistency and lack of commitment they showed for the past 2-3 years.

At this point, I doubt I will embrace anything new they come up with. It's going to take a lot of time to regain some trust.
They only owe me for my next purchase. If they want me as a customer they need to make a good proposition as to what kind of use I can expect from my next purchase. That is true for every purchase I make. My next car will be from a manufacturer which can provide the transportation I want. I bought my previous phones knowing what I was getting. I have a 950XL which does what I want. I really liked my 1520, my HTC 8x and HD7. They all worked so nobody owes me for them. If Microsoft cannot come up with a good replacement when the time comes I'll find a company which will.
Like most of you on this site I have become frustrated with MS. I have been a part of their ecosystem since Windows Mobile 5.0 on the HTC Dash. Just when I was about to jump to Android, MS rolled out WP7. I stuck with them. Then after the WP7 upgrades (7.5 & 7.8) all through to 8 & 8.1, which meant more new hardware. I stuck with them. Then there was another shift to WM10. I stuck with them. MS was in a good place. The Surface brand, Windows 10, Xbox and Hololens had made MS an exciting and cool company once again! During this time I would convince anyone who would listen to get a Windows product (especially phone), but now that is not the case. And it has been that way for at least almost two years.

I am in it pretty deep! Everything is Windows - SP4 that is less than a year old, but freezes randomly, DV8P still chugging along, Lenovo Idea PC Stick (RIP), Band 2 - nuff said, Lumia 925 w/ 8.1, Lumia 640 w/ WM10 IP, and Idol 4S IP. Lately, I have been looking at my options meaning which Android hardware am I going with. I am still fighting Apple although everyone in my family has an iPhone.

It seems, at times, the writers on this site struggle with content compared to a couple of years ago. So many similar articles about best PCs or the surface phone keeps popping up. I cannot recall being super excited about an article in a while. Not 100% writers fault, MS just has not been exciting lately.

Jumping off my soap box now and getting back to the subject at hand. There are many of us who have been in this deep for as long/longer than I have. If there is a Surface Mobile device somewhere on the horizon, then MS should do what Samsung did for the Note 7 owners - hand out heavy discounts to those who stuck with them since WP7 and prior! Is that too much to ask?

My brother and I have battled since childhood. I am PC he is Mac. We are still battling. Microsoft does not owe me. Call me delusional but it seems that Microsoft is on the verge of finally uniting Desktop, Tablet and Phone. Windows Phone must die for the coupdetat to succeed.
I still get a lot of use out of my windows phones. Lucky that I'm not app dependent. I really like windows 10, start menu, action center... I just wish the "one windows" vision could happen faster. That vision definitely feels *just* around the corner however I'm expecting it would be more time still for the full polish.

Looking forward to what the windows on arm devices offer me.

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