Microsoft should employ me :P


New member
Sep 27, 2011
I tell you what, I have converted three people now to windows phone and my mate will be joining soon when his contract expires start of next year. I do a better job than any salesman in a mobile phone store, who never try to sell and recommend windows phones!!

Microsoft you need me lol
The crazy thing is, everybody that has seen my phone and used it has loved it.

I am not really sure why sales people are so against it, unless they get more commission from iPhones and Androids.

Microsoft should start contest for sales reps; whoever sells the most WP7 devices gets a butt ton of money.
The crazy thing is, everybody that has seen my phone and used it has loved it.

I am not really sure why sales people are so against it, unless they get more commission from iPhones and Androids.

Microsoft should start contest for sales reps; whoever sells the most WP7 devices gets a butt ton of money.

You're absolutely right. Vendors do that all the time. My wife works retail and that's how we got our new luggage for free. The vendor had a contest and my wife sold the most of their luggage. :cool:
I think sales reps should be banned altogether. Especially when it comes to sales reps who are on commision. This will ALWAYS make the sales rep promote that product as better, even when it might not be the best for a particular persons needs/requirements.

What we need are vending machines, where you enter your requirements and a phone that suits you pops out. Non of that sales rep BS.

I think sales reps should be banned altogether. Especially when it comes to sales reps who are on commision. This will ALWAYS make the sales rep promote that product as better, even when it might not be the best for a particular persons needs/requirements.

What we need are vending machines, where you enter your requirements and a phone that suits you pops out. Non of that sales rep BS.


Most reps are bad for sure. Whatever they have most stock of in back is what their bosses are likely telling them to push.

We do have that vending machine already though, the internet. :D
I've been converting people left and right. and hardcore apple boys too. I went into an ATT store with my friend to get a case for his phone and the sales rep asked me what phone i was using (DVP unlocked) and he was really impressed. I let HIM use MY phone and figure out that he basically loved it. =)
Everytime I hear about people getting turned away from WP by crappy "sales reps" (I use that term loosely) it makes me want to work at a store and only push WP. Too bad I'm in the Army and can't do that :P
I've converted about 6 people locally but for big Army (higher ups) they won't listen to someone like me. I had read though that they were testing phones to issue to soldiers and they were running through trials of android, blackberry, wp7, and iPhone. Hopefully they realize WP7 is the way to go.

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