Microsoft support for Windows phone


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Nov 10, 2015
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After returning the Lumia 950 last year I bought it again 2 days ago. Im finding the OS. A lit improved and it's been a good phone to use so far.I rally love this UI and want to keep this phone

The question is how committed Microsoft is to W10 mobile? I keep reading the wont be ny.ore major updates for the mobile os from now onwards and MS is pulling
out of mobile business etc

What do u guys think? Based on the feedback I might decide on whether to keep this or return it and go back to android


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Nov 20, 2016
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Of course they'll support the product. We just received another update last week, there's a Redstone update coming in the early spring, and MS' Nadella has said they're not pulling out of mobile.

There are probably several threads you can read here on the topic. Some posters will paint a very bleak picture, but they did the same back in March or April, and mobile is still here... so...


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Nov 12, 2012
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Support of Windows 10 Mobile is middling at best. They do update it but it's not really a focus.
Stability, whether MS's fault or that of developers is subpar still although much improved and apps are both coming and going.

Nadella has shown that he does not value mobile and Microsoft has largely been giving it the bare minimum of support (or below if you count pulling out of hardware and closing down other stuff) since but I will say that I do not expect 10 Mobile to go anywhere for at least a year. It'll stay on the backburner but it'll still be... here.

So if 10 Mobile meets your needs AND you can lose a couple apps and features without pain AND worst case scenario you can afford to miss an alarm or lose a photo to "Saving..." every once in a while then sure.


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Jun 11, 2013
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Windows 10 Mobile support is here to stay, we get 1 cumulative update a month alongside the Windows 10 update. The Lumia brand however has met the end of the road.

Based on the news going around, Microsoft's mobile business is in "retrenchment" what this means is that they haven't really pulled out of the business but scaled it back significantly.
At this time, they're in the research and development stage, until such time they're confident they can come up with a product to push to the masses.
So basically, you could say the existing Windows 10 Mobile users are beta testers.


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Nov 20, 2016
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Nadella has shown that he does not value mobile and Microsoft has largely been giving it the bare minimum of support (or below if you count pulling out of hardware and closing down other stuff) since but I will say that I do not expect 10 Mobile to go anywhere for at least a year. It'll stay on the backburner but it'll still be... here.

I disagree with that characterization.


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Jan 22, 2015
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They support it enough to stop their Complete coverage for it. I wanted to purchase a 950XL again, just in case, and was told I could not purchase complete for it. Thanks Microsoft


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Oct 6, 2015
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Had they not been committed they would not have released Windows 10 Mobile, let alone have new builds released on insider preview every week. On top, other OEMS, including Alcatel, WhartonBrooks, particularly HP (which is investing in high end devices) would not have invested heavily in the ecosystem. Obviously as an avid windows 10 mobile user, I hope for more OEM partners and more apps and more support from developers but the point is that Microsoft really wants to redefine we use phones. Like Apple revolutionalized how people use phones, Microsoft wants to get ahead of the current rat race and really be ahead of the game in the next era, which is why you see Bots integration, Cortana on all devices, investment in cloud technology, Continuum (which even after a year of usage, I find it so futuristic). None of this would have happened had they not been committed. They are being quiet and sneaky about it but there are signs which indicate that Microsoft is committed to the mobile device and considers it an essential part of its ecosystem.


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Oct 6, 2016
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Windows 10M is here to stay for another 2 years imho, we are getting big updates next year and as previously stated the insider builds are in full swing etc, don't panic, Once we see a surface phone on the scene (if and when) then I would be concerned as I doubt it would use W10m but rather it would be operating using the Full windows OS. Then I think MS will stop support for W10M and push the surface phone, With new advances in technology like full windows coming to ARM then its only a matter of time before we see a "phone" with this technology contained within it. 2017 we are getting big updates, 2018 is not so clear but 2017 updates would seem pointless if they did not function as intended for a year atleast. Otherwise whats the point of the 2017 updates.


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Nov 10, 2015
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I guess I'll keep my Lumia 950 till the surface phone cones out. The thing is I recently bought a bb dtek60 as well before I bought the 950. Will try to sell the bb and keep this phone. Despite one issues such as low volume for media and occasional outlook crash i just love the start screen and the overall UI of W10M. So in ight just keep this.

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