Microsoft Surface Pro 3 sets the standard!


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Jun 10, 2014
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I own a Surface 2 and the quality is excellent and more quality apps are coming. The machine lives up to what it was design to do. The critics love to slam the Surface 2 and I was surprised to read many positive reviews about the Surface Pro 3. Let us look at the facts, Microsoft lost a lot of ground to Google and Apple in the last decade. They also got tied up in the USA and Europe with anti trust law suits and that didn't help them in the market place. I want to give Microsoft the credit that many haters refuse to give them. Microsoft is an excellent software company that was force to reevaluate their future. They stumble out of the gate with Windows 8 and Windows RT as well as XBOX ONE. They learn from their mistakes and continue to refine their OS (Windows 8.1). I am using 8.1 and I am excited to see how much better the OS is getting. I also love the Surface 2 and I am willing to wait for quality apps; the machine currently does everything I need it to do. I have Nokia Windows phone (1520) running 8.1 and I love it; I also have a Nokia 920 my wife uses. She loves the phone as well and feels the phone has more then enough apps. The phones are not perfect and lack some of the thing you find on Google and Apple products. I love that Microsoft had the guts to step outside the box with their Surface, Nokia, and Surface Pro lines. I love the integration that is achieved between their cloud services and Skype, Surface line, and Windows phone. I don't want to overlook Office 365 and the enterprise products. Microsoft is being attacked from all sides and instead of running the other way, they decided to innovate and fight. We now have a new Microsoft out there now. The old company would not have created the Surface 2 (excellent build quality). The Surface Pro 3 (excellent build quality) and superb execution in defining what that machines target audience is! The new upgrade that is around the corner for Windows phone 8.1. that should be great. My hats goes off to Microsoft for taking on the industry and creating their own vision; well done Steve Ballmer and the Microsoft team.
Wake everybody: smile:


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Jun 12, 2014
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I agree. They are on the right track now, and they'll need to be aggressive to succeed. As you said, they took too long to realize that computing was going consumer in a big way by means of an ecosystem. (and free no less)

I have friends that are MS haters, and I've tried to show them the innovation in the case of the SP, but they aren't budging. Those attitudes are going to take time to fix. :^}

The SP3 should surely turn some head though, no?


Aug 2, 2012
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I own a Surface 2 and the quality is excellent and more quality apps are coming. The machine lives up to what it was design to do. The critics love to slam the Surface 2 and I was surprised to read many positive reviews about the Surface Pro 3. Let us look at the facts, Microsoft lost a lot of ground to Google and Apple in the last decade. They also got tied up in the USA and Europe with anti trust law suits and that didn't help them in the market place. I want to give Microsoft the credit that many haters refuse to give them. Microsoft is an excellent software company that was force to reevaluate their future. They stumble out of the gate with Windows 8 and Windows RT as well as XBOX ONE. They learn from their mistakes and continue to refine their OS (Windows 8.1). I am using 8.1 and I am excited to see how much better the OS is getting. I also love the Surface 2 and I am willing to wait for quality apps; the machine currently does everything I need it to do. I have Nokia Windows phone (1520) running 8.1 and I love it; I also have a Nokia 920 my wife uses. She loves the phone as well and feels the phone has more then enough apps. The phones are not perfect and lack some of the thing you find on Google and Apple products. I love that Microsoft had the guts to step outside the box with their Surface, Nokia, and Surface Pro lines. I love the integration that is achieved between their cloud services and Skype, Surface line, and Windows phone. I don't want to overlook Office 365 and the enterprise products. Microsoft is being attacked from all sides and instead of running the other way, they decided to innovate and fight. We now have a new Microsoft out there now. The old company would not have created the Surface 2 (excellent build quality). The Surface Pro 3 (excellent build quality) and superb execution in defining what that machines target audience is! The new upgrade that is around the corner for Windows phone 8.1. that should be great. My hats goes off to Microsoft for taking on the industry and creating their own vision; well done Steve Ballmer and the Microsoft team.
Wake everybody: smile:

1) Paragraphs breaks are wonderful things - makes it much easier to read and digest. Stream of consciousness is a bit challenging.

2) I respect most of what Microsoft has done over the past few years but have to ask if you haven even touched a Surface Pro 3? I have since they have several on display at the Scottsdale Microsoft Store and see it as mixed bag with some positives but also some serious compromises/negatives.

Surface Pro 3 has some nice features but absolutely sets no standard. In fact, the build quality does not feel nearly as solid as the previous Surface Pro models. On that front, the new kickstand also has absolutely no touch feel. It feels like moving something that uses nylon bearings.

With respect to usability, I will add as well that the new pen is simply not as precise as the previous Wacom pen. Hopefully this will be corrected by a firmware update but, with the display models, line thickness and completeness when used for fast note taking was nowhere near as accurate as the same exercise with Surface Pro 2.

Oh, in terms of execution, how exactly is releasing a new product with "Pro" in the name excellent execution when you now need to buy yet another type cover for practical use and get a new (more expensive) non-industry standard pen? Of course, if you bought a Surface Pro 2 dock or extra power supply those are also useless. Throw in the new "Pro" device may be lighter but sacrifices the compactness that allowed it to sit (with type cover) on a seatback tray table and I am even more curious as to who that target audience happens to be.

FWIW, my own opinion is that this is the first real failure in the Surface line since the early confusion over Surface RT. It attempts to attract consumers (with limited resources) but is priced laughably high and business users (with theoretically more resources) but sacrificed a business plus in the pen and resumed a laptop size form factor that people were abandoning to buy tablets. I am sorry but I do not see this as setting any standard other than possibly how to botch a long term strategy that was finally starting to show results.

Finally, how do you set a standard when the mainstream model uses the same processor and GPU as its predecessor? This is not revolutionary, it is a variation on a theme. For me it is also a very disappointing variation on that theme and if there is no genuine update to Surface Pro 2 with a Wacom pen, comparable form factor, and similar build quality, I will be forced to look at other hardware when it is time to upgrade.

Rafael Rodrigues

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Jun 8, 2014
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I believe what he's saying is fair...

I haven't tried it out myself, but many reviewers do talk about the compromises. That said, I believe most of what he's writing is exaggerated in order to bash Microsoft. Despite that, there are some truths in there. Releasing a new a product after only 6 months simply is not fair to the consumer, nor is using an year-old processor for a product that will only be available in September (most versions at least). Besides, not including the keyboard was a BAD move... Everyone agrees it should have been included the first time around. Now, I get that some people don't use the keyboard, but most of us are buying a surface to replace our current laptops. Making the keyboard cover 130 bucks simply is too much! If they bundled it and priced it a but higher, would anyone mind? Would Microsoft loose that much money for even including it with the product whitin the current price range?

They are trying to innovate, to create a new category! Furthermore, they want to shift the way we think about the future of computation and the meaning of PC.
Is high prices and (obligatory) accessories made to "complement" the product really the way to go?


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Sep 5, 2013
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I have an SP3 predordered, and I've had a Windows Phone for the past year and by far the biggest issue (IMO) are the inferior apps. I'm glad that a bunch of the big ones have made there way over but most of the time when a developer releases an awesome new app, it's for Android and iOS. I haven't been able to get rid of my iPad because there are a handful of apps that I need which aren't available for Windows Phone. My current plan is to switch back to iPhone in the Fall (hopefully they release the 5.5" model) and have the SP3 as my workhorse computer. With my Xbox One as the main entertainment hub in my house I would really love to fully commit to the Windows environment but right now there would just be too many sacrifices with not as much gain.


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Dec 29, 2013
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I have an SP3 predordered, and I've had a Windows Phone for the past year and by far the biggest issue (IMO) are the inferior apps. I'm glad that a bunch of the big ones have made there way over but most of the time when a developer releases an awesome new app, it's for Android and iOS. I haven't been able to get rid of my iPad because there are a handful of apps that I need which aren't available for Windows Phone. My current plan is to switch back to iPhone in the Fall (hopefully they release the 5.5" model) and have the SP3 as my workhorse computer. With my Xbox One as the main entertainment hub in my house I would really love to fully commit to the Windows environment but right now there would just be too many sacrifices with not as much gain.

I switched to Windows Phone 6 months ago and that is probably the main reason (and work) I am so high on the SP3 as my primary device.

Just curious, what apps do you feel are so important that you can't get rid of your iPad? I use my iPad as well, but only because I don't have the SP3 yet...:evil:


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Sep 5, 2013
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I switched to Windows Phone 6 months ago and that is probably the main reason (and work) I am so high on the SP3 as my primary device.

Just curious, what apps do you feel are so important that you can't get rid of your iPad? I use my iPad as well, but only because I don't have the SP3 yet...:evil:

Off the top of my head... Fuji Camera, Watch ESPN, Foscam security cam, a local public transportation app, and BabyConnect are apps that I use daily. Sunday Ticket in the fall is a must. HBO Go and Showtime Anytime are not on the Windows Phone yet. I have yet to find an equivalent to Air Video HD that works nearly as flawlessly on the Windows side. The Facebook, Zillow, and fantasy football apps are inferior on Windows Phone than their iOS counterparts. Most of my favorite games don't exist on Windows Phone or have cheap rip-offs that are hard to filter out.

I'm sure a few of those exist on the Windows 8.1 store which is why I am moving towards a full-blown Windows PC (SP3) and a smaller iOS device (iPhone). I really do love the new features in WP 8.1 (although I hate how they neutered the "People" app) and I think Cortana blows away Siri.

My other huge complaint is the music matching on Xbox music. A huge majority of songs are not properly matched with my library for cloud play. At first I thought it was a licensing issue but the painfully easy (and extremely tedious) workaround is to delete the file from the libary and add the exact copy from the Xbox store.


Apr 3, 2011
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Ive had the SP3 since launch and it has set a new standard! There is now device as good that can do what SP3 can. That is a fact. Compromises many speak of are also strengths in other areas.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Meh, Cortana won't change all that much, mostly cos it will be so limited in availability. It's a great idea if they could actually get it out in a decent shape in most markets, but I'm really not holding my breath to ever see Cortana officially in Finland.

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