Okay first im a wp ****** so dont shoot me
Microsoft what the hell your wp team is a mess ! :/ I was just at a forum now about battery saver turning wifi off only if u checked wifi always on but im thinking here if ibwas the wp team i would give an option to disable this.
The part that i want to focus on is the wp team. So my question is does the wp team actually use their phones not for developing but for personal use cuz it doesn't seem so because if that was the case we wouldn't be having these type of problem's :|
They should use their phone's and look what's missing or what can be added basically look through the eyes of the user if i was part of that team and had that knowledge i would try my best to add all those basic features or option's
Microsoft what the hell your wp team is a mess ! :/ I was just at a forum now about battery saver turning wifi off only if u checked wifi always on but im thinking here if ibwas the wp team i would give an option to disable this.
The part that i want to focus on is the wp team. So my question is does the wp team actually use their phones not for developing but for personal use cuz it doesn't seem so because if that was the case we wouldn't be having these type of problem's :|
They should use their phone's and look what's missing or what can be added basically look through the eyes of the user if i was part of that team and had that knowledge i would try my best to add all those basic features or option's