MMS Fail on AT&T requires Access Point Config...


New member
Apr 10, 2013
I cannot say I ever had a lot of success with MMS on the Windows Phone platform but suddenly one day I kept getting "Can't send" error messages on every picture I sent no matter who the contact was. I tried everything from:
1) airplane mode on/off
2) data connection on/off
3) hard reset and soft reset

no matter what i did nothing worked until I went into "Access Point" and changed from "AT&T 3G" to "AT&T - LTE 2 - Lumia" ... my messages were also failing on the LTE 1 option, but for whatever reason they appeared to be sent & received just fine on LTE 2 ... so I called tech support and after a long rendezvous of awful - painfully awful - cluelessness, the rep decided i should do a complete factory restore & try again. I didn't want to believe this but sure enough I went for it and ended up restoring my phone from zero. Messages were STILL failing unless i manually set the Access Point to the LTE 2 option.

This was happening on my Lumia 920 and since I was able to upgrade I decided this weekend to upgrade to the Lumia 1020 ... now I'm on a new phone, ALSO new SIM card. Would you believe that I'm having the SAME error with MMS failing to go through on the default "AT&T 3G" setting? Tech support doesn't see anything wrong with my account, and I've ran out of options here. Has anyone here experienced this? thoughts/help?

Thanks in advance...


New member
Dec 3, 2012
just manually set it to LTE 2
i had this problem when i unlock my 920 and downloaded access point.
it's access point's fault not AT&T


New member
Nov 14, 2012
AT&T LTE2 is the only thing worked for my L920 dev phone from day one. Why insisting on using AT&T 3G?


New member
Apr 10, 2013
Thank you for the replies. I'm on "LTE 2" and while it seems people receive my MMS - I am definitely missing incoming MMS messages.

I've done research on the "Access Point" app and it seems that it really messes with these phones. I can't uninstall short of a reset and force cancel downloading it again on phone restore... before I go on to do this, I was wondering if anyone could share APN info or experience this issue while on LTE 2 ... my results are the following:

AT&T 3G = no data at all.
AT&T - LTE 1 - Lumia = data but no MMS
AT&T - LTE 2 - Lumia = data & MMS but not reliable

My 920 was unlocked, my new 1020 is not unlocked, but both had the same issue apparently since due to the Access Point app.
Just throwing some discussion out there - the Access Point app was updated 9/25 and it seems it has affected a few people since...


New member
Nov 14, 2012
AT&T 3G = no data at all.
AT&T - LTE 1 - Lumia = data but no MMS
AT&T - LTE 2 - Lumia = data & MMS but not reliable

That's exactly what I found out almost a year ago when I first got my 920. No need to explore further. Reliable or not is a different story.


New member
Apr 10, 2013
That's exactly what I found out almost a year ago when I first got my 920. No need to explore further. Reliable or not is a different story.

Tested again today: Received MMS from 2 out of 5 people who I requested. Sent regular SMS to confirm they sent me MMS - shows sent on their phones, so what they sent just got lost in the ether - never to reach my phone.. this was while having LTE 2 setting active. Unreliable and slow too, when using MMS. This my friend using a 920 sent and received MMS faster (benchmark by sending oneself the picture message).

Does anyone have AT&T settings to post to create a new access point?
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New member
Apr 10, 2013
I want to add that I am still having trouble with MMS on a brand new AT&T Lumia 1020.

I have reset the phone to factory settings and SKIPPED the "Access Point" download such that I don't have the option under settings. I can verify that switching APN's must be done automatically now since I frequently see changes in bars and between 4G & LTE on the top left signal strength icon.

I have a support ticket open with AT&T and they claim everything is fine with the network & my account - but today I missed at least 5 pictures. They are definitely not working on the issue and there is absolutely nothing I can do from my phone to help aid the matter. I feel completely stuck now - neither my Lumia 920 (or exchanged 920) or now 1020 are able to receive MMS reliably.

As a final hail mary before I completely cancel my AT&T account & move on to another carrier, I'd love to hear any ideas or thoughts on what could be happening; AT&T seems clueless...


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I have heard various stories like yours. It is not your phone (other phones suffer the same problem). It is AT&T's network at your location and there is no obvious solutions. I'm surprised AT&T didn't send you a new SIM card since that seems to be the common practice for AT&T to resolve this problem. TO some, it solved their problem.


New member
Apr 10, 2013
Thanks for the replies on this thread - on my original post I mentioned just that - they swapped a new SIM card & new warranty exchange phone. A week later I used that new SIM card on the brand new Lumia 1020 and still have issues. Factory reset without any "carrier type mods" - so basically now the "Access Point" configuration is hidden from me, and I am still failing to get MMS reliably..

I am going to guess that my data plan is messed up on my account - my friend also on AT&T has no issues on his phone, we live practically in the same block in manhattan. There's no explanation I can come up with for my troubles but I know MMS & Cellular Data are very much tied at the hip and it would appear failure in data may be causing my lost MMS. The underlying problem is that AT&T does not acknowledge or simply can't see a problem with my data plan, and exchanging phones / sims / etc. are not helping the matter. what to do, what to do...

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