Mod Color

Do you guys have a preference?

Purple= writers

Just about any other color is available I just put Orange just because I can change it to what ever color you guys want that's not already in use. It just changes what color your name appears as.

With just 2 of you I think it will be easier to get everyone to agree.
OK let's have tartan then. :D Not too fussed really TBH Dave. :)

It's a bit on the bright side maybe, dark green or something ?
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I'll have to see if VB knows what tartan is I sure don' Dark green I can do for sure.
Anything bright so they know where are mods. I'd say Red, Orange, Blue or my favorite, the blue in TWB's avatar. I like it I just cant do it... We will go with Blue for now that will be the Super Mod colors. Member roguemat will be joining us as he will be Modding the Developer forums he is a developer he will be a big help with the technical stuff and will concentrate his efforts in that area. I might be changing his name to RogueCode so dont freak out if you see his show up with this name.

Edit: I tried a couple of different Blues didn't look good so green it is hope you like it.
Anything is cool with me. I'll check it out when I get home... Had to do some last minute shopping..

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