Hello all,
This is very simple but I would like your thoughts. I currently have a 2011 Macbook Air, got it from new, and the reason I got it was for full portability at work and full desktop capabilities, however the time has come to upgrade it. I was originally thinking of getting a Macbook Air retina (if released this year) but the Surface Pro 2 has caught my eye.
I currently own, and love, a Nokia 1520 and I've had a few WP's before so I have dabbled in the ecosystem a bit.
What are you thoughts and is there anything you may suggest I consider?
I moved from a late '09 unibody white macbook, so im in a similar boat to you. The Surface Pro 2 is a brilliant little machine, however it does end up more expensive than the Macbook airs im pretty sure, however it should be more capable with tasks that require graphics usage and such, i would hope. Anyway, there are a few things that someone like us will experience when moving between platforms. These are some for/against(s) for switching from apple laptops to surface:
1. The hardware design is pretty much just as pretty, even though Apple is renowned for good looking hardware, the surface devices do also look very nice.
2. Windows 8 has some cool features that OS X doesnt, eg: the multitasking by splitting the screen, more flexibility generally.
3. Gaming is much better on surface than pretty much any mac laptop
4. Having a touch screen and digitizer is a brilliant advantage that apple likely wont innovate with for a few years yet.
5. The pen is really good for note taking.
There are more, but lets stop there.
Cons: (Bear in mind, i had a macbook for 4+1/2 years and have had a surface pro 2 for about a month)
1. The hardware is not as polished: the keyboard on the type cover, the kick stand, the track pad (especially), they just dont have quite the same precision and polish as macbooks do, though apple are known for brilliantly designed hardware like this.
2. OS X (in my opinion) is a much prettier operating system.
3. OS X is also more stable and less prone to crashes, again, in my experience.
4. Battery life on surface is much worse than macbooks.
5. The ports available are much less.
All this being said, i would happily take these downsides, even if they can be a little irritating, im focusing that mainly on the awful trackpad on the type cover 2 and the pointlessly few amount of angles the kickstand goes to (Wow, 2 angles?! What an innovation!)
I find it irritating they had to phase out more angles for the kickstand, like people would need to upgrade just to get even more kickstand positions. They should have just gone with the continuous stand on the first pro, or at least the pro 2.
That being said, i love my surface pro 2 and wouldnt swap it for anything else (apart from maybe a pro 3 but thats just bad timing on my part).