Moving from Android to WP7 - Need advice


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Oct 30, 2011
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Hi guys!

I've had my eye on the Windows platform since day one but initially it was just a little too limited for me to make the jump. Now with Mango and the soon to be released Samsung Focus S, I want IN.

I'm coming from Android, so while I know that Windows doesn't have quite the app selection Android does, I was hoping you'd be able to point me in the direction of some needs I'll have for my new phone as well as some general questions.

1.) Gmail - is it sync'd or PUSHed automatically or do I need a 3rd party solution to do that? And not just gmail but my contacts and calendar with gmail.

2.) Can I sync my music from iTunes to my Windows phone? Also - I have a Mac (yeah yeah, I know - an Android user that has a Mac and uses iTunes...what a hot mess.)

3.) Podcast management - does the Zune software do a good job of managing, finding, downloading podcasts or is there a third party app that does the trick?

4.) Unless I'm mistaken the original WP7 OS didn't allow you to send video through email attachment, has that been fixed in Mango?

5.) A good multiplatform IM program or at the very least a Google Talk app?

6.) I use Handbrake to rip DVDs and transfer on to my phone, I assume I can do likewise with a Windows phone?

I'm sure I'll have more questions once I have the device but these are the biggies for now. Any input is greatly appreciated and welcome.

red grenadine

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Nov 27, 2010
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1. Gmail can be set to push and contacts/calendar are automatically synced
2. Pretty sure you can. I know there's a Mac connector but someone else would have to answer for sure
3. Zune is pretty good at podcasts, I'm sure there are alternatives if you desire
4. Yes you can share videos via email
5. There's a google talk app as well as a IM+ app which is pretty decent
6. Yes, you'd have to use the Zune software I believe. Don't know what the analog would be on a Mac, I think the mac connector would work.


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Jul 19, 2011
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1. I believe you can have gmail be sync'd or Pushed, which ever you prefer.
2. Yes. I use a Mac as well. There is a program from Microsoft called WP7 connector that will sync all your music and videos over from iTunes
3. I haven't tried zune for podcasts. I use Slapdash and I like it.
4. Haven't tried.
5. IM+ is an excellent multi client IM app that include support for Google Talk.
6. Yes, you would just need to make sure you are using WP7 compatible settings. Then once the DVD is ripped, import it to iTunes and WP7 Connector can be used to sync the movies to your phone.

EDIT: I also was an Android user before having my eyes opened to the light.


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Oct 30, 2011
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1. I believe you can have gmail be sync'd or Pushed, which ever you prefer.
2. Yes. I use a Mac as well. There is a program from Microsoft called WP7 connector that will sync all your music and videos over from iTunes
3. I haven't tried zune for podcasts. I use Slapdash and I like it.
4. Haven't tried.
5. IM+ is an excellent multi client IM app that include support for Google Talk.
6. Yes, you would just need to make sure you are using WP7 compatible settings. Then once the DVD is ripped, import it to iTunes and WP7 Connector can be used to sync the movies to your phone.

EDIT: I also was an Android user before having my eyes opened to the light.

First, thanks to both of you for your posts. Very much appreciated.

Is there a specific setting on Handbrake that works best for WP7? I know the screen size on the Focus S is bigger than most Windows phones but isn't the resolution the same for all of them?


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Feb 21, 2011
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First, thanks to both of you for your posts. Very much appreciated.

Is there a specific setting on Handbrake that works best for WP7? I know the screen size on the Focus S is bigger than most Windows phones but isn't the resolution the same for all of them?

Right. Your resolution will be 480x800. Other than that, not sure what settings are going to be optimal for you.


3. It depends on where you are. In the US, I believe the podcast selection is integrated into the Marketplace or something, so you can find, subscribe and download on the device. I'm in Australia and the podcast library isn't there - I can subscribe after I sync a podcast across from the desktop, but the updating has been pretty iffy.

4. The issue is with sending video via MMS, which is still not implemented.

6. Just add the file to Zune and sync it across - if it needs conversion, Zune does that automatically. Not sure what happens if your file is actually in a format that desktop Zune doesn't recognise though.


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3. It depends on where you are. In the US, I believe the podcast selection is integrated into the Marketplace or something, so you can find, subscribe and download on the device. I'm in Australia and the podcast library isn't there - I can subscribe after I sync a podcast across from the desktop, but the updating has been pretty iffy.

4. The issue is with sending video via MMS, which is still not implemented.

6. Just add the file to Zune and sync it across - if it needs conversion, Zune does that automatically. Not sure what happens if your file is actually in a format that desktop Zune doesn't recognise though.

Wait - are you seriously telling me that in 2011 you can't send MMS? Its not a dealbreaker but certainly a little disappointing.

Thanks for the advice on the rest. I'm in the u.S. so podcasts should be easy.


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I was a long time Android user, glad I switched.

Welcome to the world of uniformity and stability :D

I've liked Android just fine but Windows is just absolutely gorgeous. When you use these devices I've found that HOW they do something is almost as important as what they do. Android is just flat out ugly. And I say that as someone who thinks the S2 is one of the elite devices available.


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I haven't tried send MMS videos but pictures worked fine.

Good apps - depends on your usage style,

top games - angry birds, the harvest, twin blades, these are fun and good for time pass

WPCentral APP - must for latest updates (features live tiles and back tiles, very mango)
IMDB - for movies and latest stuff around
RunKeeper - if you are runner, very nicely designed
Cocktail Flow - very nice app for making drinks (alcoholic and non al) - if you use it
Connection Tiles - short cuts to Wifi and Data Connection settings, (no need of scrolling tons of pages) - just in case
Gas Buddy - need to low gas prices lol
IGN - gaming news
Netflix - rarely use but yes just in case lol
Pulse - decent but quite laggy still
Unit Converter - you need it just in case
WeatherLive - paid but very high end quality and smooth
World Clock - gotta know times of people or events :p

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