Moving from Android to WP7, some questions.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
I'm looking to make the jump now that Mango has rolled out and is rather awesome. But I had some questions about current devices.

I'm on Sprint and the 3G in the greater Phoenix is starting to get dicey, and with all of the iPhone users coming on board things might get pretty bad for connectivity here. Now I'm not married to a carrier but I'm leery of AT&T as I had an iPhone 3G years ago and had horrible coverage at my residence. I know they are getting the Titan, but I'm not comfortable springing for a new device and finding out their coverage still isn't up to par at my house.

So I guess I'm looking at T-Mobile as my new carrier, but they have only one WP7 phone available at the moment and the upcoming HTC Radar doesn't pique my interest at all. I've gotten used to the screen size on the Evo 4G and frankly I'm not ever going to downsize again.

After all that, I guess my primary question is this. Since it doesn't look like there are a lot of phones coming for a few months, is the HD7 a pretty solid choice at this time? It seems my only options for a large screen are the HD7 and the Titan, or am I missing another option out there?


Wiccan Lagar

New member
Aug 17, 2011
I looked at the hd7 for mobile when I was shopping around for a phone. It is a solid device. Feels good in the hand and the screen is sharp. Camera is on par with most phones. If you have no problem with a fully touch screen device I would say it's a solid choice.

Sent from my Venue Pro using Board Express


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Might also consider the Dell venue pro, screen is 4.1" and AMOLED, compares well with the SAMOLED of the Samsung Focus. Can be had unlocked w 16GB for $299 which doesnt tie you into a contract. Otherwise have you checked att coverage in your area recently? Possibly could have improved which would give you more options when the Titan and Focus S are released. If you are set on the HD7 I would rate it as OK overall, I own a DVP and much prefer it for the screen, hardware keyboard and design.
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New member
Oct 13, 2011
I'm good with or without the keyboard options, don't really have a preference.

So the DVP runs on T-Mobile? Is it going to be one of those deals where unlocking only allows me to hit the 2G network? If so, that's really not an option for me. Need as much speed as possible.

Another consultant sitting next to me as the Trophy, thing is ridiculously fast for data and very smooth. I just played with it for about 20 minutes and I guess the drop in screen size was more of an issue for my mind than an actual problem. It is more than big enough, although I do prefer the 4.3" size.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
Oh I see that it works fine with T-Mobile 3G, that's interesting.

I appreciate the insight, I will look into it further.

Thanks again.


New member
Aug 14, 2011
Take advantage of the 30day no-questions-asked return policy. There's no reason to be scared of giving At&t a shot because of coverage. They've improved a LOT the last couple years. If you don't like the service you can take the phone back and be out of your contract simply for "buyers remorse."
Same goes for T-Mobile and Verizon if you want to try one of their phones.

I'm looking to make the jump now that Mango has rolled out and is rather awesome. But I had some questions about current devices.

I'm on Sprint and the 3G in the greater Phoenix is starting to get dicey, and with all of the iPhone users coming on board things might get pretty bad for connectivity here. Now I'm not married to a carrier but I'm leery of AT&T as I had an iPhone 3G years ago and had horrible coverage at my residence. I know they are getting the Titan, but I'm not comfortable springing for a new device and finding out their coverage still isn't up to par at my house.

So I guess I'm looking at T-Mobile as my new carrier, but they have only one WP7 phone available at the moment and the upcoming HTC Radar doesn't pique my interest at all. I've gotten used to the screen size on the Evo 4G and frankly I'm not ever going to downsize again.

After all that, I guess my primary question is this. Since it doesn't look like there are a lot of phones coming for a few months, is the HD7 a pretty solid choice at this time? It seems my only options for a large screen are the HD7 and the Titan, or am I missing another option out there?



New member
Oct 10, 2011
If you have the cash to buy without contract you should be able to use a Titan on T mobile if it can be unlocked.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
I found a local seller here in Phoenix with a new unlocked Venue Pro for $200.

I prefer to buy off contract stuff, so I'm going to give that a shot. If it doesn't work out I'm sure I can get about the same reselling it.

Thanks for the help, much appreciated.


Sep 22, 2011
want a large screen and don't want to deal with AT$T then I would suggest the HD7 on TMO and besides AT$T is overcrowded in metro areas, but both are better than sprint as far as data speeds go, at least in my hometown anyway only getting dialup speeds here.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Good choice, the Dell is a solid phone and that's a good price. Hope you enjoy the combo.


New member
Oct 13, 2011

I looked at the upcoming devices that have been announced and nothing makes me all that excited. Minor upgrades, at best, over the current crop of phones.

And buying one cheap won't make me feel bad if I replace it in 6 months because something sweet shows up.

Anyway, looking forward to it for daily usage and doing some Win7 dev. As a .Net consultant having tried Android and iPhone dev, well the tools absolutely SUCK compared to Visual Studio. So I'm excited that I'll get to use some real tools to make some apps.


New member
Aug 14, 2011
We need:
Good sports app
GPS app
Baseball game

Sent from my non mindless sheep iphone Samsung Focus using Board Express


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Go with the Venue Pro. I believe you can save $10/month with T-Mobile by bringing your own device.

Then, if a newer device comes to T-Mobile that you really want, you can always buy it at the subsidized price and sell the Venue Pro.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Not sure if Internet Tethering is important to you, if it is then you might want to double check with Dell on the ability for the DVP to use tethering.

Although the wifi chip appears to be a BRCM 4329 chipset, the specification says that only the 802.11b/g standards are implemented, from my understanding you need the 'n' standard implemented as well for tethering to work.

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