MS made a new lockscreen app: Tetra lockscreen

Tetra lock is the closest thing to glance screen for low end phones like 521 or 635. Still lags like LiveLockscreen though.
Edit: Hahaha! Oops, wrong thread
It works now! A little lag but I'm sure they can iron that out later. To the OP: I don't know what helped really with the array of reboots and soft resets. I also went to lock screen settings and set it to tetra lockscreen. Locked my screen while in settings and it worked. When I unlocked again, it had reverted back to my old settings but the tetra was still working. I can handle the little lag but one thing that may cause me to switch back is that when I unlock my screen, the start screen or whatever was there before it locked looks grainy for about a second. Now for a weather widget. My life would then be complete.

I'm willing to trade off some lag for a nice looking lockscreen that's more functional than the Live Lockscreen app released earlier. I've noticed that if you have a passcode, there's almost no delay between unlocking and being able to swipe on Start
Checked it out on my 920 and guess what? No lag at all. Looks great and works great. Hats off to the dev on this app.
Does not run in my Lumia 930.

When I unlock the screen (with the power button or double tap) I get a blank screen for a few seconds and the stock lockscreen pops up.
Does not run in my Lumia 930.

When I unlock the screen (with the power button or double tap) I get a blank screen for a few seconds and the stock lockscreen pops up.

I was also having that problem until I kept regional format as US. Try it. Worked for me and might work for you.
I think that the Tetra Lockscren app is a good concept from Microsoft. I like the way of the placement of the time and date, which is done in quite a minimalist way and looks quite good with the picture. However, the performance of the app is horrible. There is a small lag between unlocking your phone and showing what you are doing. This is certainly a clear indication that MS really needs to update their lockscreen API immediately in order to make it work !!
I think that the Tetra Lockscren app is a good concept from Microsoft. I like the way of the placement of the time and date, which is done in quite a minimalist way and looks quite good with the picture. However, the performance of the app is horrible. There is a small lag between unlocking your phone and showing what you are doing. This is certainly a clear indication that MS really needs to update their lockscreen API immediately in order to make it work !!

No lag here.
Does not run in my Lumia 930.

When I unlock the screen (with the power button or double tap) I get a blank screen for a few seconds and the stock lockscreen pops up.

Same for me


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