It's obvious. W10's touch interface has been devalued and the mouse and pointer interface expanded. Since the touch experience is inferior to Win8 then why would anyone move any touch devices onto a worse OS solution? So, clearly the focus of W10 is for pre-touch devices. That being the case, it would be crazy for MS to restrict their target market further.
No Bro; Windows 10 is supossed to work with ACTUAL Hardware and newer Hardware. The "Windows Hello" Feature is probably not gonna work with most actual Hardware. On the other side, the Tablet Mode in Windows 10 Build 10074 is very very similar with the "Touch" and App Interface in Windows 8.1, most possible in future Builds, Windows 10 is going to have a lot more capabilities for Touch Only Devices.
And for the Topic; Hardware gets old, you buy a new PC, it becames obsolte the next day if something even better came out. That's the life in technnology and it's somewhat sad, but it's the reallity.
I got to use a really old HP Pavillion dv4000 Intel Celeron from 2004. That one was my war machine, it was my partner for a long time and for most part of my Enginering studies, but it becames practically obsolete for modern therms; Windows 7 worked really really nice in that big dinosaur, but when I try to install Windows 8, the Intel Graphic Chip, the infamous 910 Express Family Chipset, was not suported for Windows 8 and there was no means to install the driver, not even doing some magic and recoding tricks, so, I was never ever gonna really use Windows 8 on that Laptop and that was all, the poor old thing just die the last year, a couple of days after I buy a new PC and save all the Data that was in it's old 40GB HDD.
So, if time passes, you must be prepared to see the day when the Software is not gonna suppor your Hardware, and that's gonna going to happen meaby the next year with the older Windows Phones Devices, wich probably are not gonna get the next versi?n of Windows 10, because hardware wise are uncapable to do some things compared to newer devices.