MS should make a TV version of Windows 10

Thank god I have an Xbox One so that I don't need something like this.

A Xbox one is NOT a dvr, and is not as extensive as a htpc based on windows media center. Do some research, the Xbox one is not even close to what you could do with 5 year old software
Xbox One wasn't really meant for that, it was meant for gaming, MS added extra multimedia features to it to be the "Ultimate multimedia Machine" that can do other things alongside gaming like acting as a TV box which isn't present in PS4
am I right?

All they would have to do is modify the xbox version of windows 10 to exclude the xbox game side.

I suggested this idea a year or so ago, and everybody HATED it. Apparently I completely misunderstood what xbox was for and the idea didn't make sense. Probably I was a total ***** too.

Good to see I was just ahead of my time.

Sadly, I fear Microsoft are too late. Android TV is coming this year, and there are several other smart TV platforms already well established in the market.
after making a version of Windows 10 for the internet of things (Windows 10 IoT), I think that this should be possible, now we need a company that makes TVs to make it happen

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