MS to HTC: HTC One M8 isn't good enough for Windows 10

Couple of points to this.

1. HTC are struggling as a whole, despite a series of fairly well received devices they aren't doing all that well. Spending time and resources on their one Windows Phone probably doesn't make much commercial sense for them, particularly if the feedback has been poor about the performance on W10M. That supposedly is why devices like my Lumia 925 aren't getting the update, even though I've had no issues personally.

2. HTC might feel that MS have let them down a bit. Going back to the Windows Mobile days, HTC were one of the premier OEMs with their own devices and also rebranded devices like the O2 XDA series. They produced what were considered the best Windows Mobile 6 devices by many, the HD2 and the HD Mini which still have a dedicated dev following, and were the lead OEM on Windows Phone 7 as well. MS made the decision to abandon WP7, and HTC had 6-7 devices at the time, so may well have got quite a lot of flak from their customers over those devices. Then after all that MS jumps into bed with Nokia.
In regards to number 2, HTC let themselves down. Whatever they may have done in the windows mobile days are great bt Microsoft needed a strong partner and that's why HTC became an afterthought to Microsoft.
In regards to number 2, HTC let themselves down. Whatever they may have done in the windows mobile days are great bt Microsoft needed a strong partner and that's why HTC became an afterthought to Microsoft.

Strong partner implies that the MS-Nokia relationship and subsequent purchase was an unqualified success, which it was not.
HTC can blame MS all day long, but they appear to be forgetting that M8 users are not completely stupid. If HTC was fully supporting W10 why does the IR blaster or Duo Camera not work? That's right HTC, you haven't updated these apps in years, they only have 8.1 versions.

If you want to support us, prove it. We have the latest non redstone release, go ahead and update some apps.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I'm not quite sure why this is such a surprise to everyone. Definitely disappointing, but it's well within the history of HTC's actions to launch and abandon devices. I'm surprised they supported it for this long to be honest.
I agree. I had a couple of HTC phones in the past with Android and their update schedules were laughable at best. Good riddance if you ask me. Wish more big names and quality makers like Sony and Motorola would join in.
Sony joining the fold would be absolutely amazing, giving some good competition for Acer etc.
I hear ya I"m just as pissed off, Doesn't Verizon still have the M8 for sale ?

How about my case, The Nokia 930 is the SAME EXACT PHONE as the ICON/929 accept CDMA is enabled (a firmware change ONLY), the 930 got it on the first run, the ICON did not
Very disappointed from Microsoft i was with them since lumia 710 and i made the jump like 3 month ago to android :( (the app gap hit me, so a had to pull de cord) I still have the htc m8 wp waiting for the day I come back. I miss WP it was like a breath of fresh air. But now I'm hearing this it just ... I guess the only chance the have with me is IF only IF the make a good surface phone and they ecosystem grows up. I'm just here coming in to windows central every day just to hear bad news.
I think a lot of us have made the switch to Android after we were left at the altar. (For me 820/925). I am keeping my 640 in case a miracle happens. But i have very little hope.
Not a surprise to me. HTC Windows Phones have always been limited by HTC and, in my experience, Verizon as well. I had to use SevenEighter to install Windows 7.8 on my HTC Trophy and then use the Zune software to upgrade its firmware and radios.

With the HTC 8x I had to use the Preview for Developers to get 8.1 and almost a year later the official 8.1 was released by Verizon. I then needed to manually update the firmware as well. The M8 was a sweet phone hardware-wise (other than the camera), but after using the 520, 635 and 928 I knew my upgrades were to the 640 and 929. We'll see how the 929 does officially - it's running 10 via the Insider Preview (and running it well). It’s unfortunate that it may not officially receive the upgrade to 10 when it runs it so well.

Then again the other Lumias aren't always upgraded either. AT&T refused to upgrade the 635 to the latest build of 8.1 - I had to use a special software developer's tool to install it. The 520 runs 10 poorly and neither it nor my 512MB will likely ever get the official Windows 10 (though really, they both run it poorly compared to the 640 with its 1GB RAM). Even my 640 hasn't seen the official Windows 10 build yet (I reverted to 8.1 via the Device Recovery tool and installed the Upgrade Advisor and it says it's coming). W10 does run very well on the 640 (almost as well as the 929). So you see, in the end, carrier and manufacturers always ruin things with their involvement... ;)
It was widely reported, including on this site, that HTC didn't want to spend money. They can't afford it, and they have to pay Verizon to test the upgrade to WM10. It was a very small group of people that purchased it, and made no sense to pursue it.

No technical reason, it was pure economics. They're trying to get the Vive off the ground and get the HTC One M10 marketed and selling.
I blame Microsoft for this. I picked the HTC M8 phone as soon as it came up on Verizon's list. It's been a great phone and I was sure I'd be eligible to upgrade to WM10 when it came out. Before this my WP7 on Verizon was the Trophy and that wasn't upgradable to WP8 at all (you know the story.) So now I'm 0 for 2 on Verizon and Windows Phones. I doubt market share with HTC phones was the reason that the WM10 offering was pulled. There is already so much less Windows Phones in the marketplace, why limit themselves more? But regardless, this is a nightmare. I was very disappointed about this and will most likely jump ship because of this lack of support (whoever is to blame.)
What does HTC expect? They basically pushed out this phone and have done nothing since, and even this phone was just a slight modification of the android version. No updated model, no support, no interest in actually doing anything for its users - thats pretty much the way HTC has treated WP users since the Titan 2.
Is the Dev Preview version not workable on the M8 anyway though? Or was that limited to lumia?
But the Icon was on one carrier, so maybe that has an effect. Also saw a tweet from Gabe about rendering issues with the icon. Now that one sounded strange, but hey, what do we know.

The ICON is just Verizon's 930. It's just carrying a different name. The hardware's the same.
The ICON is just Verizon's 930. It's just carrying a different name. The hardware's the same.

Not necessarily. Doesn't he icon lack certain 930 bands while at the same time it has certain Verizon specific bands? Specs wise they are the same but it is not entirely the same phone. This is different from say a Lumia 640 on att and one tmobile.
wasn' HTC one of the first to partnership with Microsoft to put their OS on their phones? I remember the htc hd2 was my first phone
Luckily my M8 has the Insider Preview. Might not be redstone, but it'll get me by until I can grab a 950. There are a couple of issues like WiFi not getting an address from a DHCP server, leaving it with a link local address ( requiring complete reboot to get wifi working. SMS texts occasionally fail to send, requiring a reboot (soft reset, how ever you like to call it). And the device randomly restarts when not in use.
It's not perfect with the 10586.164 build, and could probably use a firmware update. But there has not been a firmware update since 8.1 for the M8.
wasn' HTC one of the first to partnership with Microsoft to put their OS on their phones? I remember the htc hd2 was my first phone
Not the first, but one of a handful of ODMs that created hardware with Palm for Pocket PC 2002, WinMo 2003 (and SE) and then they finally started making their own with WinMo 5. But, yea, HTC pretty much was the standard bearer for MS's mobile OSs up until Samsung hit it big with the Focus.

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