Glance is hardware featured, double tap to wake I suspect that's not compatible with oled screenstap to wake and glance should be built in system features at this point, but nah we gotta focus on continuum
Glance is hardware featured, double tap to wake I suspect that's not compatible with oled screens
Yes, it's HW feat. same as USB OTG that everyone believed was a Win10 new feature; google for specs.I don't believe that it's a hardware limitation. I'm assuming that Microsoft really wanted people to use Glance to show notifications.
The following Lumia devices currently do not support double tap to wake up:
◦Lumia 550
◦Lumia 650
◦Lumia 650 Dual SIM
◦Lumia 950
◦Lumia 950 Dual SIM
◦Lumia 950 XL
◦Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM
If you would like to give feedback about this feature, please use the Windows Feedback app.
What the hell is "vibrate on pickup" ?
And then, how a software could pop up a unexisting led on the phone? :grincry:
Pls read the description and u will know wat Vibrate On Pickup s available in Samsung And Moto devices
I suggested the switch off mode as this is a common feature on many phones....causes less heat and faster charging... s available in Samsung And Moto devices
I found that on Wiki on late afternoon. I voted it as The most unuseful ever >.<
I have many friends they got a Galaxy, never told me such a nonsense feature.
OMG there are a lot very imore mportant features we need, as a big low battery icon as old Nokia screensaver app.
Not that stupid "vibrate when pick up"
I'm astonished
Heat when charging... OK let's look at that.
The phone will heat more if you use it and charge simultaneously, but you want the phone off so that isn't an issue...
Fast charging such as on the 950XL will increase heat period. Off or on it will be hotter than standard charging. No way around that really.
When not in use and on a standard charger or Qi stand, my phones don't get more than slightly warm...
Faster charging?
When idle with the screen off or just Glance, the phone really isn't drawing that much charge. How much of an advantage do you presume this is? 1% to 2% extra an hour would be my guestimate.
Here is a screencap from my 1520 which has been sitting idle in my pocket (so no Glance running) for a couple hours. I just unlocked it and opened up Battery App. Note the discharge rate of a whopping 1.01% per hour.
View attachment 125959
Not every device will have the features all others have. We'd end up with everyone having the same phone. :winktongue:
I think you are making mountains out of molehills here. "Nice to have" is much different from "Much Needed Addition Required ASAP" and not everyone is going to see these as "key features" that will make or break the UX.
Just trying to inject some rational facts into it.
IMHO, trying to make a new OS conform to what you are familiar with on a previous one is a quick way to a headache. They all have their own feature sets, behaviors and ways to accomplish tasks. When I switch between platforms I try and train myself on the ways of the platform rather than trying to tame the device to my old habits...