My 1020 drowned - AT&T and Asurion trying to switch me iPhone/Android.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
We had a ton of rain in Los Angeles the last couple of days and today I became a victim of it. This truck was speeding down Santa Monica Blvd and hit this lake sized puddle, drenching me and about 4 other people on the sidewalk. We literally looked like someone dunked us. That was trouble for the Lumia 1020, which is now sitting lifeless in a ziplock of rice.

I contacted AT&T first since I bought the insurance through them. $7/month for the last 48 months = $336. The rep told me that I would have to pay $200 deductible and couldn't tell me what kind of phone I would get. Then...THEN...she asked if I'd be interested in an iPhone on their Next program. After she also tried to sell me uVerse while I'm panicking about my phone, she transferred me to Asurion, the insurance provider.

Asurion told me that my deductible is $100. I'm already saving money. She told me that I'd either get a 1020 or an M8. I told her that I was going to see if my phone resurrected itself before dropping that kind of money on what would likely be a refurb or a phone I don't want. I checked on my in-progress claim online to see if I wanted to finish and submit it and the replacement phone is actually a Samsung Galaxy Alpha. Now the insurance company is trying to switch me - this time to Android.

Many people think they know why Microsoft isn't successful with Windows Phone and they blame apps and marketing and exclusive deals. Those are all minor when you think about that point of purchase when you might want a Windows Phone, but the "expert" in front of you questions your selection. It's happened to several people I know. Even tying to deal with the insurance of a damaged phone, they take the opportunity to lure you away from Windows Phone.

I can wait out my emailed requests since I still have my 920 a more than capable backup. :)
Pretty ridiculous that they're trying to tell you they won't replace your phone with the same model. Also, I'd drop the phone insurance. It's a big rip off. they charge you all that dough monthly and then when you have to use it you still have a big old deductible to pay. The only way it would cost you less in the long run is if your phone gets wrecked in the first 6 months or so of having it.
That certainly is a ripoff if they try to switch you to a different device even if you've paid that much for insurance.
Lol don't get insurance. Phones last 6 months to a year now before new one comes out. That's when you try to sell it on eBay for $$. Tech industry has gotten way too greedy. Expects you to buy new things that has very little upgrade every year, and these network providers are even cashing in on it with these insurance nonsense. We didn't use to have insurance on flip phones.
1 buy a used phone off craigslist.
2 cancel "almost insurance"
3 upgrade when you want to, but refer to 1

rinse repeat
Btw the rain is doing good for the city's drought problem. And i was also driving in that area yesterday going to cedars Sinai medical. What was the color of that pick-up truck 😉
couple of options. Yes, without a doubt DROP the crappy ATT almost-insurance.

If you have a Wells Fargo credit card and pay your cell phone bill with it you will have an automatic insurance (have never tested it)
Buy all your phones at the MS store and buy their "complete" for $100, which will get you a NEW phone if something happens (can replace it twice in the two year term).
Smart move to keep your 920 for backup. Me and my wife each bought a 39$ 635 for backup replacing our 520's that we never had to use
That should be considered insurance fraud. SG Alpha is a much lower valued and quality of device compared to the 1020. With that said, the 1020 is probably long ago out of stock. Best you could do is fight for a 1520 or M8 with windows.
This is a funny story because the same situation just happened to me.
My wife has a Lumia 925 and we bought the AT&T insurance. She dropped it and shattered the screen and it was no longer responsive.

Called up AT&T and they also referred me to Asurion who basically said they have no Windows Phones and I'd either have to take an iPhone 5S or a Samsung Galaxy Alpha. I actually ended up talking to two managers and they told me the best they could do was give me a Samsung Galaxy S5 as a "condolence" for not having stocking my phone of choice.

I ended up cancelling the insurance, and just had the phone repaired for $150 bucks.....

Screw all these companies. The whole world is out to get Windows Phone... pretty sad.
Phone insurance, spend money for accidental damages; in the event you need it you pay deductible or more money on the insurance you paid for, for a replacement phone that may not be entirely sure if you want the phone.

Who conjures up these weird insurances? If you call this an insurance. The best insurances might probably to save money on the side... insurance, that way you can buy your replacement phone you like instead of what the carrier likes.

Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
Btw the rain is doing good for the city's drought problem. And i was also driving in that area yesterday going to cedars Sinai medical. What was the color of that pick-up truck 😉

It was you wasn't it? Not at all surprised /shakes head. 😜
That should be considered insurance fraud. SG Alpha is a much lower valued and quality of device compared to the 1020. With that said, the 1020 is probably long ago out of stock. Best you could do is fight for a 1520 or M8 with windows.

It is, (unless they covered themselves in the small print) as in this instance you are to get a like for like replacement or something of similar value to the phone (at the beginning of the contract, if it is based on current market value - that will open up a huge can of worms hence normally it is the former) or equivalent to the amount of insurance you paid.

In regards to the deductible that is debatable as most companies class it is as either a surcharge or administration fee (usually) the latter in the small print. However if there is no mention of such charge, then they have no leg to stand on.

To the OP, normally the ziplock rice treatment works however it will take days not hours :). I would suggest you leave it in there for a few weeks. Like BartDog said, best insurance is really the MS complete, shame we users outside the US don't have such a service... I would have got it myself for my 920. Then again It might have been a waste (or not) time will tell as my 920 has survived all manner of knocks & falls, this ?1 tpu gel case has taken the brunt of many beatings lol.
Pretty ridiculous that they're trying to tell you they won't replace your phone with the same model. Also, I'd drop the phone insurance. It's a big rip off. they charge you all that dough monthly and then when you have to use it you still have a big old deductible to pay. The only way it would cost you less in the long run is if your phone gets wrecked in the first 6 months or so of having it.

Agree, I got into a healthy confrontation with three T-Mobile representative about that: Why am I paying insurance for over a year if when I need it I have to put half of the price down to get a new one? They tried to convinced me but when I did the math they had to agree that I was right $10 monthly over yr in half 180 plus $20 of installment 360 $540. I cancelled right there. Got my 1520 and I take care of it like I do of myself [well close].
This is a funny story because the same situation just happened to me.
My wife has a Lumia 925 and we bought the AT&T insurance. She dropped it and shattered the screen and it was no longer responsive.

Called up AT&T and they also referred me to Asurion who basically said they have no Windows Phones and I'd either have to take an iPhone 5S or a Samsung Galaxy Alpha. I actually ended up talking to two managers and they told me the best they could do was give me a Samsung Galaxy S5 as a "condolence" for not having stocking my phone of choice.

I ended up cancelling the insurance, and just had the phone repaired for $150 bucks.....

Screw all these companies. The whole world is out to get Windows Phone... pretty sad.

Should've taken the Galaxy S5 first then cancel. Then sell the S5 on ebay for cash and repair the 925. Should still work out a couple hundred bucks in your favour.
Should've taken the Galaxy S5 first then cancel. Then sell the S5 on ebay for cash and repair the 925. Should still work out a couple hundred bucks in your favour.

Normally they would black list the phones IMEI therefore making it useless in the country has been blocked unless you want to go about "fiddling" where you shouldn't, regardless I wouldn't recommend that to any one as it would be classed as insurance fraud and can be possibly treated as a theft too.
I just lost my Lumia 1020, That happened on Tuesday of last week. I started a Claim with Asurion on their website, I got to the part were the website told me I was gonna get a Galaxy Alpha as a replacement for my 1020. I wasn't happy with that of course, and so I called Asurion, and the lady didn't even mentioned the Galaxy Alpha. She said I'd get the HTC M8 for Windows, because it was comparable in specs and it has the same OS. I got phone next day, they shipped it overnight.
My deductible was $100.
I didn't even asked about getting another 1020 as I was pretty excited that I was gonna get the New HTC M8.

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