Amazing concept, I absolutely love it, and if I had a choice between this and the current WP8.0 I would definitely choose yours. Here are my (detailed) thoughts on the concept:
Things I liked:
- homescreen windows 8 feel - it gives a new refreshing, more visually appealing look to WP, which I think is starting to age in its design. The single flat colour of WP gets tedious over time, wheras I haven't found the same with windows 8. My other issue with flat colour is that it is harder to identify icons for specific things because they all look similar, it simply does not provide enough contrast to provide the visual memory of where things are on the screen. I know some people like consistency and there could be a flat colour option for those folks, but I think the majority prefer their icons to stand out.
- Folders
- New 'all apps' screen is much more flexible
- Bing universal search is awesome in windows 8.1, lets hope it makes it into WP8.1
- Independent vol controls - I think everybody agrees we need this
- Task manager improvements - ability to close apps and those other new options down the bottom
- Best notification centre concept I've ever seen (but flashlight should definitely be a quick setting)
- Love the lockscreen, though I think quick launch adds unnecessary complexity
Things I disliked/need improving:
- Too many ways to multitask becomes confusing (swipe from left edge, swipe up from back arrow, hold back arrow). I would prefer just these 2: hold back arrow, and make tapping an already open app on start screen resume that app if it is already running (instead of re-opening it).
- Swipe down to close is not as easy on a tall narrow screen as it is on a wide, short screen on a tablet, it would be better just to close apps from the task manager
- Split screen - only phablets would be able to use it and it would require a massive WP market share before developers would start making apps that work with this
- All the capacitive swipe up gestures seem overly complicated and just replicates functionality already there. For example, if you arrange icons well on your start screen those quick shortcuts aren't that helpful, voice commands are already easily accessible and would be better served by having an always on driving mode (eg. say "lumia" to activate voice commands, followed by the command "lumia, text joe")
I know a lot of users have been quite negative about a lot of the ideas, but remember that a lot of WP users are here because they like the minimalist design and don't want to see that change. Personally I think WP is pretty bad at the moment, it is part of the windows ecosystem and that is why I have one, but it is the weakest link in the chain. I would much prefer a more windows RT like OS with a redesign for the mobile form factor, which is exactly what you've done.
To the users who would prefer the notifications to only be accessible via swiping to the left of the homescreen, here is why that is a bad idea:
1. Including quick settings in a notification centre is a complete waste of time unless the notification centre is accessible from anywhere. For example, if I already have my music playlist queued but realise my bluetooth is not on, I should not have to leave the app to turn it on. Similarly, when independent app volume controls get implemented, it would be nice to be able to access that without leaving the app. Other settings like wifi and flashlight (and music controls) should also be accessible from anywhere rather than having to return to the start screen. This is 50% of the usefullness of a notification centre, why limit it by only being able to access it from the start screen.
2. Things like email, facebook, twitter, IM programs, etc do not have toast notifications (or those that are there are unreliable), and even if present, these are easily missed. Having a notifications centre only accessible from the start screen would barely give more functionality than the start screen itself. The user would still have to exit their current app, interrupting what they are doing to see if they have any new emails, IMs, facebook messages, etc, this concept doesnt really add anything to the current start screen functionality. What WOULD be useful is if the user could swipe into the notification centre from anywhere in the OS, instantly checking whether there are any new emails, etc without interrupting their current activity.
3. My 3rd point is simple: if a user wants to only access notifications from their start screen, they can still choose to do so even if the capability is there to access the notifications from anywhere, while users who want more flexibility would be able to get it. Just because you won't use a feature doesn't mean it should be hobbled for everyone else.
4. It would provide a single consistent place to have sharing options, similar to what the charms bar does for windows 8.