My Dislikes/Frustrations with WP7


New member
Nov 5, 2011
I am coming from Android which I really liked as there seemed to be no limit to what you could do. But I thought I'd give wp7 a try and while I really like it there are some serious limitations that are aggravating.

1. Storage and files. I don't like not having the ability to save different types of files (text,PDF,etc) on the phone for quick access and ability to email. SkyDrive is great and all but not always beneficial when you don't have good coverage.
I want the ability to save pdfs and other files to my phone.

I want to also be able to connect my phone to my PC and copy files to and from. Not just media files. My phone is more, or should be more, than just a media center. Its frustrating that my Android phone was more business friendly.

As far as I can tell you can only email pictures.

There are some more issues I have but this stands out now as I have been working out in the "field" and these type of limitations have stood out. I want to stay with wp7 but it's disappointing how Android you can do nearly anything and far from it with wp7
I am coming from Android which I really liked as there seemed to be no limit to what you could do. But I thought I'd give wp7 a try and while I really like it there are some serious limitations that are aggravating.

1. Storage and files. I don't like not having the ability to save different types of files (text,PDF,etc) on the phone for quick access and ability to email. SkyDrive is great and all but not always beneficial when you don't have good coverage.
I want the ability to save pdfs and other files to my phone.

you can

I want to also be able to connect my phone to my PC and copy files to and from. Not just media files. My phone is more, or should be more, than just a media center. Its frustrating that my Android phone was more business friendly.

As far as I can tell you can only email pictures.

just hold down the file you want to email, hit share, and choose the email you want to send with.
One thing that I have found helpful is finding the user guide and printing it out and putting it in a threee ring binder and if I have a question , need to troubleshoot or figure out how to or if I can do something take a look at it. I also try to familarize myself as far as how to do the main things I want to be able to do with my device. And i mark the areas that are important with post it note flags so if I forget I can find the needed information quicker. The more you know about tyhe device the easier it can be to get it to work for you instead of against you.
With two of the 4 people I know that's moved from Android to WP7, their gripes are that "Android did this" and "WP7 doesn't do this". Which so far has been 100% false. Most people don't take the time to read the manual. It's a shame really.

[had one person said she was going back to Android because there was no way to remove apps from the home screen once they were added] O_o
the only complaint the android users should have is customization, but since android is just a mess anyway, i can see why they needed that level of customization.

i have android on my tablet and i'd shoot myself if that was my phone interface. i wish i had metro on the tablet so bad.
the only complaint the android users should have is customization, but since android is just a mess anyway, i can see why they needed that level of customization.

i have android on my tablet and i'd shoot myself if that was my phone interface. i wish i had metro on the tablet so bad.

I totally agree
I don't understand why anyone would be against customization. Why wouldn't you want the device you use every day to be set up to fit how you personally do things?

I like my WP7 phone a lot, but there are definitely things I'd like to be able to customize to my personal liking.

And, I also agree that adding USB mass storage support would be very useful in some situations.
Okay. If it can do these things, then how?

As far as I was aware, I can not connect the phone to my computer, and drag files over unless its through Zune which only allows media type files.

There is no folder structure on the phone. And while I believe if I view a pdf, Adobe Reader will keep that file somewhere. However, if I want to send it to someone I cant. I cant navigate to any file, except for pictures, and easily email them to someone. Partially because there is no folder structure you can access (that im know of) and partially because it doesnt seem like they want you to have it.
Okay. If it can do these things, then how?

You can do it, but bear with me. It's different from the way Android treats a smartphone like a USB hard drive. Go to on your computer and sign in with the Live ID you use with your phone. Add the files to your skydrive.

Now install the skydrive app to your phone. The files will be there.

On your phone, press and hold on one of the files and it gives you an option to send a link. You can allow the person to view only or view-and-edit. They can then save the file.

Now, I recognize this is not a very good solution for business purposes, especially if you work for a company that is a competitor to Microsoft. That's my situation with my main client. I really cannot use my Windows Phone and Live services for many work-related activities, such as sending files through email, because I cannot give my files to Microsoft. If I worked for a bigger firm, I would probably have Exchange and Sharepoint, but I don't. I find other ways to do what I need to do.
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Okay. If it can do these things, then how?

As far as I was aware, I can not connect the phone to my computer, and drag files over unless its through Zune which only allows media type files.

There is no folder structure on the phone. And while I believe if I view a pdf, Adobe Reader will keep that file somewhere. However, if I want to send it to someone I cant. I cant navigate to any file, except for pictures, and easily email them to someone. Partially because there is no folder structure you can access (that im know of) and partially because it doesnt seem like they want you to have it.

If you open up the adobe app on wp7 you will see exactly where the PDF files are kept. Same with word and excel. They are kept in each apps location. Same goes for music and videos if you download them from SkyDrive.
been a while sins i saw a complaint thread... no wait .... i see one every day....


STEP 1: research the phone you want before you buy it

STEP2: make sure it does what you want and dont blindly buy an items like 90% Customers that are Electronically illiterate.

STEP3: Nicely ask question instead of blindly thinking it doesn't do it.

STEP4: If it does it , but not the way YOU want it to do it.. GO BACK TO STEP 1!
just hold down the file you want to email, hit share, and choose the email you want to send with.

This doesn't work with pdf files. Word and excel files, yes. Not pdf though. Not a big deal to me, but it seems like something one should be able to do.

Seems to me, any file you can access on your phone, you should be able to attach to an email (within size limits, of course).
With two of the 4 people I know that's moved from Android to WP7, their gripes are that "Android did this" and "WP7 doesn't do this". Which so far has been 100% false. Most people don't take the time to read the manual. It's a shame really.

[had one person said she was going back to Android because there was no way to remove apps from the home screen once they were added] O_o

Several of the people who took up the WP challenge as I recall had similar issues. It all reminded me of ionformation about PDA's in the arly days. One of the Japanese manufacturers I want to say Sony when they left the US market they remarked that the American consumer unlike the Japanes use would not take the time to read the manual, like their Japanese counterparts before starting to use the device. Wanting to start using a device without knowing what it can and cant do and how to do it, is a recipe for frustrated consumers who are disappointerd that their device doesn't work the way they think it should or does have the ability to do this that or the other in the way they expect. Before you go off half cocked review the manual. Maybe the situation wont change as far as one isssue but you"llbe better prepared to use your device and you may learn a few tricks that maybe we haven't come across! You might even feel a lot better about your device! Happy reading
been a while sins i saw a complaint thread... no wait .... i see one every day....


STEP 1: research the phone you want before you buy it

STEP2: make sure it does what you want and dont blindly buy an items like 90% Customers that are Electronically illiterate.

STEP3: Nicely ask question instead of blindly thinking it doesn't do it.

STEP4: If it does it , but not the way YOU want it to do it.. GO BACK TO STEP 1!

I would add STEP5: Read the dadgum manual For my focus its only 145 pages and each page is only about half full. I am a speed reader and it did not take me long but look at it like this your smartphone phone is only as smart as you let it be
This is true. I download the manual even before I buy the phone. I like to be prepared. But sadly, most people would rather call/text/email someone before they take the time to figure it out themselves.
Several of the people who took up the WP challenge as I recall had similar issues. It all reminded me of ionformation about PDA's in the arly days. One of the Japanese manufacturers I want to say Sony when they left the US market they remarked that the American consumer unlike the Japanes use would not take the time to read the manual, like their Japanese counterparts before starting to use the device. Wanting to start using a device without knowing what it can and cant do and how to do it, is a recipe for frustrated consumers who are disappointerd that their device doesn't work the way they think it should or does have the ability to do this that or the other in the way they expect. Before you go off half cocked review the manual. Maybe the situation wont change as far as one isssue but you"llbe better prepared to use your device and you may learn a few tricks that maybe we haven't come across! You might even feel a lot better about your device! Happy reading
Okay. If it can do these things, then how?

As far as I was aware, I can not connect the phone to my computer, and drag files over unless its through Zune which only allows media type files.

There is no folder structure on the phone. And while I believe if I view a pdf, Adobe Reader will keep that file somewhere. However, if I want to send it to someone I cant. I cant navigate to any file, except for pictures, and easily email them to someone. Partially because there is no folder structure you can access (that im know of) and partially because it doesnt seem like they want you to have it.
Hi DaveGX - I'm new to Windows Phone and am looking for answers to some of the same questions you have, but here's what I have found so far:

It appears that to send a file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) by e-mail, the file needs to be saved to your phone, not SkyDrive. The location option is in the box below the File name when you choose "Save as" from the menu. The files will then be available when you open office and scroll over to the "locations" page and click "Phone".

To get files to your phone it looks like the best option is to load them to SkyDrive and save the important files to your phone one-by-one.

I don't see any way to attach a PDF to an e-mail.

Hope this helps.
The manuals barely tell you anything anyways. They all give just basic information that you find out ten minutes after actually using the device. I have 4 devices here. All the manuals are useless, including the one that came with my HD7.

Manuals and written/printed documentation aren't anything like they were 20 years ago. Everyone expects you to Google itnor go read some website instead.

Remember when apps like Normandy c++ and visual studio came with a bookshelf of printed documentation, lol. Devices were similar. Thick indeptg user manuals. Now you don't getnmuch more than a pamphlet.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Several of the people who took up the WP challenge as I recall had similar issues. It all reminded me of ionformation about PDA's in the arly days. One of the Japanese manufacturers I want to say Sony when they left the US market they remarked that the American consumer unlike the Japanes use would not take the time to read the manual, like their Japanese counterparts before starting to use the device. Wanting to start using a device without knowing what it can and cant do and how to do it, is a recipe for frustrated consumers who are disappointerd that their device doesn't work the way they think it should or does have the ability to do this that or the other in the way they expect. Before you go off half cocked review the manual. Maybe the situation wont change as far as one isssue but you"llbe better prepared to use your device and you may learn a few tricks that maybe we haven't come across! You might even feel a lot better about your device! Happy reading

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