My Future with Windows Phone [Mini-Rant] lol...

If you know for me, it's been a long time with Microsoft Products. I have been a PocketPC user from 1.0 and almost every version after, then it was just natural after about 2-3 WM devices with phones in them (always carried a WM PDA and a cell) to move to Windows Phone. Then as you can see below, I have had a few Windows Phone devices and I do enjoy the OS over all, it's smooth, well thought out for the most part, the camera is pretty awesome, the hardware (like my 928 or now my ICON), is good enough to complete with the best of them.

With that being said, I think I have had enough or at least VERY close to being at the end of my rope. The lack of some key apps that are important to me, never mind some local TV and radio stations (all have iOS/Android apps) that I could find a use for in some cases.

Then there is hardware, Smartwatches, how many are there now and HOW many that are available work with Windows Phone ? DING, DING, DING We have a winner.....NONE..(upcoming "claimed" support does not count).

New cool gear, oh, its' iOS or Android only....oh a cool game, oh, it's iOS/Android only. Day in an day out I see this, all it takes is to watch about an hour or 2 of tv a day and you will see this.... a LOT...

Been a hard core Windows Phone supporter on here for a long time but, now I am deciding to look at a used Android device for a while and try to live with it...

I just wish Microsoft would get with the times, push more app dev, push more hardware support (smartwatches, etc), and really get some balls and do something with NFC for payments....As normal it seems MS is taking a back seat to that stuff and waiting for everyone else to iron it out....and that is lame.

It might be time for me to move on....sigh so much invested in WP and Microsoft products...
Do what you please, and what makes you happy. But just two quick notes:

You don't HAVE to use the Action Center... You could easily turn off app notifications from appearing there, and then continue merely using Live Tiles to keep up on everything.

And the HTC One speakers aren't a gimmick, they're actually REALLY good. Other people really need to start copying HTC for that.

Anyways, happy trails, hope you find what you're looking for. Oh, and do stop by again when Threshold rolls around, it should be pretty good. :)
If you know for me, it's been a long time with Microsoft Products. I have been a PocketPC user from 1.0 and almost every version after, then it was just natural after about 2-3 WM devices with phones in them (always carried a WM PDA and a cell) to move to Windows Phone. Then as you can see below, I have had a few Windows Phone devices and I do enjoy the OS over all, it's smooth, well thought out for the most part, the camera is pretty awesome, the hardware (like my 928 or now my ICON), is good enough to complete with the best of them.

With that being said, I think I have had enough or at least VERY close to being at the end of my rope. The lack of some key apps that are important to me, never mind some local TV and radio stations (all have iOS/Android apps) that I could find a use for in some cases.

Then there is hardware, Smartwatches, how many are there now and HOW many that are available work with Windows Phone ? DING, DING, DING We have a winner.....NONE..(upcoming "claimed" support does not count).

New cool gear, oh, its' iOS or Android only....oh a cool game, oh, it's iOS/Android only. Day in an day out I see this, all it takes is to watch about an hour or 2 of tv a day and you will see this.... a LOT...

Been a hard core Windows Phone supporter on here for a long time but, now I am deciding to look at a used Android device for a while and try to live with it...

I just wish Microsoft would get with the times, push more app dev, push more hardware support (smartwatches, etc), and really get some balls and do something with NFC for payments....As normal it seems MS is taking a back seat to that stuff and waiting for everyone else to iron it out....and that is lame.

It might be time for me to move on....sigh so much invested in WP and Microsoft products...

Actually, a guy a my local Microsoft Store was using a Pebble smartwatch with his HTC One M8 (Windows) yesterday. Worked pretty well, thanks to a glorious third-party developer who was willing to make the Bluetooth stack work and got Pebble devices to communicate with Windows Phone. Notifications and all. Also, are smartwatches really /that/ cool yet that they're must haves? I can understand the local apps part, but I honestly don't see the major appeal in smartwatches at this time.

And Microsoft push app dev? Dude, they were literally paying people to write apps for a good chunk of time, there was the App Campus for awhile, and let's not forget they lowered the cost of a developer license to $20/lifetime a matter of days ago. They're trying to get devs on board, but as they say: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Likewise, 8.1 got Bluetooth in order to support smartwatch like devices, with Update 1 going a step further by allowing Internet via Bluetooth and Accessory apps. A Microsoft supports the market standard for NFC, not sure what else you want them to do here (unless it's pulling a total bull**** move by paying off major retailers to support a proprietary format than only people who buy certain phones can enjoy, ala Apple).

I don't think Microsoft is perfect, and there are plenty of reasons to not like them, but I don't think the reasons you listed, personally, are it. Not sure what they're taking a back seat too at the moment. They aren't on the cutting edge of innovation, sure, but then again, I'd argue neither are Apple nor Google.
what bothers me about the "future" of WP is the secrecy. I know it has its purpose BUT we all knew what the iPhone 6 was going to look like almost a year before it was released. THAT never used to be true. When it comes to MS being secretive is not an advantage for a company playing from behind. We just saw the new 830 and its a good phone but its a mid-range phone. Many of us want that top-end flagship. I know, I know, low and mid-range phone drive Lumia sales but there are those of us who want high-end specs. So. Why is Microsoft not talking about what coming? where is the news of a new 1020, 1520, or any new top spec'd model? You bought or invested in lytro camera tech, where is that? This company needs to put it cards on the table let us know what's coming. Christmas is almost here and do we have any news of ANY upcoming flagships (not 830)? I would like to make plans for Christmas buying or should I just wait until 2015 and windows 9. I love my 920 but its time for me to move on to a newer lighter thinner phone. I don't expect to see a new 1020 until mid 2015 or later.

I also think Microsoft needs to shrink the Lumia line. We now have the 635, 735, 830, 930, 1320, 1020, 1520. And there are some I left off. I believe there should be a focus on 4 phones max. low, mid, and high end phone. It just leads to confusion for the non enthused. 635 as base model, 830 or mid-rangers, 930/1020 combined for high ends, and throw in a phablet 1520.
Actually, a guy a my local Microsoft Store was using a Pebble smartwatch with his HTC One M8 (Windows) yesterday. Worked pretty well, thanks to a glorious third-party developer who was willing to make the Bluetooth stack work and got Pebble devices to communicate with Windows Phone. Notifications and all. Also, are smartwatches really /that/ cool yet that they're must haves? I can understand the local apps part, but I honestly don't see the major appeal in smartwatches at this time.

He has a Pebble watch working with all notifications from Windows Phone ? How ? I picked up a Pebble, I have one here, only apps I can find are stuff that will allow up to update faces and play music....cant find anything for notifications....

Where is this guy so I can find out what I am doing with the watch and phone ????????

I need to see some proof on this, I have been searching to the Hill for over a week now and nothing is available that will allow notifications on Windows Phone with a Pebble watch. Even Pebble support....I tried even there too..
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Micah, you don't owe anybody any explanations. I've read many of your posts and there's no questioning your loyalty to the platform. I've been on the fence as well lately because of some disturbing (for me) things I've been noticing with the platform. For example, I saw a few apps on the store that would make you believe they were for AutoCAD. Turns out there are no .dwg viewers, much less editors, for WP. No Excel to PDF converters, only Word to PDF. Softcard (formerly ISIS), nope. PDF annotation, ain't seen one yet. These are all readily available apps that are essential for enterprise-centric users like me. With the exception of NFC payment apps, Windows Mobile had all these. I still got all the cabs stored in my computer just in case.

Luckily, Android has these apps. The UI is bearable at long last and Exchange integration has never been this good. Not up to par with Windows but it's serviceable. I thought my 1520 would be my last phone for a while. I was wrong. I returned it and got a LG G3 which surprised me with how smooth it is, but then again, 3 gigs of RAM can obfuscate a multitude of sins.

I know I'll be back. Microsoft can't ignore the business crowd forever. If Threshold delivers as it's rumored to be, it'll be phone shopping time again. I won't go away though, this forum is the schit.
I agree with your position on not having to defend your statements. Being subjective is what makes this forum so special. However I don't think I'd say MSFT is ignoring enterprise. In fact as far as government enterprise is concerned, they're a viable replacement for Blackberry being more enterprise friendly and trusted than Android and cheaper than iOS. I don't really need to convert excel docs to PDF, but you can take a screenshot of it then scan it to a PDF. As for mobile banking, I'll agree as with other banking applications, WP isn't as plentiful but they do exist. You can believe Threshold will take everything to another level. As of right now my 1520 is the best phone I've had.
Micah, even if you do switch to iPhone I hope you stay around here. You are one of the most colorful & interesting posters in this forum, and you would be missed! Your humor and your unique writing style is fun to read.

I thought my 1520 would be my last phone for a while. I was wrong. I returned it and got a LG G3 which surprised me with how smooth it is, but then again, 3 gigs of RAM can obfuscate a multitude of sins.

So did this take place after you started this thread: The Android Experiment Is Finished? What happened?
Micah, even if you do switch to iPhone I hope you stay around here. You are one of the most colorful & interesting posters in this forum, and you would be missed! Your humor and your unique writing style is fun to read.

So did this take place after you started this thread: The Android Experiment Is Finished? What happened?

Yes. The AutoCAD debacle was the last straw. Those "apps" are nothing but how-to apps and reviews of Autodesk. The camel's back breaker was the Outlook password expired business that I had on another thread. I'm not going to carry multiple devices anymore if I can get away with just one. If I had to carry a tablet for note taking without a digitizer pen, I may as well use a webOS TouchPad and the sketch app I used to have. At least I can enjoy the UI.

I'm not upset about the lack of apps as much as the way they're titled sometimes. If you don't have it, don't try to bamboozle people. It doesn't reflect well on MS.
I agree with your position on not having to defend your statements. Being subjective is what makes this forum so special. However I don't think I'd say MSFT is ignoring enterprise. In fact as far as government enterprise is concerned, they're a viable replacement for Blackberry being more enterprise friendly and trusted than Android and cheaper than iOS. I don't really need to convert excel docs to PDF, but you can take a screenshot of it then scan it to a PDF. As for mobile banking, I'll agree as with other banking applications, WP isn't as plentiful but they do exist. You can believe Threshold will take everything to another level. As of right now my 1520 is the best phone I've had.

No question the 1520 is an amazing device but my needs changed literally overnight and docs handling is a priority as well as CAD out in the field. I'm dusting off an old Fujitsu convertible to see if Core2 Duo can handle Autodesk. As good as the G3 screen is with quad HD and all, it's still only 5-1/2" of display. I had tried some of the Atom 8.1 tabs but it's like asking a Hummer to run with a Cavalier motor. Simply not enough cojones.
TC, i get is tough. When people ask me "What does WP do better than iOS AND Android?", i can say the Camera for Lumia is better (although that vantage point is shrinking now)...and the hardware build of Lumia. Otherwise in my opinion, it offers nothing better but just has a different looking UI (which is subjective if its better or not). Ya, it sucks for me to say it...i started with a Samsung Focus > L920 > was a fun ride, i really do love the look of the UI but for ME the OS needs much more growth.

I had a coworker ask me about windows phones and my answer was pretty similar to what you posted here. Maybe threshold will really bring about some changes and the OS will be better for me next year.
I had a coworker ask me about windows phones and my answer was pretty similar to what you posted here. Maybe threshold will really bring about some changes and the OS will be better for me next year.

I want threshold to be as big a step as we Hope, but with the track record and how long things have taken to progress on WP...hope is what I'm relying on and quite frankly it's annoying as a long time WP user.

Got my fingers crossed it will be a major leap

On a side note, why do I find the Android version of this app much better than the WP version? I see an option here to attach files and never saw it on we... Was I missing it?

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android
I want a unified experience with focus on GREAT HARDWARE
Why does everyone say iPhones have 'great hardware'? It's simply a load of nonsense. They barely compete with Android or WP on a hardware level.

I see an option here to attach files and never saw it on we... Was I missing it?
Probably an OS limitation. Currently, the files app (file manager) is not baked into the OS. When they finally bake it into the OS they'll be able to give app developers the all-important hooks into browsing the file structure to pick specific files or folders. As it stands, camera apps can access your photos, and most other apps have their own local storage.
I'm maybe new on this community but I am Nokia/WP enthusiast. I chose WP because I wanna be different and I love how WP looks and feel. But after about 2 years now with my Lumia 920, and with the current state of the platform, I think I will be going to get the Nexus 6 . There are some things that I want but my phone can't. And also with the not so good quality I got from Nokia as my phone and a friend's 920 got replaced after just about a month. I love WP. I want to stay. I hope WP/Nokia would have something new and exciting to offer this 2015.
I chose WP because I wanna be different

But not at the detriment of my mobile experience. I can't keep a phone on that basis if the ecosystem, though growing, does not have what it takes to keep me happy. Being different is honestly not enough.
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Dude... it's a phone. It's not a person, or a pet.

Dude...Really? I am pretty sure I know it isn't a person or a pet...No matter how much Cortana talks to me. Let's Get real.
I was being Facetious in my original post a bit.

Why does everyone say iPhones have 'great hardware'? It's simply a load of nonsense. They barely compete with Android or WP on a hardware level.

Comments like these are precisely why I sometimes hate being into tech

I don't care how many processors Android OEEMs throw into their phone or how high res their cameras are, specs wise Android phones are beast and yet the experience isn't cohesive.

Let's take the LG G3 for example, they have all these crazy specs on their phone yet from my understanding there are some issues/complaints with the screen if I remember correctly.

HTC sort of reversed the trend with their At best Good Enough Ultrapixel Camera, which I commend them for even if the Camera is not Lumia or Sony Quality.

Samsung makes horrible hardware, cheap feeling and ugly as my opinion of course.
The only Android phones presently that look and feel like a Premium Device are the M8 and pretty much anything Sony and MAYBE a Moto X.
I am no apple ******, I've only been using an iPhone for like 2 days now lol, but what I love about Apple is the fact that

1. No they don't have the high res camera(My 1520 is still a better camera than the Iphone 6/+)

But it is better than the M8 for windows ...

yet I love the fact we can do more with the iPhone camera than the Lumia Camera.

2. No the iPhone doesn''t have 2 GB Ram like my 1520 or the M8 for windows....

Except up until last year, neither did any Windows Phone and guess what? The OS ran perfectly fine and even better than a lot of Android Phones that had more Ram.

3. No the Iphone doesn't have the top of the line fastest processor.....My 1520 doesn't either.

Guess what? It doesn't presently NEED the top of the line processor either....Most Android phones usually do and suffer when they don't have it.

I love the fact that Apple isn't in a Specs race and optimizes the entire experience. This is precisely why I hate Android(well one of the reasons).
So much time is spent trying out spec this OEM that someone will through a 13 megapxel camera in just to say they have a higher res camera and then it still sucks compared to something with less(i.e. iphone 6).

When I said the hardware is great...It's not nonsense.
1. The hardware feels premium. Nothing like Samsung Cheap plastic mess and even more so it does feel slightly better than my 1520.

it damn sure beats an M8 in my opinion.

2. The hardware Fits and works perfectly for the iPhone. They aren't just throwing stuff into the phone to say they have it at the expense of worsening the user experience(kind of like when 4G became the new thing and every phone had 4G yet had horrible battery life. Wasn't apple "late" to the party with 4G? They came out, with a 4G iPhone eventually and it performed much better than the recent Android devices at the time with 4G)

But more importantly
The Hardware actually complements the OS. Which is what I love about Apple.
It fits the OS/UI......

When using an android phone/tablet, the hardware usually is holding me back from the full power of the OS. This is why I wish Microsoft would take an apple approach simply because having all these hands in the same pot fiddling around creating something doesn't make for a seamless experience.

I like the fact that I can buy an iPhone 5s of yesteryear and an iPhone 6/6 plus of today and maybe things load a second or two faster but it is msotly the same experience. Same with Windows Phone....A Lumia 1520 still performs nearly on par with today's M8 for Windows.

You try buying an Android Phone from yesteryear and chances are, it likely won't perform the same...even an Iphone 4S while slower and weaker still performs better than a lot of android phones from the same time period.

When I say the hardware is great, it is. It feels like it is worth the money i spent for it and more importantly it isn't trying to be the Spec ***** of the moment. It's trying to be the PHONE that provides a Cohesive and unified experience for its users.

I now see what IOS users mean when they praise the iPhone and Apple. This has been a fantastic experience so far. My hardware isn't holding me back from enjoying the OS like on Android and the OS/UI isn't holding me back from enjoying the hardware like on Windows Phone.

That said I am probably returning the iPhone 5s and giving the iPhone 6 i brought to my brother
But not at the detriment of my mobile experience. I can't keep a phone on that basis if the ecosystem though growing does not have what it takes to keep me happy. Being different is honestly not enough.

But not at the detriment of my mobile experience. I can't keep a phone on that basis if the ecosystem though growing does not have what it takes to keep me happy. Being different is honestly not enough.

Yeah, I agree with you. Being different was the first reason I jumped in to WP and I was very positive on WP's future that time. And now, after about 2 years on this boat, I'm not contented (but satisfied). I want WP to grow (more). I hope WP9 would make me feel like the first time when I jumped to WP, positive, boastful, excited. *fingers crossed*

While I agree with most of what you say, I have to say the one thing that passes me off about the iPhone 6/+ is the 1gb of ram. It's not because it needs it, you're correct the OS is so well optimized that it's not required, but because that whole 64bit architecture is irrelevant for a 2nd year now. This is apple doing what they do best, leaving expected (and overdue) tech for next year to be considered a 'selling point'.

I do agree with the whole Android 3gb ram overkill, although it's needed for androids probably (?!). I don't know my Nexus 5 has been great and it's pretty bare bones, awesome hardware built and nothing gets better than stock Android Imo. But hey that's me.

Posted via Nexus 5 WPC App
Micah, even if you do switch to iPhone I hope you stay around here. You are one of the most colorful & interesting posters in this forum, and you would be missed! Your humor and your unique writing style is fun to read.

Aw thank you that is very kind of you to say. Technically, I'll still own my 1520(I have it on Att next and I am not eligible for trade in until next June i believe) so i'll still be using Windows Phone.

I am not sure if I am fully committing to IOS yet. A lot of things I like or want to like I can't use(I may make a thread about this) such as continuity and other things that require mac/ipad :D

But I do like the user experience a lot. I i am using a Full Fledged Product and not a product still finding its way(WIndows phone) and it's identity 4 years later.

But yeah I'll be here still...Who else is going to be the biggest Lumia ****** but I? :P

Micah, you don't owe anybody any explanations. I've read many of your posts and there's no questioning your loyalty to the platform. I've been on the fence as well lately because of some disturbing (for me) things I've been noticing with the platform. For example, I saw a few apps on the store that would make you believe they were for AutoCAD. Turns out there are no .dwg viewers, much less editors, for WP. No Excel to PDF converters, only Word to PDF. Softcard (formerly ISIS), nope. PDF annotation, ain't seen one yet. These are all readily available apps that are essential for enterprise-centric users like me. With the exception of NFC payment apps, Windows Mobile had all these. I still got all the cabs stored in my computer just in case.

Luckily, Android has these apps. The UI is bearable at long last and Exchange integration has never been this good. Not up to par with Windows but it's serviceable. I thought my 1520 would be my last phone for a while. I was wrong. I returned it and got a LG G3 which surprised me with how smooth it is, but then again, 3 gigs of RAM can obfuscate a multitude of sins.

I know I'll be back. Microsoft can't ignore the business crowd forever. If Threshold delivers as it's rumored to be, it'll be phone shopping time again. I won't go away though, this forum is the schit.

Yeah I am fiercely loyal to Windows Phone to the point I actually feel BAD for using an iPhone simply because I really do love the platform(WP). I also love Windows 8(though tbh i really have no idea why I am such a Vocal Supporter of Windows 8 as I am simply because i don't even really use the Windows store nor do I really even use my tiles on my Surface lol.) I never have been crazy about apps or the latest games, simply because there is more to life than sitting around playing candy crush or whatever other crazy games are popular

Plus i never bothered much with Instagram or Vine(I am active on both) since we had Rudy and the other IG developer(What happened to him btw) working on their apps?

It bothers me because as I use this iPhone, it is what I want from Windows Phone. Yet at the same time, it isn't Windows Phone still so I am like

"I like the iPhone" but I don't LOVE it yet.....I have quite a few more days to decide if i want to stay with it.
I am not unhappy with it, but every so often i'll miss my live tiles flipping :P

By the end of the 14 days, I'll know if I am going to fully stick with IOs and shelf(or sell) my 1520 completely or if i am going to keep sticking with WP and save this upgrade for threshold.

As it is looking now, I spent the last 2 years waiting with wp, so I may keep the iPhone after all :P

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