If you know for me, it's been a long time with Microsoft Products. I have been a PocketPC user from 1.0 and almost every version after, then it was just natural after about 2-3 WM devices with phones in them (always carried a WM PDA and a cell) to move to Windows Phone. Then as you can see below, I have had a few Windows Phone devices and I do enjoy the OS over all, it's smooth, well thought out for the most part, the camera is pretty awesome, the hardware (like my 928 or now my ICON), is good enough to complete with the best of them.
With that being said, I think I have had enough or at least VERY close to being at the end of my rope. The lack of some key apps that are important to me, never mind some local TV and radio stations (all have iOS/Android apps) that I could find a use for in some cases.
Then there is hardware, Smartwatches, how many are there now and HOW many that are available work with Windows Phone ? DING, DING, DING We have a winner.....NONE..(upcoming "claimed" support does not count).
New cool gear, oh, its' iOS or Android only....oh a cool game, oh, it's iOS/Android only. Day in an day out I see this, all it takes is to watch about an hour or 2 of tv a day and you will see this.... a LOT...
Been a hard core Windows Phone supporter on here for a long time but, now I am deciding to look at a used Android device for a while and try to live with it...
I just wish Microsoft would get with the times, push more app dev, push more hardware support (smartwatches, etc), and really get some balls and do something with NFC for payments....As normal it seems MS is taking a back seat to that stuff and waiting for everyone else to iron it out....and that is lame.
It might be time for me to move on....sigh so much invested in WP and Microsoft products...
With that being said, I think I have had enough or at least VERY close to being at the end of my rope. The lack of some key apps that are important to me, never mind some local TV and radio stations (all have iOS/Android apps) that I could find a use for in some cases.
Then there is hardware, Smartwatches, how many are there now and HOW many that are available work with Windows Phone ? DING, DING, DING We have a winner.....NONE..(upcoming "claimed" support does not count).
New cool gear, oh, its' iOS or Android only....oh a cool game, oh, it's iOS/Android only. Day in an day out I see this, all it takes is to watch about an hour or 2 of tv a day and you will see this.... a LOT...
Been a hard core Windows Phone supporter on here for a long time but, now I am deciding to look at a used Android device for a while and try to live with it...
I just wish Microsoft would get with the times, push more app dev, push more hardware support (smartwatches, etc), and really get some balls and do something with NFC for payments....As normal it seems MS is taking a back seat to that stuff and waiting for everyone else to iron it out....and that is lame.
It might be time for me to move on....sigh so much invested in WP and Microsoft products...