My Lumia 720 impressions


New member
Feb 25, 2012

After my first day of usage i'm here to post my impressions on this device :)
First of all: this is probably the most busy month in my life and i can't be too accurate because the lack of time :(

If i must describe this phone in 4 words i can say "amazing but still incomplete", because yeah it's cool but it has a few bugs that make it feel still a phone "too young for market".
I used a few hours today, with a full reset (i explain this later), a lot of internet browsing, downloading apps via H+, making a 30min skype video call and after about 20 hours the battery was completely empty. I read a lot of user complain about lumia 920 battery on first days, but seems like it get better performance after a few charges, i hope this 720 will do the same!

So, to schematize my impression:

The good thing:
- is REALLY light, when you see a phone this big (i'm used to an iphone 3gs and an htc mazaa, both of those are smaller) you think about a certain weight, but 130g for this is really nothing!
- it feels soo good in the hand, it's slim and not slippy!
- i take a white one (is the only glossy color, i think i prefered a matte white!) and it's really nice looking
- camera photos on dark are simply amazing, i'll post some photos at the end of post
- screen have very nice colors and the low resolution (800*480) is not a problem at all
- very nice wifi-3g reception

The bad things:
** NOTE that i tried to be a lot evil writing those bad things, i love my phone but i want to be fully objective! check post #6 for clarification about those point **
- sometime animations when opening applications have a little stutter
- some applications (a lot of system application too) have a "loading.." screen before opening. This never happened with my htc mazaa
- it still doesn't have an option to disable hyper-sensitive touch
- internal camera has some auto levels of brigthness. It switch brightness level autmatically, and in some dark condition the screen will flash alternating 2 "far enough to be annoying" level of brightness
- in camera roll some photos thumbnails have a vertical green line on the right
- it rebooted 2 times in 1 day (like the early 920)
- 512mb of ram cuts you out a lot of games. If you want to play with your phone (not my case) you will be really angry about this
- i really don't know why, it sync about 40 contacts from my microsoft account, but i have more than 200! I can see all those contacts in windows 8 and via clicking on "people". This is driving me mad!
at first boot i used my microsoft account (that was a address) and it got about 10 contacts. Renaming it to an and resetting the phone ended with 40 contacts.. but still not the 200+ i need :( EDIT: found a solution and wrote it here
- sometime touchscreen is not 100% responsive, it happened just a 3 or 4 times today but when swiping down in the home (without release the finger) an app opened.
- lcd auto-brigthness feels still buggy, sometime it just go down and up with constant ambient light. watt?

So.. it needs a LOT of improvements, now i have this firmware: 1030.6409.1311.0001 and no updates are found. It feels old comparing to 920's 1232.5957.1308.0004, i hope to see some updates soon.
i still don't have lot of nokia application that 920 has, like the "memory check" to free the memory in "other" space :(

well i listed a lot of troubles but the phone is still amazing :P
why? i REALLY love the display, the camera, the lightness, the reception. Let me explain better:
- the display angle visualization is amazing, we have a little skype video-talk and 3 person can see perfectly the screen even if with an high angle. I really love the screen colors too! bright but not over-saturated, really a pleasure to see!
- I took some light (food) photos and some night with all the photo settings, you can just check those at the end of the post
- i already said how much is light and slim but i need to say it more! you need to take one in your hand to realize that!
- reception is very good! Especially if comparated with my iphone 3gs and htc mazaa. My bedroom have a very poor reception, usually my old phones loses signal every 1 or 2 minutes and to make a decent call you need to stay at 1cm from the window. I have a little radio, when i put one of those two my old phones near it i hear an almost-constant noise, it's a pain for the ears. With this lumia.. i can talk in every spot of my room! Now i have 3/5 bars of HSDPA and its really stable! When i put lumia near the radio i hear the classic phone noise, but just once every.. about 5 minutes! Only one word can describe this: AMAZING! i can use a phone in my bedroom for the first time :D

Well then, its time to upload some photos! Sorry for my HORRIBLE english, i'm still praticing it and sometime i really don't know how to say what i want to say :P

** NOTE: i have no idea of the english names of the display modes, so i'm just doing a rough translation of them! **

In cronogical order:
8.35 am, very strong light and hard to take a good shot - auto mode:

13.30 - auto mode:
WP_20130404_001 (1).jpg

13:32 - near mode:
WP_20130404_003 (1).jpg

22:15 - auto mode:

22:15 - night mode:
night mode.jpg

22:15 - night picture mode:
night picture.jpg

22:15 - fast movement mode:

22:16: light against mode:

ok thats all, i hope you enjoyed this! Now i can go back to my phone again eheh

UPDATE: This is a very important update :D
this morning i received a new update for the nokia's "extra + info" app.. and the miracle happen :D It looks like a brand new phone again!
Here what is changed:
- i don't notice stutters even more, even i close heavy app like asphalt 7 and open here maps after that. Really smooth now!!
- in settings i have a few more options: audio, display + touch, and the one for memory management! it showed 700mb of space in "other" and reduced to 34! simply amazing!
- i don't see the green bar in photo thumbnails anymore (but maybe it's just luck, i had only 1 other day to test)
- today 0 reboot!
- touchscreen never failed today
- lcd auto-brightness is working properly

a little miracle :D
still have the internal camera bug and problem with contact sync but well its still amazing :D

i tested here maps for about 15 min of driving, the GPS sensor is really accurate and don't miss a turn, its a perfect 100% usable offline navigator! it can find my position inside my house too and usually phones have a LOT of troubles with GPS here :D

aaanddd here some full resolution shots in daylight (a day full of cloud today sadly :( )


and here a video of asphalt 7 running, it works flawlessy!

i'm loving this phone <3
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Sweet! Pics look almost like what I was expecting. Try to get some more daylight pics when you have a chance I'm interested in seeing daylight performance as well.

Good first impressions, keep us updated how this phone performs. Looks like a real sleek device, it's too bad it's not coming to the states
I am particularly concern with the stuttering and loading screen, i hope it is not a norm
- 512mb of ram cuts you out a lot of games. If you want to play with your phone (not my case) you will be really angry about this

Thank you for your review.

The only thing I find strange, is listing 512 MB RAM as a negative because you can't play every game. You bought that device, knowing it had only 512 MB. It is made very clear that devices with 512 MB RAM will not run every game. Almost anyone on this website could have told you that. In return for not being able to play every game, you got the device at a cheaper price! That was your choice to make. Listing that as a negative, is like buying a bicycle, and then stating that it is bad because it doesn't fly.
Have been waiting for this phone about a month now.. and i have to say that night picture mode shot is making me want this phone ever more! I don't play games so this should be perfect.

That touch issue and other bugs are definitely making me wary. Hopefully it will be resolved soon with a fw update. However what i have found with Nokia's fw updates, having used their phones in the past, is that an update rarely fixes any issue but ends up breaking other things, hope its not true with wp.

I believe i am still definitely gonna get this phone until more such issues are pointed out.. thoroughly tired of android and abysmal battery of the wildfire s that i have been (barely) using for the past year and a half..
just to make it clear: the cons i listed are *NOT* a deal breaker in my opinion! Here why:

- about the animation stutters: it happen only a few time and only in the final part of animation. it does NOT happen while scrolling down any menu, the app list or the home! when i go back to home sometime i can see a little stutter (a 2 or 3 frame skip in total) and just in the final part of animation of displaying home's menu!
- not "almost all" applications have a "loading.." screen! Now i'm checking out the settings menu and here a list of app that display that loading: plane mode, phone memory, access point, extra+info. Whit my old phone i never seen a loading screen so i i'm not used to this, but it's a 1 second waiting nothing that much!
- i'm about to solve that contact sync problem, looks like if i unlink my outlook information from a contact i can see it from the phone and link it back from it!
- yeah sometime the touchscreen is not responsive, but 3-4 in a entire day of full use is really nothing :D not a deal breaker you can rest assured ;)

i think all those thing can be fixed by firmware update. I still don't have some option in settings (like the "free other space" or "disable hyper sensitive touch") so i'm pretty sure a new firmware will come out early!

@a5cent: yeah i just was trying to be as objective i can and write all the possible negative points! But today i just read asphalt 7 was updated and can work with 512mb of ram, just bought it! :D
- sometime animations when opening applications have a little stutter
This occasionally happens on my 620. Mostly when I'm multitasking really heavy apps. It should have something to do with the 1GHz speed of the processor, though.
- some applications (a lot of system application too) have a "loading.." screen before opening. This never happened with my htc mazaa
This only happens for system applications, at least for me. And, if you enjoy multitasking you should also get a screen that says "resuming..."
- it still doesn't have an option to disable hyper-sensitive touch
Look for it under display + touch.
- internal camera has some auto levels of brigthness. It switch brightness level autmatically, and in some dark condition the screen will flash alternating 2 "far enough to be annoying" level of brightness
I've yet to try this with my 620, so I can't comment.
- in camera roll some photos thumbnails have a vertical green line on the right
For some odd reason this also happens on my 620. And, occasionally, it's on the bottom.
- it rebooted 2 times in 1 day (like the early 920)
Typical Nokia. Early adopters get the shaft.
- 512mb of ram cuts you out a lot of games. If you want to play with your phone (not my case) you will be really angry about this
You'll actually thank this in the long run. What you're protected against is poorly optimized and buggy ports. And, you still have the slow processor to worry about, though Nokia might update the firmware to speed up the processor.
- i really don't know why, it sync about 40 contacts from my microsoft account, but i have more than 200! I can see all those contacts in windows 8 and via clicking on "people". This is driving me mad!
I didn't have a problem with this.
- sometime touchscreen is not 100% responsive, it happened just a 3 or 4 times today but when swiping down in the home (without release the finger) an app opened.
Never had a problem with this, but probably a case of being an early adopter.
- lcd auto-brigthness feels still buggy, sometime it just go down and up with constant ambient light. watt?
Your light or proximity sensor has a problem.
- sometime animations when opening applications have a little stutter
This occasionally happens on my 620. Mostly when I'm multitasking really heavy apps. It should have something to do with the 1GHz speed of the processor, though.
- some applications (a lot of system application too) have a "loading.." screen before opening. This never happened with my htc mazaa
This only happens for system applications, at least for me. And, if you enjoy multitasking you should also get a screen that says "resuming..."
- it still doesn't have an option to disable hyper-sensitive touch
Look for it under display + touch.
- internal camera has some auto levels of brigthness. It switch brightness level autmatically, and in some dark condition the screen will flash alternating 2 "far enough to be annoying" level of brightness
I've yet to try this with my 620, so I can't comment.
- in camera roll some photos thumbnails have a vertical green line on the right
For some odd reason this also happens on my 620. And, occasionally, it's on the bottom.
- it rebooted 2 times in 1 day (like the early 920)
Typical Nokia. Early adopters get the shaft.
- 512mb of ram cuts you out a lot of games. If you want to play with your phone (not my case) you will be really angry about this
You'll actually thank this in the long run. What you're protected against is poorly optimized and buggy ports. And, you still have the slow processor to worry about, though Nokia might update the firmware to speed up the processor.
- i really don't know why, it sync about 40 contacts from my microsoft account, but i have more than 200! I can see all those contacts in windows 8 and via clicking on "people". This is driving me mad!
I didn't have a problem with this.
- sometime touchscreen is not 100% responsive, it happened just a 3 or 4 times today but when swiping down in the home (without release the finger) an app opened.
Never had a problem with this, but probably a case of being an early adopter.
- lcd auto-brigthness feels still buggy, sometime it just go down and up with constant ambient light. watt?
Your light or proximity sensor has a problem.
@WanderingTraveler thank for your feedback :D
just a few clarification:
- i still have no "display + touch" in settings
- if i remember well even the 920 ligth sensor used to have some buggy behaviour with the early firmware! i hope this is going to be fixed too :)
Thank you for the first 720 impressions.

I really did not expect the white version to be glossy. That kills it for me :(
Thank you for the first 720 impressions.

I really did not expect the white version to be glossy. That kills it for me :(

Most of Nokia's phones in the Lumia line are glossy white. Only the 808 Pureview is matte white.
people from italy can get it from official nokia store Home page ! i don't know if they ship outside italy!
i just did some photos with sunlight (not too much light.. it's cloudy today!) and i will upload those with a small gameplay video of asphalt 7 in a few hours :D

thanks for sharing and reviewing .. do come back time and again with ur experiences

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