Also, you're not paying only $200 for that new phone after two years. You're making a $200 down payment. The balance, which is more than what you would have paid up front, is spread out in monthly payments over that two years. Ever wonder why the prepaid plans are so much cheaper than contract plans? Hint: it ain't for roaming and faster mobile data speeds.
True, but most (lower income) people only think about how much am I paying NOW? How much money do I have to give you to get this in my pocket NOW? These are the mostly the same people living paycheck to paycheck and simply have never been taught how to budget/save or have no idea about how much a phone actually costs. These people don't have 300-600 to drop on a phone. That said, I do believe that MS is making the correct steps. The US basically belongs to Android and Apple. Why not go to where you may a have a chance on getting a foot hold? MS' history is in the low end of the market, guess they're going back to their roots. Do I want a premium windows phone? As an owner of a 8x that's still on Tmobile, absolutely. But knowing that the best selling windows phone was the 52x line says a lot.