My own Windows Phone 8.1/9 concept ideas

Not that it would really bother me if it was available, but I would never put a background picture behind all the live tiles. I don't see what the point is when >75% of the screen is covered by the tiles. Just makes it look cluttered.
There's a whole discussion going about this, and I dont want to start one here but just in case you haven't thought about it: what about patterns? I'm sure a picture of you and your friedns or a landscape wouldn't be that usefull, but for intsance what if you put some cool pattern as your background? I feel like it would look great.
There's a whole discussion going about this, and I dont want to start one here but just in case you haven't thought about it: what about patterns? I'm sure a picture of you and your friedns or a landscape wouldn't be that usefull, but for intsance what if you put some cool pattern as your background? I feel like it would look great.

I present to you, the idea of a more unique Windows Phone experience. One where you can have a much higher amount of colours for accents. Aswell as a more personal experience on Windows Phone with your choice of background. The background could be:
Your own image
Bing image of the day
No image (Defaults to background accent colour)
A solid colour
An animated image (Probably only presets allowed, like on Windows 8.1)
or a preset Pattern.

With these kinds of choices available it makes Windows Phone a better place for any member of the community,
or for those who like it the way it is, they don't have to change anything.
I made a mockup of how I'd like the hardware buttons to be integrated into the display. There's a subtle blur present, so it's like black frosted glass.

Regarding the rotating homescreen, I had it on my 5530XM with flashed C5 firmware. Worked great. On WP the status bar could stay on either side of the screen, same as when typing in landscape mode. The homescreen would be rotated by 4x4 tiles sections (6x6 on bigger screens). I personally think it would look great!

And some subtle background would be cool - especially if it would pan to the right (apps) and left (not. center - not that I need/want it) - it would be a 3:2 picture.
I like that a lot! However transparency would only really work on the start screen due to the app bar

It could work like this:


But only as long as the app developers designed their apps around this UI design.

Or like this:

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Nice try but it's way too cluttered and bad designed. I don't understand why people want to destroy windows phone with these full featured and cluttered UIs. Even stock android is cleaner than this concept. Windows phone is all about simplicity and this concept is full of detail that doesn't fit in small screen sizes.

The only good thing about this concept is the settings page but even that is questionable. The other parts of the UI are atrocious.

This seems pretty simple and clean to me. And this is a mockup, and not meant to look like the real thing...

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This is actually really nice! I bet Microsoft will make it solid though, and not transparant. :crying:

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They probably will because metro/modern UI is supposed to be an age of design without the aero/glass mimmicking, which I'm quite happy with. because most of the time its just terrible or disgusting, thats why I use this Exon theme on my windows 8.1 computers: Exon for Windows 8 by Nadir1 on deviantART

Although it is rumoured that they might bring back the popular aero them in Windows 8.1 update 1
They probably will because metro/modern UI is supposed to be an age of design without the aero/glass mimmicking, which I'm quite happy with. because most of the time its just terrible or disgusting, thats why I use this Exon theme on my windows 8.1 computers: Exon for Windows 8 by Nadir1 on deviantART

Although it is rumoured that they might bring back the popular aero them in Windows 8.1 update 1

Well the leaked picture of the on screen buttons weren't transparant, so idk.

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There is a problem with Start Screen rotation. Squared tiles can easely rotate but what about the bigger ones? How would they rotate without messing up all the tiles arrangement that you have in portrait?
There is a problem with Start Screen rotation. Squared tiles can easely rotate but what about the bigger ones? How would they rotate without messing up all the tiles arrangement that you have in portrait?

Simple. Just readjust the irregularly shaped tiles' contents.

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This is a design conversion from the Windows Phone 8.1 Settings Menu Concept:

It has been remastered to be from the first start screen from Pictures and Patterns:

As you can see the background accent translates to the background colour of both the pattern, and the settings app (Or any other app that utilises accents). The next colour choice is the accent colour, this colour follows the same traits as the already implemented accent colour in Windows Phone 8, however, it isn't the colour that is used for the live tiles when dealing with Patterns (With picture background or traditional black and white, or a solid colour, it is the live tile colour).
With patterns, the start screen live tile colour is automatically picked for readibility.
Sub-text colour will be picked automatically and won't be changeable. Although it will vary depending on the background accent and accent colour (It would be in the same colour range between both colours).
It could also be possible to have a live tile colour picked automatically based on the picture background, (These specific settings may all be defined further down in the theme settings menu).

This concept of colour choices has been a difficult concept for me to grasp, such as the ranges of accessible colours, based on the colours you have picked, Or the background image chosen. I have tried to explain how it works based on my findings in Windows 8.1 but if you have a better idea on how it might work post down below.

Here is an experimental version of the P&P design where the patterns are used like background accents in apps:
This is an experimental design, which I am not backing 100% because it can easily run into colour conflicts, unless it was handled better, If you have an idea on how it might work, post it in the comments.

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