My personnal Continuum on HD-500 review


New member
Aug 21, 2015
I received my free Display dock yesterday and I couldn't wait to try it in my living room. I played on it for a good hours trying some options. I connected it to my home theatre receiver via HDMI and here are my thoughts on it:

- The dock is really good. I was worried it was too light and will move everywhere but it's heavy. There is also that non-slip rubber underneath that prevent it from moving. Well done Microsoft.
- It was literally plug and play for my 950XL. It asked me to update it as soon as I plugged it. The update process was fast and after 2 minutes, I was ready to go.
- Working with Office was really nice. It's responsive and I could see myself working with it on a regular basis.
- Internet Browsing was painful. Even when the page was loaded, it took about 15 seconds before I could scroll down the page. After that lag, everything works well.... until you load the next page. Major performance enhancement should be done with Edge on mobile.
- It was nice to get the sound from the home theatre speaker when I was playing a song through Groove Music. However, the level seems to be low since I have to raise the volume higher than usual. (And yes Groove Music volume was on max before you ask).
- There seems to be a little delay with the sound. When I opened Duolingo for my German course, I started a course and the app was giving me the pronunciation. There was a few milliseconds delay so I was missing the first word.
- I was disappointed that the Citrix receiver app was not compatible with Continuum. If that was the case, I could have tried a typical work day but I can't.
- Talking about the last point, Microsoft should do more marketing on their Store to point what applications are compatible with Continuum. Now, there is no way to know if an app is compatible or not. It could even be a special category in the store.
- I tried the TeamViewer app and even if it's compatible with Continuum, it's not usable with the mouse because it's configured so the mobile device is a track pad that move the remove pointer. I tried to change the configuration but I did not find it.

To conclude, the hardware part of it is a success. Everything works well and I see a lot of use case scenario where it could be useful. Now, the apps must be updated to enhance the Continuum experience. Microsoft should also do a better marketing job in general.
Does W10 mobile still include a data saving option for internet browsing? I wonder if enabling that at different thresholds would make it faster.
I just tried mine yesterday, and I missed the introduction video which played automatically when the phone was connected to the dock. Do you know how to replay that video so I can see what it is saying?
I just tried mine yesterday, and I missed the introduction video which played automatically when the phone was connected to the dock. Do you know how to replay that video so I can see what it is saying?

Hard reset it and connect to new display :)
Dumber than the fact you can't go back to the intro video is the fact that once you've gone through the initial first-run experience, you can't change the overscan settings. So once you've connected to one TV or monitor, you'd better hope the overscan on it is the same as every other one you'll ever connect to.
Dumber than the fact you can't go back to the intro video is the fact that once you've gone through the initial first-run experience, you can't change the overscan settings. So once you've connected to one TV or monitor, you'd better hope the overscan on it is the same as every other one you'll ever connect to.

I have no problem watching the video again.

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