My phone showed an update of Windows 10 mobile

Stay with insider , there is no official word on release. Release may take a long time to come, or in other words "soon™"
Do you guys suggest that we leave the insider program for preparation of the official release? I don't mean to roll back, just leave insider...

Candidly, no one really knows. For me, a long time Insider on my 1520.3, last week, I not only exited Insider, but I rolled back to 8.1. Some reasons: 1) my 1520 was misbehaving more than other devices, and rolling back was rumored to fix them, 2) I want a clean install of finished W10M. If 1) above is true, how do I know what other problems might be lurking which can't be fixed from Insider. Maybe none, but who knows. 3) I didn't know this before I rolled back, but when I did, I picked up an unexpected firmware update. Might help things. 4) It's so near W10M production release, I can wait, especially given 1 - 3 above..
Candidly, no one really knows. For me, a long time Insider on my 1520.3, last week, I not only exited Insider, but I rolled back to 8.1. Some reasons: 1) my 1520 was misbehaving more than other devices, and rolling back was rumored to fix them, 2) I want a clean install of finished W10M. If 1) above is true, how do I know what other problems might be lurking which can't be fixed from Insider. Maybe none, but who knows. 3) I didn't know this before I rolled back, but when I did, I picked up an unexpected firmware update. Might help things. 4) It's so near W10M production release, I can wait, especially given 1 - 3 above..

Thanks for the input. I plan to do a clean install as well, because since the beginning of insider program until today, i only did a hard reset once, and that is starting to show now in the latest builds on my 930. The plan is to fetch an official update, and then do a hard reset. This way everything will be clean and working nicely (i hope so) :wink:

Does anyone know if there might be any firmware updates for my Lumia, because i have been an insider for a long time now? I'm super excited about W10M, lets hope it will come soon now that i decided not to buy a 950XL :grin:
Thanks for the input. I plan to do a clean install as well, because since the beginning of insider program until today, i only did a hard reset once, and that is starting to show now in the latest builds on my 930. The plan is to fetch an official update, and then do a hard reset. This way everything will be clean and working nicely (i hope so) :wink:

Does anyone know if there might be any firmware updates for my Lumia, because i have been an insider for a long time now? I'm super excited about W10M, lets hope it will come soon now that i decided not to buy a 950XL :grin:

There hasn't been mention of firmware updates for any lumias in any region at all. So even if W10M released right now for the first wave of devices, we would still be waiting for firmware
There hasn't been mention of firmware updates for any lumias in any region at all. So even if W10M released right now for the first wave of devices, we would still be waiting for firmware

I got a firmware update last week, when I rolled back my 1520.3 from .63 to 8.1..
it might be a delayed update. Would you by any chance be in USA?

I'm physically in Guatemala. The phone is a non-carrier, un-locked, 1520.3 purchased in the U.S. Via I didn't know Insider apparently blocks firmware updates. I'll sit at 8.1 until the W10M is widely released. Go from there.
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I'm physically in Guatemala. The phone is a non-carrier, un-locked, 1520.3 purchased in the U.S. Via I didn't know Insider apparently blocks firmware updates. I'll sit at 8.1 until the W10M is widely released. Go from there.

Don't suppose you took a screenshot?
So say we are running insider build. Once the official release is out.. We can get them right straight from running insider.? I've set my status to "Production" now..

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