My start screen is being overrun by UWP


New member
Dec 9, 2010
It's possible that everyone disagrees with me, but...

I just got an update for Nextgen Reader, and in the update it renamed itself Nextgen Reader UWP. Near it on my start screen is Wikipedia UWP. I really hope this isn't a trend, i.e. we don't need every Live Tile to say UWP after the app name, do we?

Devs: please don't follow this trend, it has a chance to get pretty silly. Just my opinion ;)

(btw, this is for Windows 10, not Windows 10 Mobile; I didn't see a Windows 10 app section but I figured it was ok since we are talking about Universal. Mods please move this thread if necessary, thanks)
I agree with you, it is so easy to follow a trend even when the trend is just a waste, a bit like listening to Radio 4 in the morning, the presenter asks a question and the respondent starts there reply with the word SO, SO bl**dy what, why say the word so and then reply (I think Tony Blair started it, but he is guilty of everything else so he may as well take the blame for this as well).

The odd thing for me is I searched the store using "Wiki" and it came up with the 8.1 app, I had to type in "Wikipedia" to get the universal app, the same on the phone.

So yes dev's, no need to stick UWP all over the place.

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