My wish list for widows 10 desktop


New member
Jun 1, 2014
First of all please Microsoft i need Wi-Fi hotspot we are tired of all these third party wifi 📶 hotspot apps
-In Metro UI, have something like the old desktop bottom bar displaying all the apps open while multi-tasking, in Windows 10 mobile it would be a bar that would be accessible with a swipe, like how the bottom buttons are done on new WP 8.1 phones.
-The ability to move the Live Tiles in Metro UI anywhere on the screen, not just bunched up in the middle.
I like Windows 8 and yes I like also Windows 10 for what I have seen so far but this is what I would like to see.
Make phone calls from my pc as my phone is connected with the same network. Also the same with sms.
Control my apps on my phone from the desktop like watsapp.
Get notifications from sms, misses calls, watsapp and other programs on my pc.
An option that I can see on my tablet what I am doing on my pc and go on, on my tablet.
I want that the devices all work together better without the need of connecting them with an usb cable. I hope Microsoft will do it in the way that as you have a windows tablet and phone, that it all works like this and that they don't bring that to other platforms because this will help windows phone to grow.
You should blog on r/windowsphone, Reddit is where its at. WPCentral is just for fanboys.

The reason that I don't post this on redit is because of the fanboys.
I have used Linux, OSX, iOS, android and even Beos back in the time and I visited the forums to get info and help people with problems. On all Linux and Apple related forums there is one topic ruling the hole forum and that is Windows bashing. There is almost no topic were not someone doesn't flame Windows, even as it goes about a problem with OSX or Linux it self.
On Redit you can post your message but after that, some apple fanboys start flaming and your discussion is gone. Sorry but I have had it with it.
Yes there are on this forum also fanboys but I can tell you, they aren't so bad as the Apple and Linux fanboys. Those fanboys are reacting from frustration because Windows rules the marked and in the rest of the world even more than in the US. I have the feeling that the Windows fanboys are more a reaction on those fanboys than that they are really a Windows only user.
I like Windows a lot and I think that after reading my reactions, people see me also as a Windows ****** and I don't care. I have had Android on my phone and tablet and I have even used an iPhone and yes for apps you need those platforms but I love the way windows phone works and I even love windows 8 because I had read about how everything works and tried it my self.
Most reactions that are negative about Windows 8 and wp are from people that never used it and as they used it they never gave it a change and never informed them self about the system and how it works.
A few weeks ago I showed someone how Windows 8 worked because it was in his eyes the worst system there is and after showing and explaining him how things worked, he started to understand the system and he has it now on all systems. He noticed that he was working more with his laptop with Windows 8 after I helped him than he did with his desktop.

Yes there are fanboys on this forum but most people on this forum are using more than only a windows device and tank from out there experience without the meaning of bashing or flaming other systems. I also think that many so called windows fanboys are seen as ****** but aren't a ****** in the way Apple and Linux fanboys are. They are happy with what they have and want to show what they all can do with it.

Redit I don't now. I am happy on this forum were there is some flaming and bashing but were most people just tell there problems and positive things.

Edit; sorry a bit of topic.
I don't believe that Redit is better. For the Redit post I have seen on several topic's, it is as sick as any other platform and most of the people that react do that not to help or improve things but for bashing and flaming others because they are fan from someone ells or love other products and see that as the enemy.

I believe more in this site than in Redit that is just an other messaging site that is full of fanboys to promote there thing.

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