NEED HELP! Lumia 900 on T-Mobile - shows LTE, but says no data connection

Everyone please listen. If you have a unlocked Nokia lumina 900 and T-mobile service you will have data and MMS problems when TMO go to LTE. DO NOT FRET. Here is the solution. 1st down load the Nokia network setup app. 2 load the following APN in both the internet APN and the MMS APN locations 3 on the MMS apn there is a setting for MMSC Server you must add the following DO not use as the MMS apn it will not work since the device is now on LTE.

Configured apn and mms apn with and the mmsc address and I'm still unable to send and receive picture msg on T-mobile LTE :( .. please advice

In both the internet and MMS APN settings, did you guys only change the settings that were mentioned and leave all the other options blank?

EDIT: For anyone that comes across this thread via search results (as I did), I now have data and MMS both working with T-Mobile LTE on my Rogers 920. My settings are as follows:

Under the settings>cellular menu I have LTE selected as my highest connection speed and under the option for Network Selection I changed it from Automatic to T-Mobile.

Internet APN Settings
IP Type: IPv4
(all other fields were left blank)

MMS APN Settings
MMSC (url):
MMSC port: 80
Maximum MMS size: 1048
IP type: IPv4
(all other fields left blank)

After changing these settings, restart to apply.

I'm sure it's possible I could get some better speeds by tweaking some of these settings, but I'm happy with the performance now and I don't want to unintentionally break anything because it took me a while to find a combination of settings that worked for both data and MMS on LTE. I'll update the post in a week or so to confirm if these settings are still working or not.

Update (4 August): Settings are still working for me. A friend of mine said his stopped working, but I'm still fine. So YMMV with these settings.
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I have a similar problem, but my phone will not allow for me to enter in the proxy address as you have it- it says I cannot have non-latin characters (namely the "-" in "t-mobile".

What is the work around for this issue?
Hello, I have the Nokia Lumia 900 phone from AT&T, AT&T unlocked it, and I moved over to T-mobile and was not able to send MMS photo text messages. I used the app Network Setup by Nokia for my Lumia 900 and it works for me to send MMS with photos. I just ran the app, it said my settings have been updated, and now it works.
Anyone on this thread having problems with Lumia 900 getting MMS messages on t-mobile? Do you know what APN settings to use in the Network Setup app?
Anyone on this thread having problems with Lumia 900 getting MMS messages on t-mobile? Do you know what APN settings to use in the Network Setup app?

it's a hit and miss. If you have LTE in your area, you won't be able to get mms out of the box, since they use different apns for LTE and mms.
Download the Nokia Network app, which will allow for separate apns.
disclaimer: you will loose the option to share your internet on ATT unlocked devices on the T-mob network.
You might also have to force 4g on your phone (I cannot receive mms while connected through lte).

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