Needing a new phone Lumia or iPhone?


New member
Sep 11, 2014
This is part rant part request to have opinions about having a new handset.
After having been a Nokia owner for years and wp user for 2 years I'm starting to feel that I might leave lumia and go for the apple ecosystem. Please feel free to comment and state your opinion weather to stay with MS or jump ship. This is also partly addressed to Microsoft since I'm a bit disappointed how things have been done lately.
I have lumia 920 and I'm really impressed with the build quality of the device. Had no issues with the hardware and phone still looks good even I have never used any covers or screen protectors. Main reason not using a cover might be that it is almost impossible to find a cover for the phone. I bought the phone carrier free from Germany but have been living in China for the past year. You might find it hard to believe but finding accessories here is almost impossible since I do not have an iPhone or Samsung device. Windows phone is a rare thing in here. I tried to get the wireless charging dock here and even though every gizmo is made in China I was able to find it only thru official store with a very high price tag. Four times more expensive than in US. So I decided to live without it.
Why go with an iPhone? Biggest reason for me wanting to go down that road is simple. Getting the apps that are advertised in restaurants, museums and basically every magazine and ad I see on the street. I was recently traveling in South Korea and visited some museums that had really nice VR aps to show how olds buildings looked like in the past. But only available for android or iOS. I did not see a single windows store logo anywhere! Even in Finland where the windows phone penetration in the market is really high app makers are looking first towards iOS and Android (yes, I'm from Finland). most of the apps I use are now in some form available in wp but I'm still missing few, Youtube?? Clash of clans??
Since microsoft cannot get the ecosystem flying even they are starting to release apps for other platform first. Working skype??!! Still no landscape mode, hello.
Possibility of sending pictures? Yes, I know this was released some time ago but the functionality is bad. Between different devices, oh man.
And since microsoft is now bringing all the bing/MSN apps to iOS seems that even they do not believe their ecosystem anymore.
Software updates is maybe the biggest disappointment for me. This is a very sensitive issue for many people and always the one that causes a lot of grief. I have always considered myself as a "not the earliest" adopter but close. So some of the expectations I have had might have been a bit too much. But I would still argue that iOS has done a good job with updates. Even if they do not update so often they do it in a way that you feel good. What I mean that there is no suprises and they keep the update process simple. You do not have to wait for operators to release an update but everybody gets the update when apple releases it. This waiting for the operator is maybe the biggest reason for me to jump the ship. I hate reading about new sw update from MS and then starting this waiting game with the operator and trying to find out when your carrier/country version is getting the update..........
To address this issue, I guess, MS introduced developer preview where anybody can register and get the update when MS releases it. This went horribly wrong! I know they washed their hands by saying that if you do this you might lose warranty or lose some data. But at the same time a lot of promises was done saying that if you try this program you will still get all firmware updates without losing any data. This might still be true but since I made this mistake of believing that I would be getting the firmware in timely manner I'm still waiting. So normal user who has never even heard of developer preview already has new firmware that I, Developer sw user, am still waiting for.
One big reason to choose lumia at the time I made a switch from Nokia N8 was to have nokia or Here maps. I was so used of having an offline navigation that I felt going with MS was my only choice. Imagine my surprise when couple of weeks ago I read that HERE is coming to Samsung handsets, few days later the announcement that iOS and Android in general will get it also. So one big reason to stick with MS is gone. Right?
There are other reasons for me to change but the main issues I explained already. I could talk about the wp and w8 working/not working together but the issues there are not so important for me. I also would like some more compatibility with other gadgets I have bought lately. I have a nice small compact sony camera with really nice wlan features, which only work with Android or iOS. My portable LED projector is only compatible with iOS or Android. I think the only compatible accessory I have at home is my HP printer. There is a app for that in windows phone store but the usability is close to zero. My iPad can print directly to the printer and so can my wifes iPhone.
Oh I forgot, my bluetooth headphones work great with wp. So something just works.
So let me know how you are feeling? Are you still going to stick with wp or even going to change from Android or iPhone? If so please state why you feel this is the way to go? Personally there is only one thing that would convince me to stay with wp. A real flagship phone. No compromises with camera (better than 1020), 4k screen etc. specs should be good enough to keep the phone up with competition for 1.5-2 years. We have seen MS using components in the past that are already old when the phone is released.
I still have couple of months time to think what to buy. I'm moving back to europe before holidays so then I will pick up a new phone.

I guess get the iPhone. No harm, no foul. You may need to wait until the middle of 2015 before we get anykind of WP that touches on all your wants. A 4K screen and a better camera than the L1020 alone on a single device is not going to happen anytime soon. Not that the iPhone has either of those, but Apple has it's own advantages, so I say go with your instinct.

Good luck with your move, your new device, and hope you keep visiting WPC regardless of your choice!
Simple if you want all apps or humungous collection of apps get an iPhone.iphone is best in apps.
From Windows phone
You really hit the nail on the head. Very reasonable and thought out reason for switching. Your thoughts mirror my own. My two largest complaints include a lack of a flagship Lumia phone and apps that everyone takes for granted by having an Android or iOS device. I won't dissuade you from leaving WP- if anything you helped me be honest with my myself and reasons for staying with WP. The one thing that brought me to Windows Phone, Xbox Live, is hardly the selling point it used to be with only a trickle of releases. Couple this with Microsoft releasing all of their apps on competing platforms and suddenly there is little reason for me to stay. As much as I LOVE the design of WP I will more than likely use it as a secondary device unless the upcoming Threshold release is amazing AND there's new hardware I can use not locked to a stupid carrier. Thank you for your post. Perhaps we can help each other with our decision. My cellphone contract is up in November. Plenty of time for things to happen, right? :-S
To be totally honest, I just got a new Windows Lumia 521. I had a LG Motion before which gave me a lot of problems so I switched phones, however, I really am not happy with the windows phones. I love the android and OS apps. Thank gosh I still have my ipod touch so I can continue to use the apps I really can't live without lol. The Camera on the Lumia is terrble. but aside from that I really miss the personalization of the android. I also like how Google Voice is intergrated. There are just so many features I feel windows is leaving out.

This is just my opinion but between a Lumia or iPhone, I'd go with iPhone anyday.
I'd get an iPhone. I'm tired of Microsoft's support to other platforms, low quality apps, crashing, hanging, and lagging.
I'm not satisfied with Windows Phone, 2 months and I'll be using my Lumia for calling only because I'm getting an iPod.

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