New hinge patent reveals Microsoft was exploring possible foldable flip smartphone designs

Unfortunately, with Panos and his closest collaborators now out of Microsoft, I think hardware innovation through Surface has come to an end.

The type of innovation Panos and team delivered is something not easy to replicate, mostly because it is driven by passion far more than technical skill.

If those now running Surface are technically competent but lack strong passion, the products will only be good, but not great.
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I bought two different original Windows phones and both versions of the Surface phone. I would like to think I am smart enough not to buy another new phone from Windows. Properly not. "A sucker born every minute".
"Still, one can dream."

You misspelled nightmare.

But seriously. Why "dream" about Microsoft phones? Why do you need a phone from MS? There are plenty of phones available now. Why are you so emotionally attached to company that does not give an S about you?

MS is a business products company. Period. They are not and never will be a consumer products company. The people they listen to are businesses. Fortune 500 companies. Spend millions of dollars a year with MS and then they will listen to you.

Should Oracle sell phones? How about ADP? IBM? These companies (along with MS and many others) are very successful while having NO consumer products.

There is more to life than phones. There is more to business than selling phones. Get over it. Move on.

Its WAY past time to Let It Go.
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There was a time when any article that even remotely offered the prospect of a new Microsoft phone would have excited me, but those days are long gone.

We old windows phone users (dreamers and believers) always felt that one of the major setbacks for Microsoft was not having app support for WP.

But now, going into 2025, even if every app on earth was suddenly available to Windows, I don't think it would be enough for Microsoft to build a windows phone.
Excluding Apple and Google phones, there isn't much choice at all. I wish MS hadn't thrown in the towel. I've still got my Lumia 1020 and would love an updated version of that.
Just agreeing with others...i stayed with Microsoft brand when they developed windows phone buying all their phone range and to utilise a tablet experience the early surface Tablet style PCs . But microsofts lack of comitment to consumer level products made me feel betrayed to invest in their direction when they pulled out. Consequently i have purchased into the Apple system with phone and tablet my surfsce pc is now running Linux .Microsoft you failed me and no longer will i invest in your brands like i have the last 20yrs
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Unfortunately, with Panos and his closest collaborators now out of Microsoft, I think hardware innovation through Surface has come to an end.

The type of innovation Panos and team delivered is something not easy to replicate, mostly because it is driven by passion far more than technical skill.

If those now running Surface are technically competent but lack strong passion, the products will only be good, but not great.
It will be interesting to see what Panos is cooking up over at Amazon. Haven't heard a peep about him since he left Microsoft. Fully agree that Satya ran Panos out, and with him, any thought of innovative hardware from Microsoft. Satya sabotaged him all the way and wasted so many years that Panos could have been changing the world. Satya (and the board) needs to go, but things probably wouldn't change with a new CEO.
I bought two different original Windows phones and both versions of the Surface phone. I would like to think I am smart enough not to buy another new phone from Windows. Properly not. "A sucker born every minute".
Yup there is no point in buying another phone from them again unless 1) they get a new CEO who actually understands the need, and 2) they actually commit to a fair support cycle in today's terms.
It will be interesting to see what Panos is cooking up over at Amazon. Haven't heard a peep about him since he left Microsoft. Fully agree that Satya ran Panos out, and with him, any thought of innovative hardware from Microsoft. Satya sabotaged him all the way and wasted so many years that Panos could have been changing the world. Satya (and the board) needs to go, but things probably wouldn't change with a new CEO.
You should look at Panos' insta account, you can already see the diff he's making at Amazon. I'm personally not a customer for those products, but you can see the beauty and advancement of the devices and the Surface-style videos. I agree though, we probably won't see any true hardware innovation anymore unless Satya leaves. He's clearly holding the Surface team back. That being said, I do love my SP11 with ARM, but it's a love-hate relationship with the company.
Just agreeing with others...i stayed with Microsoft brand when they developed windows phone buying all their phone range and to utilise a tablet experience the early surface Tablet style PCs . But microsofts lack of comitment to consumer level products made me feel betrayed to invest in their direction when they pulled out. Consequently i have purchased into the Apple system with phone and tablet my surfsce pc is now running Linux .Microsoft you failed me and no longer will i invest in your brands like i have the last 20yrs
Same was a super fan boy of Microsoft for many years, but Satya has pretty much betrayed all the fans. Unless we get a new CEO there won't be any true hardware innovation anymore. How are you liking Linux on Surface? I wonder how it runs compared to Windows.

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