Hey guys, i actually just came upon this gem while researching the Microsoft TellMe program......this video was posted on youtube on the Aug 11,2011 so its new. And in the video a new HTC device is shown off with a gorgeous screen.
Windows Phone Speaks - YouTube
i recommend you guys watch the whole video as it even talks about the aforementioned TellMe program with a conceptual video at the end, but if you really cant wait, the device is introduce at approx. 2:00 min mark....
p.s. search of Microsoft Tellme on youtube and prepared to be amazed (conceptual but still damn awesome that this is their vision)
Atit D.
Windows Phone Speaks - YouTube
i recommend you guys watch the whole video as it even talks about the aforementioned TellMe program with a conceptual video at the end, but if you really cant wait, the device is introduce at approx. 2:00 min mark....
p.s. search of Microsoft Tellme on youtube and prepared to be amazed (conceptual but still damn awesome that this is their vision)
Atit D.