New Samsung Focus User


New member
Jun 25, 2011
Hello WP Central!!
I have had my Focus for about 5 days and love it. This is my second smartphone with the first being the HTC Inspire 4G. I hated that phone with a passion. There was so much clutter and Android is junk compared to WP. The software on the Focus is very smooth and runs great. I have been reading on the forums ( and just signed up to be a part of the group) and have a few questions. 1) I can't upload pics to Facebook. I just get a message that says to try again later. Is there something i need to change or reset to resolve this? 2) I hate to say it, but after reading about the updates i checked my Focus and its 1.4. I am a little worried that I won't be able to update it and am wondering if i need to take it back. 3) Is there any way to put some of my contacts into groups. The one thing i liked about the Inspire is I could make groups for sending texts out. With the Focus i can only send out to 10 at a time and its agrivating to have to put each contact into the list. Thanks.
I do have to say that after reading on the forums for a little while that this is one awesome site. Tons of information and i am really glad i signed up.
Welcome! I too am a 1.4.
Not to long ago Microsoft sorta said (not directly) that they were trying to get Samsung and ATT to do the test of the 1.4 update, so it might be soon.

Truthfully, if it is not out before July 1st or guaranteed out soon after, I would exchange it.

There are some apps for sending group txts out, but the phone has it limited to 10 people at once, so you still have to do it multiple times. But the apps allow you to create groups and save them at least. Smart apps can help you step through sending it to all people. Never used any though, so just search Zune.

I do not use Facebook, so can not help you there.
i don't upload pics to fb, so not sure either, but i would just go back right away and ask for the rev 1.3. even if it does gets a date for release, you won't be entirely sure it'll work when released. get the 1.3 and enjoy your c&p until mango. ha.

welcome to the site and windows phone. i have a focus and several android devices (inspire 4g included) and i love my wp with a passion.
I assume you have setup your Facebook credentials on your phone, you have a data connection and you are seeing updates in the Peoples hub. If so, uploading photos should work. There have been times where uploads would just stop for a half or full day, and then just start again, so it may only be server issue. Give it a day to work itself out and try again.

The Mango update coming this Fall will support groups in the Peoples hub. Not sure if you will be able to group email/text from within those groups but I think I saw a demo where they actually did something like that. As noted, in the meanwhile there are several apps, free or 0.99 tha will do group texting. Check them out in Zune and try a couple with a 3+ star rating.

I don't have a Focus, but the more I read about r1.4, the more I believe Samsungs problem is that they really need to flash a correct ROM on these devices, so that the Microsoft update tool can handle it properly, and they cant figure out how to do that remotely. So it may be some time before they inevitably (worst case scenario for them) come up with a plan to exchange devices or ask users to send them in for reflashing. Again, just my theory. With that said, I would try to exchange it.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Thanks for all the info. I'm going to give it one more week to see if anything else is said about the update and if not, try and get it exchanged at the AT&T store. I don't know about anyone else but the one here is full of apple fanboys (not downing em, just sayin) who tried their hardest to get me to get a 3GS. I hate to break it to em but when IOS 5 comes out their 3GS will probably be put to pasture. Now to spend the day doing some "app" searching.
Hello WP Central!!
1) I can't upload pics to Facebook. I just get a message that says to try again later. Is there something i need to change or reset to resolve this?

Have you signed into facebook? Where you create accounts / email accounts? Not sure what the issue would be otherwise. If you are signed in with the account, which you must be for the option to be there, go to facebook on your computer and make sure your windows phone has access to your account.

2) I hate to say it, but after reading about the updates i checked my Focus and its 1.4. I am a little worried that I won't be able to update it and am wondering if i need to take it back.

Personally I would return it for another. Thats a hardware defect imo. That is if you bought it from a store.

3) Is there any way to put some of my contacts into groups. The one thing i liked about the Inspire is I could make groups for sending texts out. With the Focus i can only send out to 10 at a time and its agrivating to have to put each contact into the list. Thanks.

Group contacts are coming with the next update (you can send group texts/email ect), and again I would return your 1.4 phone as you still haven't even gotten the NoDo update, so who knows how Mango will go.

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