New SP4 - First things First


New member
Dec 17, 2015
So, I have been lurking around on this site/forums for more than a year, since before the SP4 launch, and have posted on a few occasions. I was very excited about the SP4 launch but had put off my purchase after reading issues upon issues being posted on here. However, lately, it seems like the constant updates to W10 and the recent driver fixes (?) have addressed (?) quite a few of the initially reported issues/bugs/problems/shortcomings/etc. (I am not an expert so if I misstate anything, please go easy on me). Also, my 2009 imac (main home computer) is too old and too slow these days.

That, and a couple other factors, pushed me into purchasing the SP4 about an hour ago. MicroCenter had the i5/8GB/256GB SP4 for $1049.00 and is offering an extra $150 off for students (am a part time student, and was able to get the coupon sent to my .edu email). Also, it being the back-to-school tax free weekend in my state, there was no tax. To make it more compelling, MicroCenter had the Surface Dock on sale for $99.00. I figured i5 SP4 + dock for $998 out the door was a decent deal, and went for it. (they tried to sell me a lot of other stuff, like anti-virus, and damage protection, etc. etc. but I didn't purchase any of that - was that a right call btw?).

Long story short, after connecting it and creating a new windows account, the SP4 is now plugged in and sitting on the desk doing some updates to the OS. And meanwhile, I came here (on work machine) looking for some articles that were put out for noobs like myself on setting up a new SP4 and the recommended settings, and tips and tricks etc. and I cannot locate any of those articles/posts that I had found very informative when I had initially read months ago. I thought some of those posts were made "sticky" but I don't see them now (or maybe that was my imagination) . But thats what I need help with. Maybe starting a new thread for this purpose is an overkill but if it stays and grows, I thought it would be helpful for those like me who are new to the SP4 (also, am coming from OSX and am gonna have a tonne of newbie questions as I learn W10; but I guess thats OS specific). Thanks in advance.

Edit: BTW, I plan on using the iMac as an external display for the SP4... sort of a protest gesture :) not very happy with Apple lately...
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I make from Chintian my words: for the price and sacrifice you made to buy the SP4 you should have got the damage protection. Just imagine that you let fall your beloved surface from the nightstand and you crack the screen........

I bought mine with a lot of sacrifice, waited for the right promo and included a full protection contrat with it, costed me 100€ for a year but if i have any problem with my device (type cover included) they will replace it without problems.

If you still can try to get it ......

Many shops like PC world make as much money selling anti virus as they do pc's, I believe the sales staff only get commission on these extras.

Been running all my devices with Defender and a bit of common sense with no problems for sometime. now
Many shops like PC world make as much money selling anti virus as they do pc's, I believe the sales staff only get commission on these extras.

Been running all my devices with Defender and a bit of common sense with no problems for sometime. now

surely not the same rates. KAV can cost 15USD while a PC can cost 400USD minimum - so profits from both aren't the same, even if you consider 1 pc sold for every 5 AV :wink:
Thanks for the feedback everybody! I did think about getting the "accidental damage protection" coverage, but the cost of coverage for 1 year was $200 and for 2 years was $330. At $899 purchase price for the SP4, this comes out to be 22.25% of the cost for 1 year coverage, and 36.7% of cost for 2 year coverage. In my mind, that was too high a price to insure against accidental damage. Thats the reason I decided not to purchase it.

On the topic of protection against viruses, I do not have much first hand experience. My main home computer is (has been) the iMac on which I have never run any anti-virus because I didn't need it. On the work-issued Win 7 laptop, the company takes care of deploying/maintaining any necessary anti-virus periodically, to which I don't pay any attention (I mostly use the work laptop to run SAP GUI, MS Office, Opera browser, and a couple other applications - not a power user). Now I am considering though if I need something on the SP4; or is the built in Defender good enough for the job? I was wondering how good it could be because if Defender was really that good/effective, then wouldn't MS be putting its business partners (or those of its OEM's) out of business? I know that reasoning is kind of borderline conspiracy theorists' thinking :) but as I said, I have no experience with these, nor the understanding of their business model.

My wife recently got a cheap ($300) Lenovo (W10 Pro) because the school is going all digital (5th grader son) and every time I use that machine, the constant reminders (to put it mildly) from the pre-installed anti-virus software to "upgrade" (purchase) is so frustrating that am considering un-installing all that BS... but I haven't done so yet because I don't feel confident or knowledgeable enough of the consequences.
As I mentioned, gave up on using anti virus stuff when I went to 8/8.1, I have a few devices and so does my family, all just using Defender.

The common sense bit is being careful about what sites you visit, porn, gambling and download sites seem to the worst, and then using standard practice about links in emails etc.

I used to use various AV's and some of the larger ones (As often sold by large retailers) to me are almost worst than having a virus, I have heard they have improved, but I am sticking with Defender.

And yes Chintan I have talked to staff in a few shops and the ones in question, no commission on pc's, plenty on AV's and extras.
As I mentioned, gave up on using anti virus stuff when I went to 8/8.1, I have a few devices and so does my family, all just using Defender.

The common sense bit is being careful about what sites you visit, porn, gambling and download sites seem to the worst, and then using standard practice about links in emails etc.

I used to use various AV's and some of the larger ones (As often sold by large retailers) to me are almost worst than having a virus, I have heard they have improved, but I am sticking with Defender.

Thanks for the feedback. I am going to look closer into the Defender settings and hopefully I can get by without needing anything else.
Thanks for the feedback. I am going to look closer into the Defender settings and hopefully I can get by without needing anything else.

defender is pretty simple and the operation is quite quiet and not intrusive. The updates are bundled with OS updates. As was said, keep your browsing safe, be alert and you'll be fine

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