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x I'm tc

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Feb 15, 2011
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Hello guys,

I am about to convert from webOS to Windows Phone. I am going to be taking my father along for the ride. Before I make the plunge, I want to be sure of one thing. I am hoping you can help me out! Apologies if this is answered elsewhere, but a quick search revealed only a solution via Google, and the reason I'm choosing WP7 is I don't like Google!

So: My father is a heavy user of Notes in Outlook. He has an Exchange account and that works great on his Palm Pre. However, Notes is the one component of Outlook that does not sync via Exchange. Is there a good way to sync Notes from Outlook/Exchange to WP7 that doesn't involve using a Google account?


PS Any word on whether Evernote will be coming to WP7?!?
PPS Does OneNote up in SkyDrive work well on WP7?

x I'm tc

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Feb 15, 2011
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You should introduce your father to OneNote and it's SkyDrive integration. He will forget all about notes.

I know OneNote is very nice. Does it integrate well with WP7? That is, if we go through the effort to get all his Outlook notes into OneNote (not an easy thing, by the way!), will he be able to take notes on his phone and have them show up at his desk and vice versa?

Thanks for all the advice.

By the way, I take it from the above responses that there really *isn't* a way to sync your notes with Outlook on WP7. Seems like a bizarre omission!


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Feb 12, 2011
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I know OneNote is very nice. Does it integrate well with WP7? That is, if we go through the effort to get all his Outlook notes into OneNote (not an easy thing, by the way!), will he be able to take notes on his phone and have them show up at his desk and vice versa?

Thanks for all the advice.

By the way, I take it from the above responses that there really *isn't* a way to sync your notes with Outlook on WP7. Seems like a bizarre omission!

Most likely this will come with future updates, but they just wanted to get the core functions up and running first. And yes, OneNote syncs from phone to pc via cloud. Its quite nice. Check out the above video.

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