New Windows Phone user question about Windows Live


New member
Dec 20, 2011
Greetings to all,

A few weeks ago, I purchased an HTC Titan. I also have experienced call quality problems but, for now, have decided to keep the phone.

I have some confusion about setting up a Windows Live account. I use Outlook 2010 for my email and have a long established Comcast account. I have set up this account on my Titan. As to the Windows Live account, I understand that I can use my Comcast address, but do I use the password associated with that account or do I establish a new one specifically for Windows Live?

I would rather not set up a Hotmail account for Windows Live. That said, is it potentially problematic to use my Comcast address for the Windows Live account? Some research indicates that once the Windows Live account is set up, establishing a different Windows Live account will require hard setting the phone. I would rather avoid that.

I posted a similar message on the AT&T Forum but also decided to ask Wpcentral members for input.

Thank you for your time.
First off, welcome to WPC. I believe you can set u your Live ID to be one of your existing emails. I actually have an Xbox account in which I created a live email, so I'm not sure.

Hopefully more can chime in.

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
Thank you, duvi, for the welcome. I am pleased to be a member of such a fine group.

I believe I can use my existing email address but am unsure whether the password needs to be the same that I use for my email account or is a password set up for Windows Live. Microsoft's site does not provide the answer I am looking for. Basically, it indicates that one can use an existing email address but then asks for a new password. There is a clarity issue here about using an established email account password or setting up a new one while using the same email address. Ah well.
Greetings to all,

A few weeks ago, I purchased an HTC Titan. I also have experienced call quality problems but, for now, have decided to keep the phone.

I have some confusion about setting up a Windows Live account. I use Outlook 2010 for my email and have a long established Comcast account. I have set up this account on my Titan. As to the Windows Live account, I understand that I can use my Comcast address, but do I use the password associated with that account or do I establish a new one specifically for Windows Live?

I would rather not set up a Hotmail account for Windows Live. That said, is it potentially problematic to use my Comcast address for the Windows Live account? Some research indicates that once the Windows Live account is set up, establishing a different Windows Live account will require hard setting the phone. I would rather avoid that.

I posted a similar message on the AT&T Forum but also decided to ask Wpcentral members for input.

Thank you for your time.

You'll choose a new password, but you can make it the same if you want. You can change the email address associated with your account later on your Xbox if you want to, but you can only change it every thirty days (don't know why).

Welcome to the board!
Thanks, jalb, for the response. I will set up the account today. I will, however, use a different password than the one associated with my email account. By the way, I do not have an Xbox. I used to love playing games, but those days are long gone. Actually, the last game I recall playing on my PC was a Lucas Arts flght simulator. I think it was a WWI game. In any case, I only use my phone for occasional calls, Office products, and Internet access. Gee but I have gotten old.

Thanks to you, jfa1, for the kind welcome.

By the way, I too have experienced "muddy" voice problems with my phone, and yesterday there was quite a bit of echo on one call. That said, considering how often I use the phone for calls, I will probably keep this unit. If, however, the echo issue continues, I will not be able to tolerate that.

Enjoy the day and thanks again.
I got the echo effect yesterday. I just consider it one of those random things that can affect any cell phone at any moment.
Thanks for the note, Figure 8 Dash. I suspect you are right about the echo. I may well be waiting for problems to happen versus just enjoying the phone. I see that you also use a Focus. I was tempted to purchase the Focus S, but I liked the size of the Titan.

Enjoy the day.
My wife complains about an echo on her iPhone 4S. I have experienced it transiently on every phone I've ever had, so it's probably inherent to the technology.
You can setup your comcast email as your login for Windows Live. It will be a differant password, just like facebook or any other website that you use your email address to sign into.
Also, you can add your comcast email account to your phone so that it will recieve your email. Go into Settings, then email+accounts, then add an account. Chose "other account" and put in your email and password.

You will also need to setup an Xbox Live name. It should be differant than your <name>@comcast, or you risk being forced to change later.
MajorLonghorn, I am coming from a Nokia E7 and did experience the echo issue once in a very long while, so I should have remembered that. As mentioned, I am probably just a wee bit nervous about the other problems noted on this board.

Thanks so much for the informative reply, gekkoace. I can't imagine wanting to use the Xbox feature in the near future, but that may well change. After all, I ought to be more interactive with the features of the phone.

Actually, I do have another question. The other day, I visited the site on my phone. The videos looked fairly good, but I expected it them to be much sharper. This may be due to my past three year experience with the small screen of the Nokia. On that phone, the videos look quite good. Would it be better to download the Youtube app rather than using the site?

Again, thank you to all. You have been extremely kind to me.

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