New Xbox One Owner. What do I need?

Oct 23, 2013
So, Microsoft Store opened here today and I was fortunate enough to walk away with an Xbox One AC Unity Bundle and as someone who hasn't owned an Xbox in 3 years or any game console for that matter, I am wondering what are the essentials I should grab.

First: I have cable but no cable box as Basic Cable comes free with our internet. If I buy a Coax to HDMI can I still use the Xbox One as a play through? From what I understand, without having a cable box I won't be able use the guide but not sure on this.

Second: Should I go ahead and grab a Portable HDD? I hear so many say that games are huge and I'd rather not run out of storage.

I know I need a second controller and charge kit but that's all I can think of.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
Cable wont work without a box unfortunately, I have tried. I'd hold off on a hard drive. You can always uninstall games as you go. Chances are you wont be playing 10 games at once. Just check out the app store, get the halo collection, a second controller and your all set. Also download smartglass. Great app
Like killak said, you need a cable/sat box, or perhaps a digital converter box for the tv features to work. For what's its worth, I have my DirecTV genie connected and the experience is fast! I just got my XB1 Kinect AC Unity bundle last weekend. Definatley want a second controller and the energizer recharger stand looks totally wicked with nice reviews
You won't need a HD right away, but as you mentioned games are pretty big. I got my Xbox One on day one and I just added an external HD a month or so ago. How soon you'll need one depends on how quickly you buy games and if your comfortable deleting stuff. Ditto on the SmartGlass app, it is pretty useful.

You may wish to check out EA Access too. If you like the games they have in the vault it is a pretty good deal.

You may also wish to check the Power Mode. In the US it defaults on Instant On which is useful because it will then be listening for voice commands and automatically download updates or games you may have purchased via SmartGlass away from your Xbox. Some people prefer to give up those features and just have their Xbox turn off.

Finally, if you haven't already give some thought to how you wish to purchase your games. With the One you now have to option to go all digital. I prefer digital, but many folks still prefer to have an actual physical disc.

Enjoy your new Xbox!
Thanks guys. I'm not sure which charger it was but the one I looked at was a stand that kind of made controllers stand out with a 3D floating effect. Will check it out Sunday at the store once the Grand Openings over and I can get some kid in a candy store time.

I do have a few 320GB HDDs with adapters so I'll just use those till I see a need.

Had forgotten about the Smartglass app, thanks.

Did just go and bought a Coax to HDMI adapter after recommendation from Microsoft and believe it or not but it does work with the guide without cable box. Got lucky as Store Rep said it could be hit or miss.

Hopefully I can get this thing update fully and get some game time. If it weren't for it eating my data I'd tether it to my phone and get updates done. Man my Wi-Fi sucks.

Thanks guys will def check out EA and others. Aside from Forza, anything related to reaching like NFS I have got to get most definitely.
Well, took all night and all day to download on this weak frickin Wi-Fi so I did the first episode and though I'm a complete newb I'm loving it. Spent the last of my gift card on some credit, 12 month subscription and got Halo MCC. Been a long time since I played a gaming system but have to say, this is friggin awesome.

Thanks for input guys.

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