Newbie to windows 10 advise

Kev Pearson

New member
Aug 14, 2015
I am using a lumia 640 on o2 in the uk.

New to winows phone have installed all the apps i know facebook deezer etc.

Are there any good apps to make it a good experience and any off the radar apps that are good to use?

Any tips or advise to help it be good.

I like the simplicity of the os and the lumia 640 camera
I'm sure you will get some good and useful suggestions from many other posters. My advice is to move from app to app slowly and digest what it does and can do to benefit you.

There is a pall hovering over Windows Mobile OS and hardware right now so keep an open mine. I just bought my 6th 950 xl. I have bought and sold more windows phones than the average bear has. I keep coming back because something just resides inside me that loves the OS and the simplicity of how it works. You have started with a mid level Windows Phone and I think what it can and will do will entice you to move up to the next level at some point

Good luck with your 640, you will learn to enjoy the world of Windows Mobile through this really nice phone.
First of all, welcome to Windows Mobile. We need all the extra fans we can get (we do, admit it). Many people will most likely start on about the doom and gloom and app gap between Windows Mobile and iOS or Android, and yes, it's a gulf. But, there is still enough apps to do everything you most likely need a phone to do. Just don't expect the latest apps like Pokémon Go or Snapchat, other than that, just go through the Store and find the apps that work for you and your needs and you will be fine.

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