No-Do update and Samsung Focus...


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Mar 8, 2011
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after debranding, all i did was put it in airplane mode and then updated. no need to do the trick with disconnecting your internet.

Exactly. I found a way on the XDA pages... turn of the cell connection, leave wifi on. No Tom Foolery or Hokus Pokus. Phone was unlocked and debranded.


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Mar 1, 2011
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If ATT's status doesn't change to "Scheduling" sometime in the next week then I'm gonna have myself a debranded, NoDo Focus soon.

And I had to restrain myself from Aprils Fooling the forum with a photoshopped screenshot of the "Where's My Update" page with a scheduling message for ATT. :D


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Dec 5, 2010
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The only reason I have not unlocked and debranded yet is my uncertainty what might be included in the NoDo update from AT&T. Will it have any Carrier-specific updates that I will miss out on by getting an unbranded NoDo? It's almost impossible to tell until the AT&T update hits.


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Apr 6, 2011
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No-Do Update from AT&T

Still no update.
Microsoft is launching a PR campaign (we won't rest until you all are updated and happy).

But what about AT&T? Are they saying anything, or just sitting on their thumbs?

They're the ones I'm paying each month for state-of-the-art service. From what I understand, Microsoft did its part months ago. Shouldn't we all be ragging on AT&T?


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Dec 30, 2009
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I used the technique Loiselle mentioned. I just got tired of waiting. If there's some fixes in the officialy released update then I'll try to get that as well. But as it is I'm happy with copy and paste and a games that load faster.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express


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Dec 21, 2010
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I own a Samsung Focus from ATT. It is NOT unlocked nor it is a developer's phone. I've waited and waited and waited and came to the conclusion that ATT is not about to do anything about the update anytime soon. So I went ahead and used Chris Walshie's "ChevronWP7.updater" tool and it worked flawlessly for my Focus. I've been rocking NoDo on my phone and i have to say over all it is running very well Especially when it comes to apps load time and performance not to mention copy & Paste (at last). Having said all the above and finding for myself that NoDo does work on Samsung Focus and functions without any issues i find myself bedazzled and very confused in regards of ATT behavior toward the update specifically for the Focus users. Why delay it? If the update impact a certain number of Focus phones then why not identify the phones (may it be by SN or Revision number) and provide a specific update process for these particular effected phone? Why the secrecy around the update? and more than anything Why Microsoft not able to push the update themselves like most phone makers do (Nokia, apple...etc) Even HTC was pushing its own Rom with the update on it for their phones. Sorry didn't mean to go over board with my comment over here but I am just not happy with the way things are being handled by MS and ATT. The answer Yes there is a way to get NoDo on your phone but it seems that everyone now trying to scare you from applying it to your phone and asking you to wait for the official update coming from ATT...... In the end its your choice.

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