No Location on Photos


New member
Dec 31, 2015
While location is added to selfies, yet no location added to photos taken using rear camera lens, a major drawback to 950XL capabilities. :crying:
10586.494 - front and rear facing pics both have location info on mine

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
While location is added to selfies, yet no location added to photos taken using rear camera lens, a major drawback to 950XL capabilities. :crying:

you're on redstone? Can you check whether your older pictures had the gps info? Say 2 months back?
I have the same problem on mine in redstone.
It was working some weeks ago.
I saw that sometimes it's working in hdr mode!
This issue can't be due to 950XL device being defective because this feature was working normally until last couple of updates to OS as well as to Photo app etc.
Yeah, I see this now too, and I double-checked, my location info is enabled, for the Camera app.
File an issue, and I'll upvote it...
I have a Nokia Lumia 520 with Windows Phone 8.1. I have tried to set the phone to record the GPS location for photos but without positive results.

In Pictures+camera. the option "Include location info in pictures you take." is checked and the GPS is turned on.

There is an WP application called "GeoPhoto". It finds no pictures with GPS coordinates on my phone. I also downloaded the pictures in my computer but under properties->details I could not locate any GPS coordinates.
I very much suspect no GPS photos are due to insufficient signal from nearby cell phone towers, or electromagnetic interference with those signals due to nearby sources.
This was never my experience. I was in a citie(s), had 50mbps of cell signal from multiple towers, plenty of GPS, and my location, if used in Cortana, knew *exactly* where I was, for finding anything near me, down to maybe 1/2 block.

If Cortana can tell me where there's a Greek restaurant around the corner, and exactly how to get there, why can't the camera tag the photo exactly?

Nix, there's a camera bug, or the camera is using a slightly different API. I'm sure it's something latent, I know I've seen posts where people have mentioned a way to "force" the functionality to work, but I don't recall the specifics right now.

My Nexus 6P tags my photos, in the the same places, with absolutely zero issues, and I don't think it's ever failed, not a single time that I can recall.

Oh yeah, and I've had one crash/hang, since I switched, in August, even running 7.1.1, which is still in Beta for the 6P.

I REALLY miss my Win UI and tight Windows Live integration, after so many years of use, but I really DON'T miss all the bugs/issues.

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