No need to wait for Windows 10 anymore


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Aug 1, 2014
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Being owner of a Lumia 1520 (which is supposed to bring the best experience with WP) for almost a year and really really really giving WP a try I switch back to my good old Nexus 4. The way MS is heading with Windows 10 does not bring improvement to the flaws that bother most about the current WP.

First to mention is the ******** way of "multitasking" in combination with the push service. While the "resuming" message can be considered as a minor annoyance this WP "feature" sets some serious limitations for creators of apps. For example no VoIP softphone app is able to receive calls unless you have the phone unlocked and the app running in the foreground - very useful, lol. Oh right, the creator of the app supposed to run a cloud service to make use of push notifications. Saving battery life does not justify such drastic limitations.
Also there are lot of API's missing, even for basic things like getting the current signal strength or the amount of used data.
Users request support for OpenVPN as well for many years in WP already which is ignored completely.

The recently announced attempts to make porting apps from Android or iOS to Windows 10 easier is just a marketing gag and will cause a hype only among some tech websites but ignored by app creators.
Everybody who had a piece of code that need to be ported from one platform to another knows it is not that easy as MS claims it is by simply uploading your .apk to a website for compatibility check and change a few lines of code - there you go! Of course users will now blame the app creators even more than before if they not release their apps for Windows since now it is "so easy". And those programmers who have already released apps for WP won't care about this anyway, tho these apps always lack a lot of features compared to their Android or iOS counterpart, often enough due to limitations of the operating system.
This even counts, ironically, for the OneDrive app.
A substantial solution for this ongoing dilemma would have been the native support of android apps, like Blackberry did. But that was just a wish and ignored as well.

Pretty disappointing is also the lineup of Phones: besides the confusing numbering scheme of the Lumia devices it has also been an ongoing question (and demand) here in the forums for a new flagship phone since the 1520 disappeared in stores for a few months already without even the announcement of a successor.

The slow rollout of firmwares (that spreads over months) and OS updates (even for the TP) is pretty disappointing and unprofessional as well in combination with their missed timelines - delays delays delays. No wonder Belfiore had to state the release of Win 10 for phones will be delayed and the desktop version to improve continously ( = permanent construction site).
Same disappointment is the way Microsoft deals with hardware issues certain phones have: the 1520 was heavily plagued by touchscreen problems caused by hardware design faults as often enough you reading of users who had their display units replaced multiple times without improving it much.
Story continues with the Lumia 535 being released last year and every firmware update claims to fix the touchscreen issues while for the majority of users it doesn't. At least Microsoft now acknowledged the problem so there seems to be at least a learning curve.

About the unique platform for all devices Windows 10 claims to be I wonder what will happen to Windows RT?
No Insider App, no leaking screenshots of builds, no news or timelines except the vague, unpopular statement that it will later only receive "some" features of Windows 10. This platform seems abandoned already. Why does this remind me of WP 7?

Overall I am pretty disappointed with development regarding mobile platforms like smartphone and tablet. It appears much more like a playground for MS to try out some new concepts than a solid platform for daily use especially in comparison with its competitors.
For desktop things are different and also with Windows 10 I feel being on the right track and for sure will upgrade to Windows 10, no doubt.
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Jan 11, 2015
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My experience is quite opposite. My Lumia 920 got stolen recently and I had to switch to my old Xperia. And the experience is quite jarring. No live tiles kinda make me feel lost when using the phone. The phone feels just lifeless. Also the apps, agreed they have more features, but they try to put too much info and controls on the screen, which makes it impossible for user to focus on what's the most important. Even though I don't like the UI design MS is heading with Windows 10, but I don't think I will leave Windows for anything else.


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Aug 1, 2014
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Wow how surprising to see many educated and substantial posts here. That's what happens if you run out of arguments. :winktongue:

PS: I'm talking about Win10 on mobile platforms, not for desktop!


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Oct 17, 2013
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Wow how surprising to see many educated and substantial posts here. That's what happens if you run out of arguments. :winktongue:

PS: I'm talking about Win10 on mobile platforms, not for desktop!

Has it occurred to you ...

Win10 on mobile platforms may just be a bit behind the desktop version. They (MS principles) have stipulated that Win10 mobile will be released AFTER Win10 (for desktops). Now, that being said, IF you're basing your opinion on Insider Preview for mobile, AGREE, currently it's kinda meh.

However, an article I just read, shows some of the design enhancements coming for Win10 mobile - (wait for it) ...
based on user feedback.

Old saying 'Good code takes time' ...
your post came off as a rant, ready to dismiss Win10 mobile based on very early builds.

What type of response did you expect on a Windows forum - there are a requisite number of fanboys here (not me), who would smack that stuff back at you. I'll take a wait and see approach, I'm actually anxious for the next build - on my backup Lumia 635. My daily driver (Lumia 1520) will not take Win10 mobile, until it's at RTM level, probably in ~~ 3 months.


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Jan 14, 2012
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I love all these conclusions that are gathering up around the net about the open tech preview that Microsoft is inviting us to volounteer to... People are judging books by the color of their neighbours car.


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Aug 1, 2014
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Well if you read my first post carefully it is about the OS itself and not the the UI or design. And I am pretty sure even the early builds can give a good impression of that and no drastic changes to be done to that anymore. Especially if you keep in mind the idea of universal apps throughout the develpment process of a multi-platform OS. So I am pretty convinced that there are no surprises regarding the "core" (multitasking, notifications, API's) of the new OS on mobile devices.
For sure MS listen to some feedback. And for sure we will see many changes - but not behind the scene of the OS. Well honestly what you refer to is mostly related to the user interface. Actually some people indeed care if they have an extra column of tiles or a hamburger vs. dots to bring up a menu. But please... :grincry:
Well I still have the latest build of TP on my 1520 and it's normal early builds have bugs. But what made me finally abandon WP is that still the same annoyances (see above) persist. And there is not just me complaining about it.


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Jul 28, 2014
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Well if you read my first post carefully it is about the OS itself and not the the UI or design. And I am pretty sure even the early builds can give a good impression of that and no drastic changes to be done to that anymore. Especially if you keep in mind the idea of universal apps throughout the develpment process of a multi-platform OS. So I am pretty convinced that there are no surprises regarding the "core" (multitasking, notifications, API's) of the new OS on mobile devices.
For sure MS listen to some feedback. And for sure we will see many changes - but not behind the scene of the OS. Well honestly what you refer to is mostly related to the user interface. Actually some people indeed care if they have an extra column of tiles or a hamburger vs. dots to bring up a menu. But please... :grincry:
Well I still have the latest build of TP on my 1520 and it's normal early builds have bugs. But what made me finally abandon WP is that still the same annoyances (see above) persist. And there is not just me complaining about it.
Yeah i do feel The same way! We used to think it is The developers fault but it is the OS that is limited, and although I enjoy a UI refresh, that alone is not enough Microsoft! Shake up the OS a little ! You're the biggest tech Company ! Add those Missing API s the developers need and add the basic Missing features we've always cried to get ! I've been a Loyal WP fan but Microsoft is damn slow to keep us in , and to all the Other fan boys who are going to start going " then go to IOS " I do what I want and I have the right to say that th OS is a little behind /but it still is my favorite / so yeah , there are alot feeling like you my friend, just a thin line of hope is what keeping me here ( and the Perfect design of the Lumia1520) .


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Jun 27, 2014
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I agree with you, unless they learn from what Android apps actually can do and fixed the OS limitation, it won't change anything. I'd say give more API's, remove those system limitation, let any app do whatever they are able to, but make it super hard to manually deploy app and only allow apps installed from Store which is monitored heavily app-by-app. Yeah I don't think that's possible, won't be easy. Let's see what they'll do, they said they will look into this issue at //build/. And regarding multi tasking, it's fine if an app suspended as long as their function continue to work i.e. for VoIP app like u mentioned or app that does download, either by providing more type of background agent by OS that handle specific task for all app or let app run their own background agent just like in Android.

And about hardware defects that never fixed, that's amazing they manage to make 535 successful sale with that frustrating touch screen issue...


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Jul 8, 2014
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What apps can't be ported to WP because of APIs limitations?

On top of that Microsoft said during the first keynote it was building tons of APIs in preparation for windows 10.

lremove those system limitation, let any app do whatever they are able to

Not going to happen, there's a reason that WP is the most secure of the three major mobile OSes. Following your advice would cripple its security and fluidity.


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Feb 26, 2012
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Agreed that Android has so many APIs open to the developers and but that compromises the security of the end user (consumer).

As mentioned in the Build video for Project Astoria, the API for accessing the browser control has the biggest security threat on android.

A good OS is one that does not compromise the security of the user and yet delivers a good experience. And windows phone delivers that experience without compromising the users security.
Posted on Lumia 1520 via Taptalk


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Jun 27, 2014
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On top of that Microsoft said during the first keynote it was building tons of APIs in preparation for windows 10.

Not going to happen, there's a reason that WP is the most secure of the three major mobile OSes. Following your advice would cripple its security and fluidity.

That's what I mean, it's not possible to have security and ultimate freedom at the same time, you always have to compromise something. Which is why waiting for W10 will be more exciting to see what they can do about it 😊, they have more challenge now. At build they answer most questions with 'no', 'It's still in early stage', and 'We'll provide the most optimum path for that', but almost no straight 'yes' answer.


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Jun 23, 2014
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As others in here have mentioned, I don't want my phone's security compromised simply so a couple of apps can do a couple of fancy things I don't care about and would never use.

And I say I would never use them because I don't use them now. My Lumia 930 does everything I need it to right now.

Being able to port over iOS and Android Apps easier than before was never meant to ensure all app devs will jump on board with Windows 10, but it makes it easier none the less. In combination with the possibility of making your app universal for phones, PC's, laptops, tablets and Xboxes..... It makes it even more enticing, but that again isn't meant as a way to promise all of these other apps will come flooding in.

Many will for multiple reasons, but how many will remains to be seen.

Either way, some of course will not like the direction W10 is going, while others will. A company making a product can only try to please the majority of its customers as you can not please everyone.

They have been getting feedback from many and have seen what went right and what went wrong in Windows 8/8.1.... And believe it or not, the majority like where W10 is heading overall.

You obviously don't. So be it.... Android is that way ->

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